Когда я рисую - я летаю. Забываю о всех проблемах и погружаюсь в творчество. Время останавливается. Не замечаю как проходит ночь. И вот за окном уже светает. Рисунок готов и ты чувствуешь себя удовлетворенным.
When I draw-I fly. Forget about all the problems and plunge into creativity. Time stops. Don't notice how goes the night. And here's the window already is coming. Figure ready and you feel satisfied.
When I paint - I fly. I forget about all the problems and plunge into creativity. Time stops. I do not notice how the night. And the window is already getting light. Figure ready and you feel satisfied.
when i paint, i can fly. forget all the troubles and go to work. time stops. missing in the night. and when it"s dawn. figure ready and you feel satisfied.