Да, во Франции какая-то жесть. Хотя французы сами рискнули, теперь они будут говорить, что не знали, что в Исламе запрещено изображать кого-либо? Весь мир это знает. Тогда зачем делать это? Хотели изобразить из себя борцов за свободу? Добились видимо вечной свободы... Арабов со всех сторон уже прижали, они террористы, они приезжают везде и отнимают работу, они делают так, и по-другому... Просто заткнитесь и оставьте их, не будете оскорблять - не будете умирать. Просто они тоже уже не видят другого выхода, кроме убийств, это сильное оскорбление... Мне жалко обе стороны... Одни уже умерли, другие так и будут жить с этими грехами всю жизнь, даже не знаю что хуже...
Я чувствую себя лучше, потому что сегодня будет окончательный разговор с Акшай по поводу отношений. Не знаю, что скажет, но хорошее предчувствие
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Yes, in France a Tin. Although the French have themselves ventured, now they will say that did not know that in Islam is forbidden to depict anyone? The whole world knows it. Then why do it? Like to portray of themselves freedom fighters? Achieved the apparently eternal freedom ... Arabs have pressed from all sides, they are terrorists, they are everywhere and take a job, they are doing so, and different ... Just zatknites′ and leave them, will not offend-you will not die. They also no longer see other option but killing, it is a strong insult. ... I feel sorry for both sides ... Some have already died, others will live with these sins all my life, I don't even know what worse ...I feel better, because today the final conversation with Akshay regarding relationships. Don't know what to say, but a good hunch
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Yes, in France some tin. Although the French themselves have risked, and now they will say they did not know that in Islam is forbidden to portray anyone? The whole world knows it. Then why do it? Wanted to pose as freedom fighters? Have apparently eternal freedom ... the Arabs on all sides already pressed, they are terrorists, they come and take away all the work, they do so in a different way ... Just shut up and leave them, will not offend - will not die. Simply, they also do not see any other way out except murder, is a strong insult ... I feel sorry for both sides ... Some have already died, and the other will live with these sins of a lifetime, I do not know what's worse ...
I feel better, because today will be the final conversation with Akshay about relationships. I do not know what to say, but a good feeling
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
Yes, in France what is the sheet metal. Although French themselves ventured, but now they will be to say, that did not know that in Islam it is forbidden to depict someone? The whole world knows this. So why do I do this?Like portray the fighters for freedom? Have perhaps eternal freedom ... Arabs from all of the parties are already hold, they are terrorists, they are everywhere, and take away the work that they are doing so, and til now ...
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