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Rouble devaluation has made Russian goods dangerous to neighboring countries. It has become known as the Â", Kazakhstan seriously discussing a ban or restrictions on the delivery of the Russian Federation who are too cheap petroleum products,Vehicles, metal, chicken, flour, fruit juices and confectionery products: their Kazakh producers now could not compete on price with the Russian. For Russian companies in Kazakhstan is not too large business,But such solutions directly threatens the economic integration of the two countries.lord today should be held consultations on the solution of problems in mutual trade between Russia and Kazakhstan,Sources told Kommersant in Hares, Eurasian economic commission and the market food products. According to them,Astana insists on a ban or restrictions on the supply of a number of products from the Russian Federation in connection with the threat domestic market of Kazakhstan because of the devaluation of the rouble (in relation to the tenge - 47 % ).It is the refined products, vehicles, and batteries for them, building armatures, Ukrsepro products, стеклотаре, meat and eggs, chicken macaroni and confectionery products, flour and juices.Source: "Missive" in Hares said that negotiations are already a week and "sufficient justification for the imposition of restrictions is not submitted".Statistics Customs Union does not confirm that a sharp increase in imports of the products in Kazakhstan, says official. But, recognizes it, statistics do not take into account political tendencies and volumes of imported физлицами.
"The major additional import volumes from Russia are the non-observed trade regime, therefore, this is an uncontrolled manner and do not lend themselves to" ,- confirms Kazakh official.
"Kommersant" in Hares, now experts two countries specify volumes and price import settings.
The National Chamber entrepreneurs of Kazakhstan (НППРК) suggested that the Government of the country to establish a complete ban on the import of poultry meat,As the average customs export price for the product declined from 760 up to 380 tenge tenge for 1 kg). In this case only cost Kazakh chicken 400 tenge.According to the Chief of National Meat Association Board Sergey Юшина, in 2014 from Russia in Kazakhstan is 40 thousand tons of chicken meat. He recognizes,That the Russian Turkey "высококонкурентна" when wholesale price in the Russian Federation at the level 105-108 rub. for 1 kg.lord, however, stresses the broadly covered, Kazakhstan, incoming to the customs union,Could reduce the volume of supplies from third countries (quota in 2014 amounted to 110 thousand tons). At the same time, said Ivatsevichy economic forecasting Gazprombank Darya smashed faces,In Kazakhstan is not more than 1% of the total production of the Russian chicken. In fact, explains the expert, the restrictions will affect only a few specific companies. Import eggs, the price which only with the beginning of the year fell by 20 %,Kazakhstan wants to limit quota in 500 million used. The price for flour first class Yuzhniy reaches 95 tenge for 1 kg, whereas the 1 kg the russian is 65 tenge.In connection with this НППРК believes that it is necessary to establish a quota or to completely close the Russian import. Also limit quota will import the Russian grocery products,That the prices for the following Kazakh on average 25-30 % .
total import of petroleum products in Kazakhstan in 2014 amounted to 1.7 million tons, including 1.1 million tons from Russia. Now, say market participants,Petroleum products have begun to rise: duties and excise they do not pay taxes, and because of the devaluation of the rouble Russian products cost approximately 30% less than kazakh.Increase shipment Ufa REFINERY "Odessa-brody", suburban districts REFINERY "Russneft" and "hydrocyanic acid gas lines", said one of the interlocutors "maggot". "We can credit that supply company, and not Russia,We directly affect on them cannot" ," he explains. The interlocutors "Missive" it is said that Kazakhstan wants to impose restrictions on the import of petroleum products to six months. "But as far as this is a real issue,To fill the deficit in-house capacity Kazakhstan is unlikely to be able to" ,- said he "Missive" .
on the possibility of restricting supplies in Kazakhstan vehicles (85 thousand.Year 2014 cars) on Wednesday had already been mentioned in Belarus on investment and development of the country, Albert Rau. "Kazakh car dealers are seriously concerned about the situation, the situation in December,When the exchange rate of the rouble in Kazakhstan influx cheap vehicles from Russia" ,- said one of the sources "Missive" automobile.At the end of 2014 Russian dealers noted extensive procurement vehicles as a whole from the CIS countries.Have Dramatically increased imports threatens in particular an ATP projects in Kazakhstan - the facilities "Asia Auto" in beekeeping are available Skoda, Chevrolet, KIA and Lаdа 4x4. The Ssangyong Rexton СарыаркаАвтоПром produce and Iveco,As well as Suv Toyota Fоrtuner. Now, claimed "Missive", it is on the limitation in the first turn, gray sales, and not official supply of plants, which can affect the final price.But the mechanism is not understood. According to interlocutors "Missive", Astana has considered various options for licensing of suppliers machines and to make special marks in техдокументацию vehicles, that,That they have come from the official service provider, prior to the imposition of a direct quote on the supply, including official.lord Kazakhstan is not the first time that trying to restrict imports from Russia.In November Astana imposed a ban on Russian vodka, beer and beer drinks, on the grounds that their disparity new requirements for the marking of goods.But the restrictions lasted only a few days: after consular corps
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