l.Ee кукольное личико выражало раздражение. 2. Он прошел через комнату перевод - l.Ee кукольное личико выражало раздражение. 2. Он прошел через комнату английский как сказать

l.Ee кукольное личико выражало разд

l.Ee кукольное личико выражало раздражение. 2. Он прошел через комнату секретарши, не глядя на нее. 3. Я провел неделю в гостях у друга моей матери, который живет в Лондоне. 4. Женский голос позади меня тихо произнес чье-то имя. 5. Это было решение опытного человека, 6. В сегодняшней вечерней газете есть длинная статья Питера. на эту тему. 7. Джеральд поднял брови. «У тебя очень странные взгляды на обязанности отца»,— сказал он. 8. На следующее утро я дала ребенку его первую бутылочку коровьего молока. 9. Я не буду есть рыбу», — сказал Роберт с важностью старшего ребенка в семье. 10.Боюсь, что мы опоздаем к Джону. 11. Наступило минутное молчание. 12.Он имел обыкновение говорить о своей профессии как собачьей жизни. 13.После университета в течение года или двух она преподавала в хорошей женской школе на севере Англии. 14. Он никогда не забудет доброты своего друга. 15. Это был дом местного доктора, который был активным членом клуба. 16. До его работы было только несколько минут ходьбы. 17.Он пошел в аптеку.18. Ее удивил ответ молодого человека на ее вопрос о его отцовских обязанностях. 19. Хозяин дома не живет в нем, но он иногда приезжает сюда на день или два. 20. Что может быть более естественно, чем желание матери узнать что-нибудь о молодом человеке, с которым встречается ее дочь? 21. Интерес больного к этому журналу легко объяснить.22.У него было знание города/ присущее таксисту.23. Следующая встреча актрисы с режиссером произошла две недели спустя. 24.Я не смог узнать, как зовут человека, который принес это письмо.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
l.Ee puppet face expressed irritation. 2. He walked through the room of Secretary, not looking at her. 3. I spent a week visiting a friend of my mother, who lives in London. 4. Female voice behind me softly uttered by someone's name. 5. It was decided an experienced person, 6. In today's evening newspaper has a long article Peter. on this topic. 7. Gerald has raised eyebrows. "You have very strange looks at the responsibilities of the father," he said. 8. The next morning, I gave the child his first bottle of cow's milk. 9. I will not eat fish, "said Robert with the importance of the eldest child in the family. 10. I'm afraid that we'll miss John. 11. Now is the minute's silence. 12. He used to talk about his profession as a dog's life. 13. After the University within a year or two she taught in a good women's school in the North of England. 14. He will never forget the kindness of his friend. 15. It was the House of a local doctor, who was an active member of the Club. 16. before his work was only a few minutes walk away. 17. He went to the drugstore. 18. It surprised the young man's response to her question about his paternal responsibilities. 19. The owner of the House does not live in it, but he sometimes comes here for a day or two. 20. What could be more natural than the mother's desire to learn something about the young man, who meets her daughter? 21. the interest of the patient to this log easily explain. 22. He had knowledge of the city/inherent taxi driver. 23. The next meeting of the actresses with Director occurred two weeks later. 24. I have not been able to find out, what is the name of the person who brought this letter.(B))
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
l.Ee doll face expressed annoyance. 2. He walked across the room to the secretary, without looking at her. 3. I spent a week visiting a friend of my mother, who lives in London. 4. A woman's voice behind me said quietly, someone's name. 5. It was a decision of an experienced person 6. Today's evening newspaper has a long article by Peter. about this theme. 7. Gerald raised his eyebrows. "You have a very strange views on the responsibilities of the father", - he said. 8. The next morning I gave the baby his first bottle of cow's milk. 9. I will not eat fish, "- said Robert the importance of an older child in the family. 10.Boyus that we'll be late for John. 11. There was a moment of silence. 12.On used to talk about his profession as a dog's life. 13.After the university for a year or two, she taught in a good girls' school in the north of England. 14. He will never forget the kindness of his friend. 15. It was the home of a local doctor, who was an active member of the club. 16. Prior to his work was only a few minutes walk away. 17.On went apteku.18. Her response surprised the young man to her question about his father's duties. 19. The owner of the house does not live in it, but sometimes he comes here for a day or two. 20. What could be more natural than a mother's desire to learn something about the young man, whom he had met her daughter? 21. The interest of the patient to this magazine easily obyasnit.22.U he had knowledge of the city / inherent taksistu.23. The next meeting of the actress with the director occurred two weeks later. 24.YA could not find out the name of the man who brought this letter. B)

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
l. her doll face expressed irritation. 2. he walked across the room, the receptionist, not looking at her. 3. i spent a week visiting a friend of my mother, who lives in london. 4.a woman's voice behind me silently say someone's name. 5. it was an experienced man, 6. in today's evening paper is a long article on peter. on this topic. 7. gerald raised eyebrows."you have a very strange views on the duties of father", he said. 8. the next morning, i gave the baby the first bottle of cow's milk. 9. i won't have рыбу», said robert on the importance of the eldest child in the family. 10.i'm afraid we'll be late for john. 11. it was a moment's silence. 12.он used to talk about his profession as a dog's life. 13.after university for a year or two, she taught in a girls' school in the north of england. 14. he will never forget the kindness of a friend. 15. it was the home of a local doctor, who was an active member of the club. 16.prior to his work, it was only a few minutes. 17.он went to аптеку.18. her answer surprised the young man to her question about his father's responsibilities. 19. the landlord doesn't live in itbut sometimes he comes here in a day or two. 20. what could be more natural than a mother to learn something about a young man who meets her daughter? 21.the interest of the patient to the magazine's объяснить.22.у had knowledge of the city / the таксисту.23. the next meeting of actress director occurred two weeks later. 24.я couldn't find out what's the name of a manwho brought this letter.

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