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Если обратиться к сухим цифрам статистики, то вполне обосно- нанно можно сказать, что атомная энергетическая промышленность по сравнению с другими ее видами максимально безопасна. ) 1,оля погибших в результате аварийных ситуаций, произошедших на атомных электростанциях, ничтожно мала по сравнению с теми, кто явился жертвой аварий на газовых, гидро- и угольных ЭС. Хотя тот, кто знает, какое количество жертв принес Чернобыль, вряд ли поверит в это безоговорочно. Опять же, если следовать статистике, число погибших, работавших в ту ночь на ЧАЭС, составило 31 человек. Всего же по официальным данным правительств Украины, Белоруссии и России, в той или иной степени, по самым скромным подсчетам, пострадало более 9 миллионов человек. А полное количество жертв — в соответствии со специальным докладом ООН, посвященным оценке влияния аварии на окружающий мир, — можно будет посчитать не раньше 2016 г. Дело в том, что, по утверждению медиков, основной пик массовых индуцированных онкозаболеваний с наибольшей интенсивностью должен последовать через 25 лет после аварии для ее ликвидаторов и через 50 — для жителей !агрязненных территорий. И все же, несмотря на столь ужасающие аргументы, ядерная жергия для жителей Земли является едва ли не самым перспективным видом топлива, особенно в том случае, если произойдет истощение природных запасов угля, газа, нефти и торфа, а такая тенденция наметилась уже в 60 — 70-х годах XX века. А вот запасов радиоактивного урана на Земле достаточно. К тому же этот вид топлива в результате специальной обработки способен воспроизводиться. Примерно одна тонна природного урана после необходимой обработки способна обеспечить получение 45 ООО ООО киловатт-ча- сов — это же количество получается при сжигании 20 000 тонн угля и 30 000 000 кубометров газа. При добыче урановой руды вод ный экологический баланс Земли, как это ни странно, нарушается гораздо меньше, чем при добыче угля. С другой стороны, их строительство обходится намного дороже, чем, например, ТЭС или ГЭС. Да и ущерб, причиняемый выбросами и утечками радиоактивных изотопов, настолько велик, а ликвидация его настолько дорогостояща, что это не может не вызывать неоднозначного отношения мировой науки к эффективности использования атомной энергии.

Источник: http://reftrend.ru/733767.html
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
The dry statistics figures, it is quite credibly NANNO can say that atomic energy industry compared to other types of maximum safe. 1, Olga) died as a result of accidents that have occurred at nuclear power plants, is negligible compared to those who had been victims of accidents on gas, hydro and coal-ES. Although anyone who knows how many victims brought the Chernobyl is unlikely to believe in it wholeheartedly. Again, if you follow the statistics, the number of people killed in the night, bringing to 31 the man. In total, according to official data from Governments of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, to one degree or another, by the most conservative estimates, has affected more than 9 million people. (A) the total number of victims is in line with the UN special report on the evaluation of the impact on the world around us, is to be counted no earlier than 2016, the fact is that, according to the medics, the main peak of mass induced cancers with the highest intensity to follow through the 25 years after the accident to liquidators and through 50-to! agrâzthe United territories. And yet, despite such terrible arguments that nuclear žergiâ for the inhabitants of the Earth is one of the most perspective type of fuel, especially if there is a depletion of the natural resources of coal, gas, oil, and peat, a trend already in 60-70-ies of XX century. But stocks of radioactive uranium on Earth is enough. Moreover, this type of fuel as a result of the special handling can be played. Approximately one tonne of natural uranium, after necessary processing is capable of receiving 45 OOO OOO kilowatt-Cha-owls-the same number is 20000 tons of coal combustion and 30000000 cubic meters of gas. Mining of uranium ore-water-ecological balance of the Earth, oddly enough, is being much less than coal. On the other hand, their construction is much more expensive than, for example, THERMAL or HYDROELECTRIC POWER STATIONS. And the damage caused by emissions and leaks of radioactive isotopes, so great, and the Elimination of its so expensive, that it cannot but be the ambiguous attitude of the world of science to the effectiveness of the use of nuclear energy.Источник: http://reftrend.ru/733767.html
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
If we turn to the dry figures of statistics, it is substantiated NANNO can say that the nuclear energy industry over other forms of its maximum safety. ) 1 Proportion of the victims of accidents occurring at nuclear power plants, is negligible compared with those who had been the victim of accidents on the gas, hydro and coal-ES. Although the one who knows how many victims of Chernobyl has brought hardly believe it unconditionally. Again, if you follow the statistics, the number of victims who worked in the night of the Chernobyl amounted to 31 people. In total, according to official figures the governments of Ukraine, Belarus and Russia, to a greater or lesser degree, according to conservative estimates, affecting more than 9 million people. A total number of victims - according to the special report of the United Nations dedicated to assessing the impact of the accident at the world around us - can not be used to calculate the 2016 fact is that, according to the doctors, the main peak of mass induced by cancer with the greatest intensity should follow through 25 years after her accident liquidators and 50 - for the residents! agryaznennyh territories. And yet, despite such horrendous arguments for nuclear zherge inhabitants of the earth it is perhaps the most promising type of fuel, especially in the case if there is depletion of natural reserves of coal, gas, oil and peat, and this trend was outlined in the 60 - 70-ies of XX century. But radioactive uranium reserves in the world is enough. In addition, this type of fuel as a result of special treatment is able to be played. Approximately one ton of natural uranium after the necessary treatment can provide reception of 45 OOO OOO kilowatt cha- owls - this is the amount obtained by burning 20,000 tons of coal and 30 million cubic meters of gas. When uranium mine waters ny ecological balance of the earth, as it is strange, it disturbed much less than coal mining. On the other hand, their construction is much more expensive than, for example, thermal power plants or hydroelectric power plants. And the damage caused by emissions and leaks of radioactive isotopes are so great, and its elimination is so expensive that it can not cause the ambiguous attitude of the world of science to the efficiency of use of nuclear energy. Source: http://reftrend.ru/733767.html

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
All the same the official governments of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, to a greater or lesser extent, by the most conservative estimates, affected more than 9 million people.If you refer to the dry numbers statistics, it is quite justification- нанно can say that atomic energy industry, compared with other types of maximum safe. 1,A total number of victims, in accordance with UN special report on the assessment of the impact of an accident on the surrounding world, - can be performed no earlier than 2016, the fact is that, according to medical professionals,Sally had lost their lives as a result in an emergency situation, which occurred at nuclear power plants, is negligible in comparison with those who had been the victim of an accident on the gas, hydro and coal-fired ES. While it is, who knows,What is the number of victims has brought Chernobyl, is hardly buys in it unconditionally. Once again, if followed by statistics, the number of those who died, who worked on the night at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, 31 people died.All the same the official governments of Ukraine, Belarus, and Russia, to a greater or lesser extent, by the most conservative estimates, affected more than 9 million people.A total number of victims, in accordance with UN special report on the assessment of the impact of an accident on the surrounding world, - can be performed no earlier than 2016, the fact is that, according to medical professionals,The main peak mass induced spa construction bureau with the greatest intensity should be followed by 25 years after an accident for the liquidators and 50 - for the inhabitants of !агрязненных territory. And all same,Oil and peat, and such a trend is already in the 60 - 70-x, XX century. But stocks of radioactive uranium on Earth is enough. Furthermore, this type of fuel as a result of a special processing can be played.In spite of such terrible arguments, nuclear жергия for the inhabitants of this Earth is hardly is not the most promising form of fuel, particularly in the case, if there is the depletion of the natural stocks of coal, gas,Approximately one ton natural uranium after the necessary processing is able to ensure that 45 the Company LLC kilowatt-hours at - which is the same number of is obtained by burning 20,000 tons of coal and 30,000,000 cubic meters of natural gas.Yes, the damage caused by emissions and leakage of radioactive isotopes, is so large, and the elimination of its so costly,
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