Дело в том, что при социализме никакой секретарь Коммунистической партии ни в коем случае не мог переспорить церковника. Я уверен, что в церкви есть люди, которые отвечают именно за этот проект.
The fact of the matter is that under socialism no Secretary of the Communist Party in any case could not taking command of an churchman. I am sure that in the church there are people who are responsible for this project.
The fact is that under socialism no secretary of the Communist Party in any case could not argue churchman. I am sure that in the Church there are people who are responsible for this project is.
the thing is, what the socialism is secretary of the communist party in no case could not fight cleric. i"m sure that in the church there are people who are responsible for this project.