С наступающим новым годом.Я прочел Ваше сообщение. Я не хочу от Вас от перевод - С наступающим новым годом.Я прочел Ваше сообщение. Я не хочу от Вас от английский как сказать

С наступающим новым годом.Я прочел

С наступающим новым годом.
Я прочел Ваше сообщение. Я не хочу от Вас отворачиваться, я хочу Вам помочь. Я Последователь Христа и всегда готов помочь. Я Вас понимаю.
Однако я не нахожусь с Вами в Африке и не вижу происходящего в реальности. В мире очень много обмана. Поэтому я не могу отправлять свои деньги. А тем более мне нужно их будет где-то взять. Библия учит нас быть простыми как голуби, но умными как змеи. Поэтому я могу делать следующее: если какой либо человек, который находится с Вами рядом, который видет Вас в больном состоянии, знает несколько происходящее пусть отправит ему эти 450$, а когда я увижу эти деньги на счету, я возвращу ему 900$ или 1000$. Как последователь Христа я не могу обманывать и обязательно все это совершу. Самое главное, чтоб этот человек имел e-mail и мог отвечать и читать. Можно и через SMS. Буду писать на Английском.
Я Вам выслал прежде его просьбу, там все ясно как нужно отправлять эти деньги.
Я не отворачиваюсь от Вас. Я готов вам помочь. Из всех Ваших писем мне понятно, что вы действительно болен. Но этот запрос меня настораживает. Извините.
Если все это в реальности, вы больны, адвокату нужны деньги, извините меня, я не хотел Вас огорчать, но такова жизнь.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
From all of your letters I understand that you really sick. But this request guards me. Sorry.
If these realities, you're sick, a lawyer need money, excuse me, I did not mean to hurt you,but such is life.
Happy New Year.
I read your message. I do not want to turn away from you, I want to help you. I am a follower of Christ and always willing to help. I understand you.
However, I am not with you in Africa and can not see what is happening in reality. In the world there are a lot of hype. So I can not send my money. And the more I need to be somewhere to take them.The Bible teaches us to be harmless as a dove, but clever as snakes. So I can do the following: if any man who is next to you, who sees you in a sick condition,so that this man had e-mail and could read and respond to. Possible and through sms. I will write in English.
I sent to you before his request, there's all clear how to send the money.
I do not turn away from you. I am ready to help you.From all of your letters I understand that you really sick. But this request guards me. Sorry.
If these realities, you're sick, a lawyer need money, excuse me, I did not mean to hurt you,but such is life.
knows a few happening let him send these $ 450, and when I see the money in the account, I will bring him $ 900 or $ 1000. As a follower of Christ, I can not cheat and make sure all these things. Most importantly,
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
knows a few things let them send him these 450 $, and when I see the money in the account, I will return him $ 900 or $ 1,000. As a follower of Christ I can't cheat and have all of this make. Most importantly,Merry Christmas and happy new year.
I read your message. I don't want to turn away from you, I want to help you. I am a follower of Christ and is always ready to help. I understand you.
However, I'm not with you in Africa and not see what is happening in reality. In the world very much. So I can not send my money. And the more I need to be somewhere to take. The Bible teaches us to be simple as doves, but clever as serpents. So I can do the following: if any person who is with you, who you see in a sick condition, knows a few things let them send him these 450 $, and when I see the money in the account, I will return him $ 900 or $ 1,000. As a follower of Christ I can't cheat and have all of this make. Most importantly, From all of your emails to me it is clear that you are really sick. But this query me on guard. Sorry ...
If this is all, in reality, you are sick, a lawyer needs money, excuse me, I didn't mean to upset you, This man had to e-mail and to meet and read. You via SMS. I will write in English.
I sent you before his request, there is clearly a need to send the money.
I am not otvoračivaûs′ to you. I am ready to help you. but such is life.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The Bible teaches us to be simple as doves, but smart as snakes. I am therefore in a position to do the following: if any man, who is with you a number, which you visible in the sick condition,The eve of the new year.
I have read your message. I do not want to turn away from you, I would like to help you. I follower of Christ and always ready to help. I understand you.
I do not, however, I am with you in Africa and do not see what is happening in the real world. The world is very much deception. So I am not going to send their money. And the more I want to be where the take.The Bible teaches us to be simple as doves, but smart as snakes. I am therefore in a position to do the following: if any man, who is with you a number, which you visible in the sick condition,
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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