4. Неужели он уже получил мое письмо? 5. Неужели он не получил моего письма? 6. Ваши часы, возможно, спешат; не может быть, чтобы сейчас было девять часов. 7. Он не мог получить книгу, потому что библиотека была закрыта. 8. Не может быть, чтобы он получил книгу, ведь библиотека была закрыта. 9. Не могли ли бы вы дать мне эту книгу дня на два? 10. Нет, я не верю этому, не может быть, чтобы она меня обманула. 11. Я останусь дома; она, возможно, будет мне звонить. 12. Право, Джордж, ты мог бы помочь мне нести этот тяжелый чемодан, разве ты не видишь, как мне это тяжело? 13. «Где ключ?» — «Не знаю, Ольга могла взять его с собой по ошибке». — «Не может быть, чтобы она его взяла, у нее ничего не было в руках, когда она уходила». 14. Наконец-то вы пришли! Вы могли прийти пораньше, ведь вы же знали, что я больна.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
4. has he already got my letter? 5. does he not got my letter? 6. your watch may slow; can not be that now it was nine o'clock. 7. he could not get the book, because the library was closed. 8. may not be that he got a book, because the library was closed. 9. could you please give me this book for two days? 10. No, I don't believe this may not be so she deceived me. 11. I'll stay at home; It may be me calls. 12. right, George, could you help me carry this heavy suitcase, Seest thou not how hard it is? 13. "where's the key?"-"I don't know, She can take it with you by mistake". -"May not be that it's taken, she had nothing in her hands when she went away." 14. Finally you have come! You can come early, because you knew that I was sick.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
4. Does he have received my letter? 5. Does he did not get my letter? 6. Your watch may be in a hurry; can be now to nine hours. 7. He could not get the book because the library was closed. 8. It can not be that he received the book, because the library was closed. 9. Could not you give me this book a couple of days? 10. No, I do not believe it can not be that she deceived me. 11. I stay at home; she might be calling me. 12. Right, George, could you help me to carry this heavy suitcase, do not you see how hard it is to me? 13. "Where is the key?" - "I do not know, Olga could take it with you by mistake." - "It can not be that she took it, she had nothing in his hands when she left." 14. Finally, you came! You could come early, because you knew that I was ill.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
4. Is it possible that he has already received my letter? 5. Is it possible that he had not received my letter? 6. Your clock, you may rush; it cannot be that it was now nine o'clock. 7. He could not get a book, because the library was closed. 8.It cannot be that he had received a book, but the library was closed. 9. What if you could you give me the book of the two? 10. No, I do not believe this, it cannot be that she had defrauded me. 11. I'll be staying at home; it was, perhaps,I will call. 12. The right, George, you could help me to bear the heavy suitcase, don't you see, how can I say this seriously? 13. "Where key?" - "i don't know, she could take it with you on an error message". - "may not be,To ensure that it has taken, it was not in the hands, when it diverted". 14. Finally, you should have come! You may be able to achieve a totalitarian state, well, you know, that I am healthy.
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