Между прочим с раннего детства мальчик серьезно занимался спортом и ме перевод - Между прочим с раннего детства мальчик серьезно занимался спортом и ме английский как сказать

Между прочим с раннего детства маль

Между прочим с раннего детства мальчик серьезно занимался спортом и мечтал стать известным футболистом, прирожденный актерский талант и желание быть артистом в нем перевесили. После окончания среднеобразовательной школы Марио становиться студентом училища актерского мастерства. До поступления, за спиной будущей знаменитости было уже несколько десятков снятых рекламных роликов. Через два года занятий, Касас впервые снялся в кино, его дебютной картиной стал фильм Антонио Бандераса «Летний дождь».

Настоящая популярность и известность к молодому человеку пришла, после выхода на телевизионные экраны драмы «Три мера над уровнем моря», где Марио досталась главная роль молодого человека по имени Ачи. За роль в данном кинофильме испанский актер был номинирован на одну из самых престижных кинопремий Испании, в номинации «Лучшая мужская роль». Кроме актерства, Касас активно занимается спортом, играет в футбол, является членом фонда по борьбе с лейкемией, много путешествует и изучает иностранные языки. Актер не женат, долгое время встречался с актрисой Амайей Саламанко.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Among other things from early childhood, the boy is seriously engaged in sports and dreamed of becoming a famous footballer, a natural acting talent and a desire to be an artist in it outweighed. After graduating from secondary school grow drama school student Mario skill. Prior to joining, behind future celebrity was already several dozen shot commercials. After two years of lessons, Casas first starred in the film, his debut picture film Antonio Banderas «letnij dozhd».This popularity and fame to young man came after the release on television screens of drama "three measure above sea level, where Mario got the main role of a young man by the name of Aci. For her role in this film was nominated Spanish actor for one of the most prestigious Spanish Cinema Awards, in the category "best actor". In addition to acting, Casas is actively engaged in sports, playing football, is a member of the Fund for the fight against leukemia, travels a lot and studying foreign languages. The actor never married, met for a long time with the actress Amajej Salamanko.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
The way from early childhood, the boy was seriously engaged in sports and dreamed of becoming a famous football player, a natural acting talent and the desire to be an artist in him outweighed. After graduating from secondary schools Mario to become a student of the school of acting. Before entering, behind future celebrity was already taken several dozen commercials. After two years of study, Casas first starred in the movie, his debut film was the film Antonio Banderas 'Summer rain'. This popularity and fame to the young man arrived, after an exit on TV screens drama "Three measure above sea level", where Mario got home the role of a young man by the name of Aci. For his role in this film the Spanish actor has been nominated for one of the most prestigious film awards in Spain, in the category "Best Actor". In addition to acting, Casas actively involved in sports, playing football, is a member of the Fund for the fight against leukemia, a lot of traveling and studying foreign languages. The actor is not married, I have long met with actress Amaia Salamanca.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
by the way since early childhood, the boy really sports and wanted to be a famous football player, a natural acting talent and desire to be an artist in it, misplace. after the end of the school среднеобразовательной mario become student school of acting. before joining behind future celebrities have taken dozens of commercials. through two years of occupation, casas, for the first time was in the film, his debut film was the movie "summer rain" antonio, antonio.the popularity and fame to a young man came, after the television screens of drama "three measure above the level of the sea", where mario got the lead role of a young man named aci. for a moving part of the spanish actor was nominated for one of the most prestigious movie of spain, in the category "best male role. but the theatrics, casas was active in sports, playing football, is a member of the anti leukemia, travels a lot and is studying foreign languages. the actor is not married, long dated actress амайей саламанко.
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