Давным-давно, в одном городе жил был этот человек. Жил себе и жил, пок перевод - Давным-давно, в одном городе жил был этот человек. Жил себе и жил, пок английский как сказать

Давным-давно, в одном городе жил бы

Давным-давно, в одном городе жил был этот человек. Жил себе и жил, пока не понял в один прекрасный момент, что наш мир несовершенен. Это нормально, мысли о несовершенстве мира приходят рано или поздно в головы многих людей. Но наш герой был совершенно особенный человек, он решил изменить мир. Он решил сделать мир красивым, дружелюбным, хорошим и совершенным.

И этот человека сказал . И семь лет этот человек встречался с руководителями государств, организовывал масштабные акции по изменению мира, привлекал сотни и сотни тысяч людей к духовным практикам, работал все эти годы, не покладая рук. Он стал очень известным и уважаемым человеком, но семь лет прошли. И мир: остался прежним.

Тогда он сказал себе .

Он пришел к президенту страны, получил все необходимые полномочия, ведь он был уважаемым и известным человеком. Все эти сотни дней человек работал почти круглосуточно, он встречался с руководителями крупных заводов, с лидерами политических партий, руководителями регионов и просто популярными актерами и известными людьми. Но через семьсот дней его страна осталась прежней.

сказал этот человек. Он встретился за это время с каждым жителем своего родного города, он это время почти не спал, он проявил нечеловеческую активность, но: город остался прежним.

Тогда человек окончательно разозлился - он столько делал для этого мира, для этой страны, для этого города, а они остались прежними. Тогда он решил изменить свою жену. И взял себе для этого 7 недель. И вы уже, наверное, знаете результат. Его жена осталась прежней.

Тогда человек впервые за эти многие годы сел и подумал - может быть, возможно изменить сначала себя? Он взял для себя семь дней. И через семь дней он изменился, и когда он изменился - изменилась его жена, его город, его страна и его мир.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Once upon a time, lived in the same town was this man. Lived himself and lived until I realized one day that our world is not perfect. This is normal,thoughts about the imperfection of the world come early or late in the heads of many people. But our hero was a very special person, he decided to change the world. He decided to make the world beautiful, friendly, good quality and perfect.

And this man said . And the seven years this man met with heads of state, organized large-scale actions to change the world,attracted hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people to the spiritual practices, worked all these years, tirelessly. He became very famous and respected person, but seven years have passed. And the world: remained unchanged.

Then he said to himself change the world very difficult. So I changed to start his own country, and the rest of the country will see how we have become good and also change. It takes more time, but that's exactly change the world. Give me 700 days,and I will change the country>.

He came to the country's president, has received all the necessary powers, because he was a respected and well-known man. All these days hundreds of people worked almost around the clock,he met with the heads of large factories, leaders of political parties, regional leaders and just popular actors and famous people. But after seven days of his country remained the same.

Man said. > He met during this time with every resident of his hometown, he almost did not sleep, he showed superhuman activity, but the city remained the same.

Then the man finally got angry - he did so much for the world, for this country, for this city, and they have remained the same. Then he decided to change his wife. And he took himself for this 7 weeks. And you've probably alreadyknow the outcome. His wife remained the same.

Then the first man over the many years sat down and thought - maybe possible to change yourself first? He took for himself seven days. And after seven days he has changedand when it changed - changed his wife, his city, his country and his world.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Once upon a time, in the same city there was this man. Lived and lived until realized at one point that the world is imperfect. It is ok thoughts on the imperfection of the world come early or late in the head of many people. But our hero was a special person, he decided to change the world. He decided to make the world beautiful, friendly, good and perfect.

And this man said < give me seven years, and I will change the world! >. and seven years this man has met with the heads of States, has organized many large-scale actions to change the world, attracted hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people to spiritual practices, worked all these years, tirelessly. He became a very well-known and respected person, but seven years have passed. And peace: remained the same.

Then he told himself < probably It is very difficult to change the whole world. So I'll change to their country and the rest of the country will see how we became good, and will change. It will take more time, but it is exactly going to change the world. Give me 700 days and I change country >.

He came up against the President, got all the necessary power, because he was a respected and famous person. All these hundreds of days people worked almost around the clock, He met with the heads of large factories, with leaders of political parties, heads of regions and popular actors and famous people. But after seven days of his country has remained the same.

< Damn it! > said this man is. < If I have failed to change their country, then I will change the least my hometown! give me 7 months, and I'll change!> He met during this time, each resident of his native city, he is almost unable to sleep, he showed human activity, but the city remained the same.

Then the man finally got angry-he did so much for this world, for this country, for this city, and they remain the same. Then he decided to change his wife. And took 7 weeks for that. And you have probably know the result. His wife remained the same.

Then the person for the first time in many years, these villages and thought-maybe it is possible to change first? It took seven days for himself. And in seven days he has changed, and when it changed-changed his wife, his city, his country and his world.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
Long ago, in the same city he was the same person. He was alone and he was, as long as I didn't understand in one wonderful moment, that our world is not perfect. This is normal, asThoughts on the imperfect world have come too early or too late in your head many people. But our hero was quite unusual people, he decided to change the world. He had decided to make the world a beautiful, friendly, good and perfect.

And this human rights said . And the seven years this person has met with the leaders of the states, organized large-scale actions to change peace,Drew hundreds and hundreds of thousands of people to the spiritual practitioners, has worked all these years, not dessert wines. It has become a very well-known and respected man, but seven years have passed. And peace: remained the same.

Then he said a To change the entire world is very difficult. Therefore, I am going to start their own country, and the rest of the countries will see, and as far as the US has become well, and also will change. This will take more time, but this is just change the world. Let me 700 days,And I will modify country>.

He has come to the president, has received all of the necessary authority, but he was respected and well-known man. All of these hundreds of days people worked almost day,He also met with leaders of major factories, with the leaders of political parties, regional leaders and simply popular actors and well-known people. But through seven hundred days his country remained the same.

said this person. > He met during this time with each resident his native city, he this time almost did not sleep, he has нечеловеческую activity, but: the city remained the same.

Then people will be quite angry - he has done so much for the world, for the country, for the city, and they have remained unchanged. Then he decided to change his wife. And has been for the 7 weeks. And you have already, I think,You know the result. His wife remained the same.

Then man first for these many years sat down and thought - may be, you may be able to change first? He has assumed for seven days. And after seven days, he has changed,And when he has changed - changed his wife, his city, his country and the world.
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