Изучение иностранных языков минусов на самом деле не имеет, потому что открывает перед человеком широчайшие возможности. Для абитуриента, школьника или студента знание иностранного языка в первую очередь важно тем, что дает возможность в дальнейшем продолжить свое образование за рубежом. Мы сознательно говорим «знание иностранного языка» вместо «знание английского», потому что далеко не все юноши и девушки стремятся к тому, чтобы учиться в англоязычных странах – есть международная топовая школа бизнеса, где обучение идет на французском, например, много студентов из СНГ едет учиться в Германию, Испанию, Венгрию. Но при всем при этом двери большинства высших учебных заведений открываются именно перед теми, кто знает английский.
Во-вторых, знание иностранных языков это возможность погрузиться в другую культуру, расширить свое мировоззрение и постоянная тренировка ума. Чтобы говорить на разных языках, требуется держать в памяти обширный запас слов, уметь думать на другом языке. Все это развивает интеллект. В-третьих, если у соискателя в CV написано, что он знает несколько (или хотя бы один) иностранный язык, то это значительно повышает его шансы на трудоустройство, особенно если речь идет об иностранной компании. Знания языков стирает преграды в общении – вы сможете свободно ездить на заграничные семинары и конференции, будете комфортно себя чувствовать в другой стране.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
The study of foreign languages cons not really is, because before the man opens tremendous opportunities. For applicants, the student or the student's knowledge of a foreign language in the first place, it is important that gives the opportunity to continue their education abroad. We deliberately say "foreign language" instead of "English", because not all girls and boys are eager to learn in English-speaking countries-have a top international business school, where learning comes in French, for example, many students from CIS goes to study in Germany, Spain, Hungary. But with all this the door most higher education institutions are opened it is to those who know English.Secondly, knowledge of foreign languages is to immerse yourself in another culture, to expand their worldview and constant training of the mind. To speak in different languages, you want to keep in memory a vast vocabulary, be able to think in a different language. All of this develops intelligence. Thirdly, if the applicant CV says that he knows a couple (or at least one) foreign language, it greatly improves his chances of employment, especially in the case of a foreign company. Knowledge of languages erases barriers in communication-you can freely ride overseas seminars and conferences, will feel comfortably in another country.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Learning foreign languages cons do not really have, because it opens tremendous opportunities to man. For the applicant, the student or the student's knowledge of a foreign language in the first place is important because it gives the possibility in the future to continue their education abroad. We deliberately say "foreign language" instead of "English" because not all young men and women tend to to study in English-speaking countries - have international a top business school, where instruction is in French, for example, many students from the CIS going to study in Germany, Spain and Hungary. But with all this, the doors of most institutions of higher education is open to those who know English.
Second, knowledge of foreign languages is an opportunity to immerse yourself in another culture, broaden their world view and the constant training of the mind. To speak different languages, it is required to keep in mind the extensive vocabulary, be able to think in a different language. All this develops intelligence. Third, if the applicant in the CV write what he knows a few (or even one) foreign language, it greatly increases its chances of employment, especially if it is a foreign company. Languages erases barriers in communication - you will be able to travel freely to foreign seminars and conferences, will feel comfortable in a foreign country.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
learning foreign languages. in fact is not, because it offers a great potential. to the applicant, the student or student foreign language proficiency in the first place, it is important tothat gives the opportunity to further continue their education abroad. we deliberately say "knowledge of foreign language, instead of" knowledge английского» because not all boys and girls striveto study in english speaking countries is the international top business school, where instruction was in french, for example, a lot of students from the cis's study in germany, spain, hungary.but with all the doors of most higher education institutions are exactly the ones who knows english. secondly, the knowledge of foreign languages is to delve into other cultures.expand your worldview and continuous training of mind. to speak in different languages, need to keep in memory the extensive vocabulary, be able to think in another language. it develops the intelligence. thirdly,if the applicant in cv says that he knows a few (or one) foreign language, it greatly increases the chances of employment, especially when it comes to foreign companies.knowledge of languages erases from communication you can travel freely at international seminars and conferences, will feel comfortable in another country.
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