Любая попытка законодательно обязать СМИ, либо поощрить их за учрежден перевод - Любая попытка законодательно обязать СМИ, либо поощрить их за учрежден английский как сказать

Любая попытка законодательно обязат

Любая попытка законодательно обязать СМИ, либо поощрить их за учреждение органов саморегулирования, сторонниками данной теории категорически отвергается. Оппоненты данной концепции не отрицают возможность существования так называемого “законодательного саморегулирования”, когда сам закон обязывает СМИ учреждать органы саморегулирования. Критики данного подхода обычно ссылаются на то, что не законы создают морально-этические нормы, а, наоборот, духовные и нравственные нормы являются первоисточником закона. Обратная ситуация создает, по их мнению, препятствия развитию демократических институтов государства.
Первый в Европе Совет по делам прессы был учрежден в 1916 г. в Швеции. В настоящее время Совет состоит из шести членов: трех представителей общественности и трех представителей прессы — по одному от каждой организации — учредителя Совета: Ассоциации газетных издателей, Союза журналистов и Национального пресс-клуба. Совет по делам прессы призван обеспечить соблюдение этических принципов СМИ в отношении частных лиц. Вся деятельность Совета строится на добровольной основе, и среди издателей печатных СМИ он пользуется большим авторитетом.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Any attempt to legislate to oblige the media, or encourage them for the establishment of self-regulatory bodies to supporters of this theory was categorically rejected. Opponents of the concept do not deny the possibility of the existence of the so-called "legislative self-regulation", when the MEDIA are obliged by law to establish self-regulatory bodies. Critics of this approach usually refer to the fact that no laws pose moral and ethical norms, but rather, spiritual and moral norms are the primary source of law. The reverse situation creates, in their view, the barriers to the development of democratic institutions of the State.Europe's first press Council was founded in 1916 in Sweden. Currently, the Council consists of six members: three representatives of the public and three representatives of the press, one from each organization — the founder of the Council: Association of newspaper publishers, the Union of journalists and the National Press Club. The Press Council is intended to ensure compliance with ethical principles of MEDIA against private individuals. All the Council's activities is based on a voluntary basis and among publishers of print media, it enjoys great prestige.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Any attempt to oblige the media law, or encourage them for the establishment of self-regulation, the supporters of this theory is categorically rejected. Opponents of this concept does not deny the possibility of the existence of the so-called "legislative self-regulation," when the law itself requires the media to establish self-regulatory bodies. Critics of this approach is usually referred to the fact that the laws do not provide the moral and ethical norms, but rather spiritual and moral norms are the primary source of law. Contact situation creates, in their view, barriers to the development of democratic institutions of the state.
The first in Europe Press Council was established in 1916 in Sweden. The Council currently consists of six members: three representatives of the public and three representatives of the press - one from each organization - the founder of the Council: Newspaper Publishers Association, the Union of Journalists and the National Press Club. Press Council aims to ensure compliance with the ethical principles of media in relation to private individuals. All the activities of the Board is based on a voluntary basis, and among publishers of printed media, he enjoys great prestige.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
any attempt to legally require or encourage the establishment of media self regulatory bodies, the supporters of this theory categorically rejected.opponents of the concept does not deny the possibility of the existence of the so-called "legislative self-regulation", where the law requires the media to establish institutions of self-regulation.critics of this approach usually refer to the fact that no laws pose ethical norms, but on the contrary, the spiritual and moral rules are the primary source of law. the situation is, in their view,obstacles to the development of democratic institutions in europe, the council of state. "the first press was established in 1916. in sweden. currently, the board comprises six members:three public representatives and three representatives of the press, one from each of the parent council: association of newspaper publishers, the national union of journalists and the press club.the press is designed to ensure compliance with the ethical principles of the media and individuals. all activities of the council based on a voluntary basis.and among the publishers of print media, he enjoys a high reputation.
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