1. Докладчик говорил о будущем человечества. 2. Эта картина всегда при перевод - 1. Докладчик говорил о будущем человечества. 2. Эта картина всегда при английский как сказать

1. Докладчик говорил о будущем чело

1. Докладчик говорил о будущем человечества. 2. Эта картина всегда привлекает посетителей музея. 3. Надпись на памятнике озадачила туристов: никто из них не сталкивался с древнеанглийским языком. 4. Мы удивились, когда узнали, что в Гайд-парке у Марбл-Арч любой человек может высказывать свои суждения по любому поводу, часто там можно услышать много чепухи. 5, Вот объявление, которое вам нужно, 6. Поверьте мне, этот молодой человек достоин вашего уважения. 7. Теперь в Англии в обращении фунты и пенсы. 8. 1945 год — исторический год для всего человечества 9. Каждая английская газета имеет определенный круг читателей. 10. В Лондоне, как и в любом столичном городе с большим движением, бывают дорожные происшествия. П. С Воробьевых гор открывается удивительная панорама Москвы. 12 Помещение обогревается горячей водой, циркулирующей по трубам. 13. Сотни новых домов вырастают во всех городах нашей страны. 14 Богатая коллекция произведений изобразительного и прикладного искусства привлекает посетителей этого музея. 15. Экспонаты Исторического музея в Москве знакомят посетителей с развитием цивилизации на территории России. 16. Предельная скорость в жилых районах Москвы 60 км/час.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. the rapporteur spoke about the future of humanity. 2. this picture is always attractive to visitors to the Museum. 3. the inscription on the Memorial is perplexed tourists: none of them faced the drevneanglijskim language. 4. We were surprised when they learned that in Hyde Park near the Marble Arch-anyone can voice their opinions on any occasion, often you can hear a lot of stuff in there. 5, here's the ad that you need 6. Believe me, this young man deserves your respect. 7. now in England in pounds and pence. 8. the year 1945 is a historic year for humanity 9. Every British newspaper has a readership. 10. in London, as in any metropolitan city with great movement, there are road accidents. P. from Sparrow Hills offers magnificent view of Moscow. 12 Room is heated with hot water circulating through pipes. 13. hundreds of new houses springing up in all the cities of our country. 14 a rich collection of works of fine and applied art attracts visitors to this museum. 15. Exhibits the historical Museum in Moscow, acquaint visitors with the development of civilization on the territory of Russia. 16. speed limit in residential areas of Moscow 60 km/h.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. The speaker spoke about the future of humanity. 2. This picture has always attracted visitors to the museum. 3. The inscription on the monument puzzled tourists: none of them faced the Old English language. 4. We were surprised when we learned that in Hyde Park at Marble Arch anyone can express their opinions on any subject, there can often hear a lot of nonsense. 5 This is an ad that you need 6. Believe me, this young man is worthy of your respect. 7. Now in the UK to handle the pounds and pence. 8. 1945 - a historic year for all mankind 9. Each British newspaper has a certain readership. 10. In London, as in any metropolitan city with a lot of traffic, there are traffic accidents. PS Sparrow Hills have a nice view of Moscow. The room 12 is heated by hot water circulating through the pipes. 13. Hundreds of homes grow in all the cities of our country. 14 A rich collection of works of fine and applied art attracts visitors of the museum. 15. Exhibits Historical Museum in Moscow acquaint visitors with the development of civilization in Russia. 16. The speed limit in residential areas of Moscow 60 km / h.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. He spoke about the future of humanity. 2. The picture is always attracts visitors the museum. 3. The inscription on the monument puzzled tourists: none of them had not experienced with древнеанглииским language. 4. We are surprised,When they learned that, in Hyde Park, Marble Arch any person can express their views on any issue, often there is no sense in using force." you can hear a lot. 5, This is the announcement that you want to be, 6. Believe me,This young man deserves your respect. 7. Now in England in treatment pounds and steamers. 8. Year 1945 is a historic year for the whole of mankind 9. Each English newspaper has a defined range of readers. 10. In London,As in any capital city with great movement, there are road accidents. P. with loggias mountains opens an amazing panorama of Moscow. 12 The room is heated by heat hot water, flowing through the tubes. 13.Hundreds of new homes grew up in all our countries. 14 A rich collection of works fine and applied art attracts visitors of the museum. 15.Museum Historical Museum in Moscow expose visitors with the development of civilization on the territory of Russia. 16. Speed Limit in residential areas 60 km/hour.
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