Как же выбрать свой профессиональный путь и свести к минимуму возможны перевод - Как же выбрать свой профессиональный путь и свести к минимуму возможны английский как сказать

Как же выбрать свой профессиональны

Как же выбрать свой профессиональный путь и свести к минимуму возможные ошибки и разочарования?

Неверное представление о характере деятельности приводит к выбору, не соответствующему имеющимся у человека задаткам, способностям и особенностям характера. Профессия может выбираться исходя из представлений о ней как о романтической ( актер), интеллигентной (врач), модной (дизайнер), денежной (финансист) или на основании того, что уже несколько поколений семьи заняты в ней.

Правила выбора профессии

• Следует выявить, в каких сферах деятельности существует потребность на сегодняшний день, пообщаться с успешными представителями данной профессии, которые заняты в ней не один год. Это позволит увидеть перспективу на ближайшие 2-3 года.

Найти возможность практически попробовать свои силы в этой среде хотя бы на стажерской позиции или в качестве фрилансера.

• Не поддаваться влиянию друзей, т.к. они исходят из своих представлений о том, что вам нужно, и оно может здорово расходиться с вашим. Кроме того, даже близкие люди склонны проецировать свой негативный опыт. Если кто-то из ваших знакомых в 90-е ушел в торговлю после того, как работал инженером, то вряд ли он будет придерживаться мнения, что инженер – профессия замечательная. Важно помнить, что отношение к профессии у любого человека складывается из многих факторов.

Главное помнить, что работа является притягательной лишь тогда, когда встречает внутренний отклик, а значит, отвечает нашим склонностям. Нередко деятельность может нравиться своими результатами, приносимой пользой, признанием в обществе, социальным статусом и другими благами, которые она дает. Но подлинная склонность всегда означает расположенность и к самому процессу деятельности, когда работа не просто средство достижения каких-нибудь целей, но и сама по себе становится привлекательной и служит источником вдохновения.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
How to choose your professional path and minimize possible errors and frustration?

the wrong idea about the nature of leads to choice, not relevant to human performance, abilities and characteristics. Profession can be chosen on the basis of perceptions of her as a romantic (actor), intelligent (doctor), fashion (Designer), cash (financier) or on the basis of the several generations of the family have worked in the it profession selection rules


• should identify in which areas there is a need for today, talk with successful members of the profession who are in it for more than a year. This allows you to see the perspective for the next 2-3 years

.Find the opportunity to try your hand at this environment even for the internship position or as a freelance

. • not to succumb to the influence of friends, because they believe they have their views about what you need, and it can really disagree with yours. In addition, even the closest people tend to project their negative experiences. If someone you know is in the 90-s left to trade after having worked as an engineer, It is unlikely that he would stick to the view that the engineer is a wonderful profession. It is important to remember that attitude to the profession of any individual is the sum of many factors, the most important thing to remember,

. that is attractive only when meets domestic responses, and thus meets our inclinations. Often the can like your results, benefits, recognition in society, social status and other benefits it provides. But the real tendency always mean disposition and to the process of When the work is not just a means of achieving any goals, but in itself becomes an attractive and serves as a source of inspiration.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
How do you choose your career path and to minimize errors and frustration? misconceptions about the nature of an activity that leads to the selection does not match the humans inclinations, abilities and character features. Profession may be selected on the basis of representations of it as romantic (actor), intelligent (the doctor), fashion (designer), money (financier) or on the basis that several generations of the family are engaged in it. Regulations career choices • should be identified, in which areas there is a need today, to talk with successful members of the profession who are engaged in it for years. This will see the prospect of the next 2-3 years. Find virtually opportunity to try their hand in this environment at least for trainee positions, or as a freelancer. • Do not succumb to the influence of friends, because they come from their ideas about what you need, and it can greatly diverge from yours. Furthermore, even close people tend to project their negative experience. If someone you know is in the 90s went into trade after working as an engineer, it is unlikely that it will adhere to the opinion that the engineer - a wonderful profession. It is important to remember that the attitude to the profession of any person made ​​up of many factors. 's essential to remember that the work is attractive only when it encounters an internal response, and therefore meets our inclinations. Often activities can like your results, associated benefits, recognition in society, social status and other benefits that it provides. But the real tendency always mean disposition and to the process of activity, when the work is not just a means to kakih-nibud goals, but itself becomes attractive and serves as a source of inspiration.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
How to choose your professional path and to minimize possible errors and frustration?lord wrong impression of the nature of activities leads to the selection, not the appropriate available for the rights задаткам,Abilities and characteristics. Profession may be chosen based on the submission of it as romantic ( actor), intelligent (medical doctor), fashion (designer), cash (financier) or on the grounds,That is already a few generations family are employed in it.Lord rules choosing a profession

- should identify, in what areas of activities there is a need, on the date,Talk with successful representatives of the profession, which are employed in it are not one year. This allows you to see perspective for the next 2-3 years.

To find a way to virtually try their forces in this environment while the UNV position or as a фрилансера.Lord - must not be influenced friends, because they have come from their view that you want to be,And it can really disagree with you. In addition, even close people tend to project their negative experience. If one of your friends in the 90-e resigned in trade after the fact, as he worked as an engineer,It is unlikely that it will adhere to the view that an engineer - it's a great profession. It is important to bear in mind, that the attitude to the profession from any rights is made up of many factors.lord Main remember,That the work is a strong attractive only when met with an internal response, and therefore, is in our prayers. Often activities may hinder their results, essentiality usefully,Recognition in society, social status, and other benefits, which it gives. But the real inclination always mean that specialize and to the very process of activities,When the work is not simply a means to achieve any goals, but is in itself becomes an attractive and serves as a source of inspiration.
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