Я буду твоей девушкой одну неделю, а потом ты отвезешь меня на марс. Но я не понимаю какая тебе от этого выгода ? Ты же не прилетишь в Москву и мы не встретимя
I'll be your girl, one week, and then you take me to Mars. But I do not understand what do you gain from this? You did not arrive in Moscow and we vstretimya
I'll be your girl, one week, and then you you me to Mars. But I don't understand what the benefit to you? You do not priletiš′ to Moscow and we don't vstretimâ
I will be your girlfriend one week, and then you and me to Mars. But I do not understand what you gain from this? You прилетишь in Moscow and we do not встретимя