13. Он вложит деньги в это предприятие с надеждой, что они будут работ перевод - 13. Он вложит деньги в это предприятие с надеждой, что они будут работ английский как сказать

13. Он вложит деньги в это предприя

13. Он вложит деньги в это предприятие с надеждой, что они будут работать. 14. Не может быть, чтобы они заложили их землю для получения займа 15. Они остановились в отеле, который предоставлял значительные скидки студентам. 16. Она могла бы поторговаться из-за цены, но не захотела. Это и так было выгодной покупкой. 17. После долгих дискуссий им удалось договориться о размере его гонорара. 18. Они сохраняют чек на каждую купленную вещь. 19. У него уходит 50 фунтов в месяц на оплату проезда. 20. Местные торговцы всегда старались содрать по больше с туристов. 21. Он не понимал, как люди могут жить на маленькие доходы. 22. Правительство увеличило ставку подоходного налога 23. он вступит в наследство в возрасте 30 лет. 24. Он был состоятельным человеком. Но это богатство было не заработанное, а унаследованное. 25. Таможенные пошлины обычно платятся на границе 26. Он на деялся получить возврат части налога 27. Ей положено пособие на ребенка. 28. Последние полгода она жила на пособие по безработице 9. В прошлом году компания работала с прибылью и выплатила 20 пенсов дивидендов на каждую акцию. 30. Компания объявила об огромных потерях. 31, вам не положено пособие по нетрудоспособности
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
13. He will invest money into this venture with the hope that they will work. 14. May not be that they laid their land to obtain a loan of 15. They stayed at a hotel that offered substantial discounts for students. 16. she could bargain because of the price, but I didn't want to. So it was a bargain purchase. 17. After long discussions, they managed to agree on the amount of his fee. 18. They keep a check on every purchased thing. 19. he leaves 50 pounds a month for travel. 20. Local merchants have always tried to peel more with tourists. 21. He did not understand how people can live on a small income. 22. the Government has increased the rate of income tax 23. It will come into an inheritance at the age of 30 years. 24. He was a wealthy man. But this wealth was not earned and inherited. 25. customs duties normally paid on the border of 26. He deâlsâ 27 tax refund. Her supposed child benefit. 28. The last six months, she lived on unemployment benefits 9. Last year the company worked with profit and paid 20 pence dividend on each share. 30. the company announced huge losses. 31, you don't put an invalidity allowance
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
13. It will invest in a company with the hope that they will work. 14. It can not be that they have laid their land for a loan 15. They stayed in a hotel that offers significant discounts to students. 16. It could haggle over the price, but did not want to. That it was a bargain. 17. After lengthy discussions, they were able to agree on the amount of his fee. 18. They keep a check on each purchased item. 19. It takes 50 pounds a month for travel. 20. Local traders have always tried to tear off for more than a tourist. 21. He did not understand how people can live on small incomes. 22. The Government has increased the income tax rate of 23, he entered into an inheritance at the age of 30 years. 24. He was a wealthy man. But this wealth was not earned and inherited. 25. The customs duty normally paid on the border 26. It deyalsya to get tax refund 27. She was supposed to child support. 28. The last six months she lived on the dole 9. Last year, the company worked with profit and paid a dividend of 20 pence per share. 30. The company announced huge losses. 31, you are not supposed to disability benefits
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
13. he put the money in that business with the hope that they will work. 14. can not be that they left their land to obtain a loan of 15. they stayed in a hotel that offered significant discounts for students.16. she could haggle over the price of, but don't want to. it was advantageous to purchase. 17. after a long discussion, they have been able to agree on the amount of the fee. 18. they keep a check on each purchased item. 19.it's 50 pounds a month to travel. 20. local traders have always tried to knock on more tourists. 21. he didn't understand how people can live on a small income. 22.the government has increased the rate of income tax of 23. he come into a fortune at the age of 30 years. 24. he was a wealthy man. but that wealth was not deserved, and hereditary. 25.customs duties usually pay off at the border. he деялся tax refund the part 27. it is benefit for the child. 28. the past six months, she was living on unemployment benefits 9.last year, the company worked with the profits and dividends paid 20 pence per share. 30. the company has huge losses. 31, you are not a disability benefit
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