Авианосец был создан в Англии как корабль для одной операции: уничтоже перевод - Авианосец был создан в Англии как корабль для одной операции: уничтоже английский как сказать

Авианосец был создан в Англии как к

Авианосец был создан в Англии как корабль для одной операции: уничтожения базы дирижаблей. Сделать это было возможно только ударами авиации. Радиус действия имевшихся самолетов не позволял достигнуть цели с территории, контролируемой союзниками. Тогда было решено придвинуть аэродром поближе - то есть поднять самолеты с корабля. Выбор корабля для экспериментов проходил по принципу: кого не жалко. Не жалко было легких линейных крейсеров адмира¬ла Фишера: адмирал Битти после Ютландского боя категорически отказался включить их в состав Гранд Флита. Поэтому было решено перестроить оказавшиеся не у дел корабли в авианосцы. Полученные в ходе экспериментов данные показали, что любой крупный корабль можно переделать в носитель палубных самолетов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The aircraft carrier was set up in England as a ship of the operation: destruction of airships. This was only possible by aviation. The range of aircraft available did not allow access to the territory controlled by the allies. Then it was decided to move the airfield up close-that is, to raise the aircraft from the ship. Choice of the vessel for the experiments took place according to the principle: who do not mind. Not sorry it was light linear cruisers Admira ¬ la Fisher: Admiral Beatty after battle of Jutland flatly refused to include them in the Grand fleet. Therefore it was decided to rebuild the left out of the ships in the class. The experiments showed that any large ship can be converted into bearer decked aircraft.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The aircraft carrier was established in England as a vehicle for a single operation: the destruction of the airship base. Make it was only possible air strikes. Radius of available aircraft is not allowed to reach the goal with the territory controlled by the Allies. It was then decided to move up the airfield closer - that is, to raise the aircraft off the ship. Vehicle Selection for the experiments took place according to the principle: who does not mind. Not sorry for light battlecruisers admira¬la Fisher: Admiral Beatty after the battle of Jutland refused to include them in the Grand Fleet. Therefore it was decided to rebuild was out of the ships in the aircraft carriers. Obtained during the experiments, data showed that any large ship can be converted into a carrier deck aircraft.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Aircraft carrier was established in England as the ship for one operation: the destruction database local airworthiness authorities. This was only possible by hitting aviation.Range of available aircraft are not allowed to reach the objectives with the territory controlled by allies. At that time, it was agreed that push the airfield closer - that is to raise aircraft from the ship.Select a ship for experiments took place on the basis of: who is not bad. Do not pity it was light linear multiple warhead адмира¬la Fischer:Admiral Beatty after Ютландского battlefield categorically refused to include them in the composition of the Grand Флита. Therefore, it was decided to restructure caught not the affairs of warships in the israeli-palestinian conflict.Received during the experiments data revealed that all of the major ship can be reworked in the media deck fixed-wing aircraft.
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