Если ты будешь бормотать себе под нос, класс тебя не услышит. Не суетись, я все сделаю сам У тигров, кошек, гепардов и львов - лапы, а у быков, коров, овец и свиней - копыта.
If you mumble to himself, the class you won't hear.Not suetis′, I'll make myselfThe Tigers, cats, cheetahs and lions, paws, and the bulls, cows, sheep and pigs-hoof.
If you're muttering to himself, the class will not hear you. Do not fuss, I'll do the Tigers, cats, cheetahs and lions - paws, and bulls, cows, sheep and pigs - the hoof.
If thou shalt was itself under nose, class you do not hear. not суетись, i'll do everything himself the tigers, cats, ancestors and lions - sweeps, and the oxen, cows, sheep and pigs - hoof.