1. Этот аргумент звучит не очень убедительно, не так ли?2. Удивительно перевод - 1. Этот аргумент звучит не очень убедительно, не так ли?2. Удивительно английский как сказать

1. Этот аргумент звучит не очень уб

1. Этот аргумент звучит не очень убедительно, не так ли?
2. Удивительно, что никто не поднял этот вопрос на собрании.
3. Мы не нашли такси и ужасно опоздали на вечеринку
4. Если студент хорошо занимался, ему нечего бояться на экзамене.
5. Плохо, что рождаемость в России снизилась за последние несколько лет.
6. Тренер признал (admit), что вся команда играла плохо в этом матче.
7. Она улыбалась и была в удивительно хорошем настроении, когда ушла с работы.
8. Хотя Джон был голоден, он не мог есть этот суп, так как у него был странный вкус
и ужасный запах (use the verbs “taste” and “smell”).
9. Сьюзан была бледна и выглядела ужасно в своей униформе.
10. Министр убедительно объяснил, почему правительство приняло такое решение.
11. Пирог очень вкусный. Можно мне еще кусочек?
12. Ужасно, что так много людей пострадали в этой катастрофе.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. This argument doesn't sound very convincing, isn't it?2. it was surprising that no one has raised this issue at the meeting.3. We have not found a taxi and terribly late to the party4. If a student is well practiced, he has nothing to fear on the exam.5. Bad that fertility in Russia has decreased over the past few years.6. the coach acknowledged (admit) that the whole team has played poorly in this match.7. She smiled and was in surprisingly good spirits, when left to work.8. Although John was hungry, he could not eat this soup because he had a weird tasteand the awful smell (use the verbs "taste" and "smell").9. Susan was pale and looked awful in his uniform.10. the Minister convincingly explained why the Government had taken such a decision.11. Pie is very tasty. Can I have a slice?12. Shocking that so many people have suffered in this disaster.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. This argument is not very convincing, is not it?
2. It is surprising that no one has raised this issue at the meeting.
3. We have not found a taxi and terribly late to the party
4. If a student is doing well, he has nothing to be afraid of the exam.
5. It is bad that the birth rate in Russia declined over the past few years.
6. The coach admitted (admit), the whole team played badly in this match.
7. She was smiling and was in a surprisingly good mood when went to work.
8. Although John was hungry, he could not eat this soup, as he had a strange taste
and smell awful (use the verbs "taste" and "smell").
9. Susan was pale and looked awful in his uniform.
10. The Minister convincingly explained why the government has taken such a decision.
eleven. The cake is delicious. Can I have another piece?
12. Terrible that so many people affected by this disaster.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. this argument is not very convincing, isn't it?2. surprisingly, no one raised the question at the meeting.3. we did not find a taxi, and so late to the party.4. if the student is well done, he had nothing to be afraid of the exam.5. too bad that the birth rate in russia has declined over the past few years.6. the coach admitted (admit), the whole team played badly in the match.7. she smiled and was in remarkably good mood when she left work.8. although john was hungry, he could not eat this soup, as he had a strange taste.and the horrible smell (use the as "reasonable" and "not").9. susan was pale, and she looked awful in his uniform.10. the minister has explained why the government took this decision.11. the cake is very delicious. can i have another one?12. is that so many people were injured in this accident.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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