Осторожно! Не заденьте рукой за гвоздь. 2. Не скребите, пожалуйста, вилкой по тарелке, я не выношу этого звука. 3. Он едва-едва сдал экзамены, но, по-моему, он понял, что нельзя терять столько времени попусту.
Carefully! Do not touch the ball for a nail. 2. do not scrape, please fork on the plate, I did not make this sound. 3. He barely barely passed the exams, but in my opinion, he realized that it is impossible to lose so much time jerking off.
Caution Not zadente hand on a nail. 2. Do not scrape, please fork on the plate, I can not stand the sound. 3. He barely passed the exams, but, in my opinion, he realized that he can not lose so much time to waste.
be careful! avoid hand on a nail. 2. don't скребите, please, with a fork on the plate, i can't stand the noise. 3. he barely passed the exam, but i think he realized that he should not waste so much time to waste.