1. Если вы хотите преуспеть, то вам следует набраться знаний, опыта и терпения. 2. Тебе
следует проконсультироваться у профессионала, прежде чем принимать какие-либо
решения. 3. А не следует ли мне начать брать уроки вождения? 4. Единокровных детей
не сле- дует разлучать. 5. Тебе не следует есть так много кон- фет! Это же плохо для
тебя. 6. Замороженные продукты следует разморозить, прежде чем готовить их. 7. Я
убеждена, что тебе следует обратиться к врачу по пово-' ду сердечной боли. 8. В больших
городах животных следует держать под контролем. 9. Животных не следует запирать в
клетки, им следует жить в естественных условиях. 10. Как настоящему другу тебе не сле-
довало бы скрывать правду, тебе следовало все мне рассказать именно в тот
критический момент. 11. Не следует тебе так много думать о нем. Свет клином на нем не
сошелся. 12. Раньше нужно было думать об этом, моя дорогая! Но делать нечего, давай
посмотрим, что можно сделать. 13. Вам следовало давным-давно бросить пить и курить.
Нужно было думать о своем здоровье смолоду. 14. — Ну откуда же мне знать, как она
поживает? — Как близкому родственнику тебе следовало бы знать это. 15. Тебе не
следовало брать с нее пример все эти годы! То, что хорошо для нее, не может быть
хорошо для тебя. Вы абсолютно разные люди. 16. Вам следовало высадить луковицы
осенью, если вы хотели, чтобы цветы появились весной.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. If you want to succeed, you should gain knowledge, experience and patience. 2. TEBEYou should consult a professional before making anydecision. 3. Rather than whether I should start taking driving lessons? 4. children's Eventshould not be separated. 5. you should not eat so many con-FET! This is bad forthee. 6. Frozen foods should be thawed before cooking them. 7. I convinced that you should consult your doctor on the BES-' du heartache. 8. In largecities of animals should be kept under control. 9. Animals should not lock incells, they should live in the wild. 10. As this friend you should notwould could conceal the truth, you should all tell me it is in thea critical moment. 11. do not you so much thinking about it. Light wedge on it is notmate. 12. in the past, you had to think about it, my dear! But doing nothing, come onsee what can be done. 13. you should have long ago quit drinking and smoking. You had to think about their health young. 14.-where does me know how itfares? — As a close relative would you know it. 15. Don't youshould take her example all these years! What's good for her, may not begood for you. You are totally different people. 16. you should have planted bulbsin the fall, if you like the flowers appeared in the spring.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. If you want to succeed, you must gain knowledge, experience and patience. 2. You
should consult a professional before making any
decisions. 3. And if I do not start taking driving lessons? 4. The half-children
did not separate follows. 5. You should not eat so much concentration Fet! It's bad for
you. 6. Frozen foods should be thawed before you cook them. 7. I am
convinced that you should see a doctor A rotating 'do heartache. 8. In large
should be kept under the control of the cities of animals. 9. The animals should not be locked in the
cells, they should live in natural conditions. 10. As a friend you do not really It should
Dov to hide the truth, you should tell me everything at the very
critical moment. 11. Do not you think so much about it. Light wedge it does not
converged. 12. Previously, it was necessary to think about it, my dear! But nothing to do, let's
see what we can do. 13. You should have long ago quit drinking and smoking.
We had to think about their health from an early age. 14 - Well, how do I know how it
is faring? - As a close relative you should know it. 15. You do not
should take an example from it all these years! What's good for it, it can not be
good for you. You are absolutely different people. 16. You ought to plant bulbs
in the fall, if you want the flowers appear in the spring.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. if you want to succeed, you must have the knowledge, experience and patience. 2. youshould consult a professional before taking anysolution. 3. not if i should start taking driving lessons? 4. единокровных childrendon"t must be separated. 5. you should not eat so much of the fet. it"s bad foryou. 6. frozen food to thaw before cooking them. 7. iconvinced that you should consult a doctor to пово "du heartache. 8. in largethe cities of animals should be kept under control. 9. animals should not be locked incells, they should live in the natural environment. 10. as a real friend, you won"t beдовало to hide the truth, you have to tell me everything thatat the critical moment. 11. you should not think so much about it. the lights are on ithooked up. 12. you should have thought about that, my dear! but there"s nothing to do, come oni"ll see what i can do. 13. you should have long ago to give up drinking and smoking.have to think about your health and age. 14. - well, how would i know how shethese days? as a relative of you should know it. 15. you don"tshould take a lesson from her all these years. what"s good for her, can"t begood for you. you"re completely different people. 16. you should plant bulbsin the fall, if you want the flowers appear in spring.
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