Во время визита президент обратился с краткой речью к студентам универ перевод - Во время визита президент обратился с краткой речью к студентам универ английский как сказать

Во время визита президент обратился

Во время визита президент обратился с краткой речью к студентам университета.
2. Нечаянная оговорка во время выступления вызвала смешки в зале.
3. К сожалению, он не отличался ни остроумием, ни умением налаживать контакт с аудиторией, и на его лекциях присутствовало мало народа.
4. Оратор, очевидно, не испытывал никакого дискомфорта по поводу того, что приводимые им в качестве аргументов откровенно банальные слова и идеи не соответствовали теме дискуссии и явно раздражали его оппонентов.
5. Председателю с трудом удалось закончить свое выступление, так как присутствовавшие в зале представители партий вступили с ним в пререкания. Некоторые явно не скрывали своей иронии и откровенно насмехались над его предложениями.
6. Судя по реакции аудитории, которая слушала оратора, затаив дыхание, можно было сделать вывод, что выступавший произвел на нее весьма благоприятное впечатление. Он прекрасно владел приемами ораторского искусства, был красноречив и остроумен.
7. Умение выступать перед большими аудиториями приобретается не сразу. Выступление перед публикой требует серьёзной подготовки и постоянной практики.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
During the visit, the President's short speech to university students.2. Unexpected reservation during the speech provoked giggles in the audience.3. Unfortunately, it was neither the wit nor the ability to establish contact with the audience, and his lectures were attended by a few people.4. He obviously did not feel any discomfort that cited them as arguments frankly banal words and ideas do not conform to the topic discussion and clearly annoyed his opponents.5. the President could hardly conclude, as present in the Hall of representatives of parties to take with him in a quarrel. Some clearly didn't hide its irony and openly mocked his proposals.6. Judging by the reaction of the audience, which listened to the speaker with bated breath, it was possible to conclude that the speaker has made a very good impression on her. It is owned by tricks of oratory, was eloquent and witty.7. ability to speak in front of large audiences is acquired immediately. Statement before the public requires serious training and constant practice.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
During the visit, the president addressed a short speech to university students.
2. Unexpected clause during his speech caused laughter in the hall.
3. Unfortunately, it was neither the wit nor the ability to establish contact with the audience, and his lecture was attended by few people.
4. He obviously did not feel any discomfort at the fact that he cited as arguments frankly banal words and ideas do not conform to the subject of discussion and clearly annoyed by his opponents.
5. Chairman barely managed to finish his speech, as those present in the hall representatives of the parties to take with him into a dispute. Some clearly did not hide his irony and openly mocked his proposals.
6. Judging by audience reaction, which listened to the speaker, with bated breath, it was possible to conclude that the speaker has made ​​it a very favorable impression. He perfectly mastered techniques of oratory, he was eloquent and witty.
7. The ability to speak in front of large audiences purchased immediately. Speech before the public requires serious training and constant practice.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
during the visit, the president made a brief speech to university students.2. нечаянная reservation during the speech called the laughs in the audience.3. unfortunately, he had no wit, no ability to communicate with the audience, and its lecture was attended by few people.4. she obviously had no discomfort over the fact that the them as arguments to the usual words and ideas do not conform to the topic of discussion, clearly annoyed his opponents.5. the president barely managed to conclude, as representatives of the parties present at the conference were disputed with him. some are clearly not hide its irony and openly mocking his proposals.6. based on the reaction of the audience who listened to the speaker with bated breath, one could conclude that the speaker has made her a very favourable impression. he"s owned the techniques of public speaking, was eloquent and witty.7. the ability to speak in front of large audiences is not right. speech to the audience requires serious training and continuous practice.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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