Работа на заводе принесла ему огромную пользу: он начал смотреть на вс перевод - Работа на заводе принесла ему огромную пользу: он начал смотреть на вс английский как сказать

Работа на заводе принесла ему огром

Работа на заводе принесла ему огромную пользу: он начал смотреть на все иначе.
а) Use the infinitive as subject with or without the introductory it.
1. Меня очень удивило, когда я увидел его на Черном море: врачи
не разрешают ему жить на юге.
2. Ей доставляло огромное удовольствие наблюдать, как играют
3. Должно быть, очень приятно пить из этого источника в жаркий
b) Use the infinitive as predicative.
1. Первое, что необходимо было сделать, – это посоветоваться
с врачом, а потом уже решать, поместить больного в больни-
цу или нет.
2. Наш план заключался в том, чтобы закончить полевые рабо-
ты до наступления дождливой погоды.
3. Все, что ей удалось сделать, – это узнать номер их телефона.
с) Use the infinitive as object.
1. Мы не боялись попасть под дождь: у нас были плащи.
2. Я притворился, будто не заметил его смущения, и продолжал
3. Они решили больше никогда об этом не упоминать.
d) Use the infinitive as attribute.
1. На этот факт нужно обратить особое внимание.
2. Есть ли в доме кто-нибудь, кто мог бы присмотреть за больным,
пока придет сестра?
3. Вот человек, с которым можно поговорить на эту тему.
е) Use the infinitive as adverbial modifier
1) оf purpose:
1. Все было сделано для того, чтобы спасти его.
2. Он вызвал машину, чтобы отвезти нас на станцию.
3. Я встал в 6 часов, чтобы не опоздать на утренний поезд.
2) of result
1. Ребенок слишком мал, чтобы понять вашу шутку.
2. Эта книга слишком большая, чтобы прочитать ее в один день.
3. Он был так поражен, что не мог вымолвить ни слова.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Work at the plant has earned him a huge favor: he started looking at everything differently.a) Use the infinitive as subject with or without the introductory it.1. I was very surprised when I saw it on the Black Sea: doctorsdo not allow him to live in the South.2. She gave enormous pleasure to watch as playkids.3. Must be very pleasant to drink from this source in hotday.(b)) Use the infinitive as predicative.1. The first thing you had to do is askwith your doctor, and then decide to put the patient in the bol′ni-zu or not.2. Our plan was to complete the field workyou before the onset of the rainy weather.3. all that she managed to do is to know their phone number.c) Use the infinitive as object.1. We were not afraid to get hit by rain: we had raincoats.2. I feigned not to notice him embarrassment and continuedtalk.3. They decided to never again do not mention.(d)) Use the infinitive as attribute.1. The need to pay special attention.2. Is there anyone in the House who could look after the sick,until sister?3. Here is a man with whom you can talk on this topic.(e)) Use the infinitive as adverbial modifier1) of purpose:1. Everything was done to save him.2. It caused the car to take us to the station.3. I got to 6:00, so as not to miss the morning train.2) of result1. a child is too small to understand your joke.2. This book is too big to read it in one day.3. He was so amazed that he could not muster a Word.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Work at the plant has earned him a huge favor: he began to look at things differently.
A) Use the infinitive as subject with or without the introductory it.
1. I was very surprised when I saw it on the Black Sea: the doctors
do not allow him to live in the south.
2. It gave her great pleasure to see how playing
3. It must have been very pleasant to drink from this source on a hot
B) Use the infinitive as predicative.
1. The first thing to be done - is to consult
a doctor and then decide to put the patient in bolni-
zu or not.
2. Our plan was to complete the field work
you before the rainy weather.
3. All she managed to do - is to find out their phone number.
A) Use the infinitive as object.
1. We were not afraid to get under the rain: we had raincoats.
2. I pretended not to notice his embarrassment, and continued
to talk.
3. They decided never to mention about it.
D) Use the infinitive as attribute.
1. This fact must pay particular attention.
2. Is there anything in the house someone who could look after the sick,
yet come sister?
3. Here is a man with whom you can talk about it.
E) Use the infinitive as adverbial modifier
1) ° F purpose:
1. Everything was done to save him.
2. He called a car to take us to the station.
3. I got up at 6 o'clock, so as not to miss the morning train.
2) of result
1. The child is too young to understand your joke.
2. This book is too big to read it in one day.
3. He was so impressed that he could not utter a word.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The work in the factory has brought him great favor: it has started to look at all otherwise.
(a) Use the infinitive as subject with or without the introductory it.
1. I was very surprised when I saw him on the Black Sea: doctors
do not allow him to live in the south.
2.She really enjoyed great pleasure to observe, as well as play a
3. Must be a very great pleasure to drink from this source in the hot
(b) Use the infinitive as prediсаtive.
1. The first, that it was necessary to do so, is a consult
The doctor, and then have to deal with, place patient in area-
zu or not.
2. Our plan was to finish field working
you before the rainy weather.
3. All that it has been able to do,- This is to know their phone number.
c) Use the infinitive as object.
1. We are not afraid to get the rain, we were wearing raincoats.
2. I pretend that had not noticed that his mistress, and continued to
3.They decided more than ever on this not to mention.
(d) Use the infinitive as attribute.
1. To this fact you should pay special attention to.
2. Is there in the house someone else, who could keep an eye on the sick,
until it comes sister?
3. Here are people,With whom you can talk on this topic.
(e) Use the infinitive as аdverbiаl modify
1) of purpose:
1. All was done in order to save it.
2. It has generated machine, to take us on the station.
3. I was in 6 hours,Not to miss the morning train.
2) of result
1. A child is too small, in order to understand your joke.
2. This book is too long, if you want to read it in one day.
3. He was so impressed, that could not have come from his mouth the words.
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