Привет.Сегодня вы одиноки так же как и я? Правда ведь? Тогда я хочу по перевод - Привет.Сегодня вы одиноки так же как и я? Правда ведь? Тогда я хочу по английский как сказать

Привет.Сегодня вы одиноки так же ка


Сегодня вы одиноки так же как и я? Правда ведь? Тогда я хочу послать вам мои прекрасные сладкие малиновые поцелуи дорогой. Я пишу вам это письмо сидя в одиночестве смотря на звезды в ночном небе. Они такие яркие и светят с надеждой, что где-то ты на них смотришь тоже.
Я очень веселая девушка, и редко грущу. Люблю тепло и уют, а так же творческую обстановку ведь это моя душа. Я наслаждаюсь когда пишу стихи или песни а так же сочиняю музыку к ним. Я часто провожу свое время в студии потому что там я могу раскрыть полностью свой талант. Мне приходится редко кушать мороженное, которое я так люблю потому, что мой голос может исчезнуть. У меня нет вредных привычек, и я надеюсь у вас так же.
Я очень люблю путешествовать и познавать мир и свою сущность. Я люблю одеваться в красочную одежду, она приносит мне удачу и позитивное настроение. Я часто бываю у моря, оно вдохновляет меня на новые песни, люблю собирать ракушки, мне нравится слушать шум прибоя и чаек.
Будешь ли ты моей музой?
С любовью, Ольга.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Hello.Today you are lonely just like me? It is true after all? Then I want to send you my lovely sweet raspberry kisses Darling. I am writing this letter to you sitting alone looking at the stars in the night sky. They are bright and shining with hope that somewhere you look at them too.I am a very cheerful girl and rarely sad. Love the warmth and comfort, as well as creative environment it's my soul. I enjoy when I write poems or songs as well as compose music for it. I often spend my time in the Studio because I can open fully his talent. I rarely eat ice cream, which I love so much because my voice could disappear. I have no bad habits, and I hope you do the same. I love to travel and discover the world and its essence. I love to dress up in colorful clothes, it brings me good luck and positive mood. I often go to the sea, it inspires me to new songs, love to collect shells, I like listening to the sound of the surf and seagulls.Will you my muse? With love, Olga.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Today you are lonely just like me? The truth is not it? Then I want to send you my lovely sweet raspberry kisses the road. I am writing this letter to you sitting alone looking at the stars in the night sky. They are so bright and shining with hope that somewhere you look at them, too.
I am very cheerful girl, and seldom sad. I love the warmth and comfort, as well as the creative environment that's my soul. I enjoy when I write poems or songs as well as composing music for them. I often spend my time in the studio because that's where I reveal fully his talent. I rarely have to eat ice cream, which I love because my voice can disappear. I have no bad habits and I hope you do as well.
I love to travel and explore the world and its essence. I love to dress up in colorful clothes, it brings me good luck and positive mood. I often go to the sea, it inspires me to new songs, I love to collect seashells, I like to listen to the sound of the surf and seagulls.
Will you be my muse?
Love, Olga.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
hi.today, are you lonely just like me? isn"t it? then i want to send you my beautiful sweet raspberry kiss, darling. i write you this letter sitting alone, watching the stars in the night sky. they are bright and shining with hope that somewhere you"re looking at them, too.i am a very happy girl, and often sad. i love the warmth and comfort, as well as the creative environment is my soul. i enjoy writing poetry or song as well as composing them. i often spend their time in the studio because i can solve all your talent. i have rarely eat ice cream, which i love because my voice would disappear. i have no bad habits, and i hope you have the same.i love to travel and to explore the world and its nature. i like to wear colorful clothes, she brings me luck and positive mood. i often go by the sea, it inspires me a new song, like to collect seashells, i like to listen to the surf and seagulls.will you be my muse?love, olga.
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