Для того, чтобы использовать кросс-докинг в компании Kuljetus Terviö O перевод - Для того, чтобы использовать кросс-докинг в компании Kuljetus Terviö O английский как сказать

Для того, чтобы использовать кросс-

Для того, чтобы использовать кросс-докинг в компании Kuljetus Terviö Oy, придется сделать ещё одну станцию для погрузки и разгрузки грузовиков.
19. Можно использовать следующий метод. Водитель с тягачом с прицепом №1 будет приезжать на склад и становиться на загрузку или разгрузку. Разделять прицеп №1 от тягача и забирать уже загруженный или разгруженный прицеп №2 и доставлять его в нужный пункт. В это время склад готовит следующий груз и загружает его в прицеп №1. Этот метод очень эффективный и позволяет избегать временных потерь при загрузке или разгрузке.

В штате компании Kuljetus Terviö Oy работает 8 водителей. Каждому водителю начисляется почасовая заработная плата: 12,49 € для 2 водителей, 12,64 € для одного водителя, 13,37 € для пяти водителей. В компании есть 6 грузовиков, а водителей, которые получают максимальную почасовую ставку (13,37 €) только пять. С данной системой начисления заработной платы я не согласен. Я считаю её несправедливой. Компания должна платить всем водителям, которые работают на грузовиках, одинаковую заработную плату. Также компании необходимо дифференцировать заработную плату водителей в зависимости от сложности маршрутов. Это позволит компании увеличить производительность и ускорить процесс доставки. Водителей стоит разделить на тех, кто будет ездить по постоянным маршрутам и тех, кто будет ездить по случайным маршрутам. Водители, которые ездят постоянно по одному и тому же маршруту, становятся опытными и выполняют работу качественно и за минимальное время. Заработную плату водителя, который ездит на микроавтобусе, стоит сделать ниже, чем у водителей грузовиков, но выше, чем в водителя легкового автомобиля. За выполнение поставленных задач досрочно, компания должна премировать своих сотрудников.
На предприятии есть механик / сторож, который работает около 6 часов в день. Это не рационально. Компании следует нанять одного сторожа и ещё одного механика. Сейчас я объясню для чего компании нужны эти специалисты. Сторож нужен для того, чтобы охранять склад круглосуточно, так как компания начнет сдавать паллето-места в аренду, а значит заказчик должен быть уверен в сохранности своего груза. Также сама компания должна быть уверена, что складское оборудование всегда находиться в безопасности.
У компании есть мастерская по ремонту грузовиков, в которой она их ремонтирует. В связи с тем, что у нас лишь 6 грузовиков, 90% своего времени она остается пустой. Нанять механика компания должна для того, чтобы начать оказывать услуги по ремонту автомобилей другим компаниям. Это принесет дополнительную прибыль и позволит обеспечить работой механиков, а также не позволит мастерской простаивать.
Компания вынуждена использовать услуги сторонней организации, чтобы вести: расчет заработной платы, бухгалтерский учет и финансовый отчет один раз в год. Использование компанией аутсорсинга - выгодно и удобно, так как это позволяет экономить денежные средства. Компании не приходиться нанимать ещё одного сотрудника и выплачивать ему заработную плату.
Обязанности в компании распределены неправильно. Неправильно распределение обязанностей приводит к отсутствию логистических цепочек, а значит и к отсутствию оптимальной работы всех отделов и их взаимодействия.
Вильо Terviö должен вести учет всех документов на складе, получать и принимать заказы клиентов, планировать транспортные маршруты и минимизировать временные потери.
Вяйнё Terviö должен строго следить за погрузкой и разгрузкой грузовиков. Проверять груз и сопровождающее документы.
Вильо Terviö должен знать и уметь делать всё, что делают Вильо Terviö и Вяйнё Terviö. Он всегда должен быть готовым принять участие в выполнении поставленных задач, которые возникнут при увеличении числа клиентов. Он всегда сможет заметить одного из сотрудников, если кто-то заболеет или уйдет в отпуск.
Вяйнё Terviö должен знать всю номенклатуру товара и быть очень внимательным, так как он выдает груз со склада и обслуживает клиентов.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
In order to use cross-docking in the Kuljetus Oy Terviö company, will have to make another station for loading and unloading trucks.19. you can use the following method. The driver of the drawing vehicle and trailer No. 1 will come to the warehouse and to loading or unloading. Divide trailer # 1 from the towing vehicle and pick up already loaded or unloaded trailer No. 2 and bring it into the desired item. At this time the warehouse prepares the next load and loads it into the trailer # 1. This method is very effective and allows to avoid temporary losses when loading or unloading. Staff The company employs Terviö Kuljetus Oy operates 8 drivers. Every driver is charged hourly wage: 12,49 € for 2 drivers, 12.64 € for one driver, 13.37 € for five drivers. The company has 6 trucks, and drivers who receive the maximum hourly rate (13.37 €) only five. With this payroll I disagree. I think its unfair. The company must pay all drivers who work on the trucks, the same salary. The company must also differentiate the wages of drivers, depending on the complexity of the routes. It will allow the company to increase productivity and speed up the delivery process. Drivers stands divided into those who will ride on permanent routes and those who will ride through coincidental routes. Drivers who travel constantly on the same route, become experienced and perform work qualitatively and in minimal time. Salary of a driver who drives a minibus worth making is lower than that of truck drivers, but higher than that of the driver of the car. For completion of tasks ahead of schedule, the company should reward their staff.At the enterprise there is a mechanic/janitor who works around 6:00 per day. It's not rational. The company should hire one guard and one mechanic. Now I will explain why we need these specialists. The watchman to guard a warehouse around the clock, as the company begins to donate pallet places for rent, which means the customer must be confident in the safety of their cargo. The company also must make sure that the equipment is always be safe. The company has a truck repair workshop, in which their repairs. In connection with the fact that we have only 6 trucks, 90% of the time it is empty. Hire mechanics company needs to start a car repair services to other companies. This will bring additional profit and will provide jobs for mechanics, and also will not allow the workshop to be idle.The company is obliged to use the services of an outside organization to lead: payroll, accounting and financial report once a year. Company's use of outsourcing-advantageous and convenient because it allows you to save money. Companies do not have to hire another employee and to pay him a salary. ResponsibilitiesResponsibilities of the company are distributed incorrectly. Wrong assignment of responsibilities leads to lack of logistic chains and, therefore, to the lack of optimal operation of all departments and their interaction.Viljo Terviö must keep a record of all documents in stock, receive and take customer orders, plan transportation routes and minimise time wastage. Väinö Terviö should strictly monitor the loading and unloading of trucks. Inspect the goods and the accompanying documents.Viljo Terviö should know and be able to do everything that makes Willo Terviö and Väinö Terviö. It should always be ready to take part in carrying out the tasks that will arise as the number of clients. He will always be able to notice one of the staff if someone gets sick or go away on vacation. Väinö Terviö should know the nomenclature of goods and be very careful, because it produces the goods from a warehouse and serves customers.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
In order to use the cross-docking in the company Kuljetus Terviö Oy, will have to make another station for loading and unloading trucks.
19. You can use the following method. The driver of a tractor-trailer №1 will come to the store and get in the loading or unloading. Share №1 trailer from the tractor and pick up already loaded or unloaded trailer №2 and deliver it to the desired item. At this time, the warehouse prepares the next load and loads it into the trailer №1. This method is very effective and avoids the time loss when loading or unloading. Employees The company employs Kuljetus Terviö Oy operates 8 drivers. Each driver is charged hourly wage: 12,49 € for 2 drivers, 12,64 € for one driver, 13,37 € for the five drivers. The company has six trucks and drivers who receive the maximum hourly rate (13,37 €) only five. With this system, payroll, I do not agree. I think it is unfair. The company must pay to all drivers who work on trucks, the same wage. Also, the company needs to differentiate between the wages of drivers depending on the complexity of routes. This will allow the company to increase productivity and speed up the delivery process. Drivers should be divided into those who will go on regular routes, and those who will ride on random routes. Drivers who travel constantly on the same route, are experienced and perform work qualitatively and in minimal time. Wages driver who drives a minibus worth making is lower than that of truck drivers, but higher than that of the driver of the car. During the execution of the tasks ahead, the company should reward their employees. The company has a mechanic / caretaker, who works about 6 hours a day. It is not rational. Companies should hire a guard and another mechanic. Now I will explain why companies need these experts. Caretaker needed in order to guard the warehouse around the clock, as the company will take the pallet places to rent, so the customer must be confident in the safety of their cargo. Also, the company itself must be sure that the storage equipment are always safe. The company has a truck repair shop, where it repairs them. Due to the fact that we have a truck 6, 90% of the time it remains empty. Hire a mechanic company needs to start providing services for car repairs to other companies. This will bring additional revenue and provide jobs for mechanics, and will not allow idle workshop. The company is forced to use the services of a third party to conduct: payroll, accounting and financial reports once a year. Using outsourcing company - advantageous and convenient, as it allows you to save money. Companies do not have to hire another employee and pay him a salary. Responsibilities Responsibilities in the company are distributed properly. Wrong allocation of responsibilities leads to a lack of supply chains, and thus to a lack of optimal operation of all departments and their interactions. Viljo Terviö shall keep a record of all documents on request, receive and accept customer orders, planning transport routes and to minimize time losses. Vaino Terviö should be strictly to monitor the loading and unloading of trucks. Check the load and the accompanying documents. Viljo Terviö should know and be able to do everything and do Viljo Terviö Vaino Terviö. It should always be ready to take part in the performance of tasks that will arise when the number of customers. He will always be able to observe one of the employees, if someone gets sick or goes on vacation. Vaino Terviö should know the entire range of the product and be very careful, because it gives the goods from a warehouse and serves customers.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
In order to use cross-ensured the company Kuljetus Terviö Oy, will have to make another one station for loading and unloading trucks.
19. You can use the following method.The driver with the towing vehicle with a trailer No. 1 will have to come to the warehouse and not become to load or unload. Share trailer 1 from the tractor and take away already downloaded or casted), cast iron trailer 2 and deliver it to the desired item.At this time, warehouse is currently preparing the next load and loads it into the trailer #1. This method is very effective and allows you to avoid temporary losses when loading or unloading.

In the state of company Kuljetus Terviö Oy operates 8 drivers. Every driver is calculated hourly wage: 12.49 € for 2 drivers, 12.64 € for one driver, 13.37 € for five drivers. The company is 6 trucks,As well, drivers who receive maximum hourly rate (13.37 % ) only five. With this payroll system i do not agree. I think its unfair. The Company must pay to all drivers,Who work on trucks, equal wages. The company needed to differentiate pay drivers, depending on the complexity of routes.This would allow the company to increase productivity and accelerate the process of delivering. Drivers are divided into those who will be permitted to travel through the permanent routes and those who will be traveling on a random routes. Drivers,Which compensates constantly on one and the same route, are experienced and doing work qualitatively and in a minimum amount of time. Driver's wages, which travels in a minibus, is to do the following,Than the truck drivers, but higher than the driver's passenger vehicle. For the fulfilment of the tasks tasks ahead of schedule, the company should be comparing their staff.
the business has the operator / watchman,Which is about 6 hours a day. This is not rational. Companies should hire one watchman and of another operator. Now I will explain what companies need these specialists. Gatekeeper is required for addition,To protect warehouse clock, as the company will start to lease facility has installed equipment from their seats in the rental, as well means the customer must be confident of the safety of its cargo. Also the company should be confident,That warehousing equipment always has to be in the Security Council.
THE company there is a repair shop trucks, in which it their repairs. In connection with the fact that we have only 6 trucks,90% of the time it is empty. Hire operator the company must, to begin to provide services for vehicle repair other companies.This would bring additional revenue and will ensure that the work of the mechanic, as well as will not allow workshop datacomm.
the Company is forced to use the services of the third party, to lead:Payroll, accounting and financial report once a year. Using the company's outsourcing services - benefits and convenient, as it allows you to save money.Companies do not fall to hire an additional staff member and to pay him the salary.
acting in the company are distributed correctly.Incorrect allocation of responsibilities resulting in lack logistics chains, and therefore the optimal performance of the lack all the divisions and their interaction.
, At Terviö should keep a record of all documents in the warehouse, to receive and take customer orders, plan for transport routes and minimize time lost.
Qwensel Terviö must strictly monitor the loading and unloading trucks. Check the load and the accompanying documents.
, at Terviö should know and be able to do all that makes, at Terviö and Qwensel Terviö.He must always be ready to take part in the performance of its tasks, which would arise if an increase in the number of customers. He will always be able to see one of the staff,If the earnest Intercessor or withdraws the leave.
Qwensel Terviö must know the whole nomenclature goods and be very careful, as it sends the goods from the warehouse and serves customers.
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