Работу все еще было трудно найти, и мне не очень везло первые нескольк перевод - Работу все еще было трудно найти, и мне не очень везло первые нескольк английский как сказать

Работу все еще было трудно найти, и

Работу все еще было трудно найти, и мне не очень везло первые несколько дней, (hard)

Ее нижняя губа задрожала, как будто она готова была раз. рыдаться. (ready)

З.Ее улыбка быстро пропала. «Твой приход — чистое безу­мие», (crazy)

Мама была занята приготовлением обеда на кухне, (busy)

Он попрощался со мной за руку: «Мне жаль, что приходит­ся уходить», (sorry)

Некоторое время я был очень доволен, что мог побыть один. (content)

Песню стоило записать на магнитофон, (worth) |1

8. Он быстро сообразил, что случилось, (quick) Ц
9.3а их спором было трудно следить, (hard) И

Рано или поздно вы обязательно услышите об этом, (cer­tain)

Он жил на те скромные деньги, которые его отец сумел отложить, (able)

12.06 этой новости стоило написать его отцу, (worth) 13.Он был очень доволен, что застал брата дома, (delighted) 14.В такой день что-нибудь неизбежно должно было случить­ся, (sure)

15. Я не был достаточно заинтересован в том, чтобы продол-
жать спор,(interested)

16.Вам повезло, что вы живете в таком красивом месте, (lucky)

Его жена была в Лондоне. Она занималась тем, что подыс­кивала новое жилье, (busy)

Вероятно, я этого не сделаю, (likely)

19.Таких результатов невозможно достичь, (impossible)

Я удивился, когда мне позвонил Чарльз, (surprised)

Я глубоко уважал ее и гордился знакомством с нею. (proud)

Я был волен уходить и приходить, когда хотел, (free)

23.Ожидалось, что его самолет вылетит в час. (due)

Я очень огорчился, найдя его таким больным, (distressed) 25.Этого человека легко было понять, (easy) 2б.Я видел, что ему очень не хочется уходить, (reluctant) 27. Он был теперь полон решимости остаться там. (determined) 2g. Дорис не так легко было принять это предложение, (easy)

Когда я прибыл, он был занят стрижкой газона, (busy)

Его коллекцию марок стоило посмотреть, (worth)
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Work was still difficult to find, and I haven't had much luck in the first few days (hard)Her lower lip is zadrožala, as if she was ready to again. rydat′sâ. (ready)Z. her smile quickly disappeared. "Your parish is pure madness Mie" (crazy)Mom was busy cooking dinner in the kitchen (busy)He said goodbye to me by the arm: "I'm sorry, that comes to leave", Xia (sorry)For a while I was very pleased that I could be one. (content)The song was worth the record on a tape recorder, (worth) | 18. He quickly realized what had happened, (quick) TS9.3 and their dispute was hard to follow, hard andSooner or later, you're sure to hear about it (cer tain)He lived in the modest money that his father managed to postpone (able)12.06 this news worthwhile to write his father (worth) 13. He was very pleased that caught the brother House, (delighted) 14. On this day something was bound to happen, (sure)15. I was not sufficiently interested to continuePress dispute (interested)16. you are lucky that you live in such a beautiful place, (lucky)His wife was in London. The fact that she was nominate new units (busy)Probably, I don't, (likely)19. Such results cannot be achieved (impossible)I was surprised when I called Charles, (surprised)I deeply respect her and was proud of familiarity with it. (proud)I was free to go and come, when wanted (free)23. it was expected that his plane leaves in an hour. (due)I am very angry, finding him so sick, (distressed) 25. This person was easy to understand (easy) 2B. I saw that he really doesn't want to leave (reluctant) 27. He was now determined to stay there. (determined) 2 g. Doris was not easy to accept this proposal, (easy)When I arrived, he was busy cutting the lawn, (busy)His stamp collection worth a look (worth)
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The work was still hard to find, and I have not had much luck the first few days, (hard)

Her lower lip trembled as if she was ready again. sobbed. (ready)

Z.Ee smile quickly disappeared. "Your parish - pure madness», (crazy)

My mother was busy cooking dinner in the kitchen, (busy)

He said goodbye to me by the hand, "I'm sorry to have to leave», (sorry)

For a while I was very happy that I could to be alone. (content)

Song cost recorded on a tape recorder, (worth) | 1

8th. He quickly realized what had happened, (quick) C
9.3a their dispute was difficult to follow, (hard) And

sooner or later you're bound to hear about this, (certain)

He lived in the modest money that his father was able to postpone, (able )

12.06 worth of news to write to his father, (worth) 13.On was very happy that he found his brother at home, (delighted) 14. In this day something was bound to happen, (sure)

15. I was not interested enough to continue
to reap the dispute, (interested)

16.Vam lucky that you live in such a beautiful place, (lucky)

His wife was in London. She worked in that was looking for a new home, (busy)

I probably will not do it, (likely)

19.Takih results can not be achieved, (impossible)

I was surprised when I was called Charles, (surprised)

I am deeply honored and proud of her acquaintance with her. (proud)

I was free to come and go when he wanted to, (free)

23.Ozhidalos that his plane will take off in an hour. (due)

I am very disappointed, finding him so sick, (distressed) 25.Etogo man was easy to understand, (easy) 2b.Ya saw that he really did not want to leave, (reluctant) 27. He was now determined to stay there . (determined) 2g. Doris was not easy to accept this offer, (easy)

When I arrived, he was busy mowing the lawn, (busy)

His stamp collection worth seeing, (worth)
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