Была поздняя ночь, Мэри проснулась. Было шумно, и, казалось, что корабль останавливается. Оставаясь в кровати некоторое время и прислушиваясь к шуму, она поняла, что что-то необычное происходит вокруг. Мэри боялась, что ее муж проснется от этого шума. Немного погодя она поняла, что корабль остановился, и теперь со страхом ждала, что будет дальше . Она не могла не спросить мужа, что происходит, и, не получив ответа, она поняла. что ее оставили одну. Мэри встала, надела свой халат, открыла дверь, выглянула, но никого не было видно.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
It was late night, Mary woke up. It was noisy, and it seemed that the ship stopped. Staying in bed for a while and listen to the noise, she realized that something unusual was happening around. Mary was afraid that her husband will wake up from this noise. A little later she realized that the ship stopped, and now with fear waiting for what will happen next. She couldn't ask her husband what was going on, and, having received no response, she realized. that her left one. Mary got up, put on your robe, opened the door, looked out of place, but no one was in sight.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
It was late at night, Mary woke up. It was noisy, and it seemed that the ship stops. Staying in bed for a while, listening to the noise, she realized that something unusual is going on. Mary was afraid that her husband will wake up from the noise. After a while she realized that the ship stopped, and now the fear of waiting for what will happen next. She could not ask her husband what was going on, and receiving no answer, she realized. her left one. Mary got up, put on his robe, opened the door, looked out, but there was no one in sight.
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