Я заметила, что Джим ведёт себя странно и подозрительно. Я поинтересовалась, что происходит, но он не ответил мне. Спустя некоторое время я вышла в туалет, а вернувшись, заметила, что мой отец крепко спит.
I noticed that Jim behaves strange and suspicious. I wondered what was going on, but he didn't answer me. Some time later I went to the toilet and when he returned, noticed that my father fast asleep.
I noticed that Jim is acting strange and suspicious. I asked what was happening, but he did not answer me. After a while I went to the bathroom, and came back and noticed that my father was fast asleep.
i noticed jim"s acting strange and suspicious. i wondered what was going on, but he didn"t answer me. some time later, i went to the bathroom, and when i noticed that my father sleeps soundly.