LED - картина – это олицетворение безграничной фантазии дизайнеров MSG перевод - LED - картина – это олицетворение безграничной фантазии дизайнеров MSG английский как сказать

LED - картина – это олицетворение б

LED - картина – это олицетворение безграничной фантазии дизайнеров MSG Collection. В ней совмещаются великолепная эстетика и прекрасный функционал. Созданы они на основе технологий светорассеивающего пластика и светодиодной подсветки. Подрамник производится исключительно из натурального дерева. Питание от сети 220В. Длина кабеля 2,5 метра, что позволяет расположить шедевр на любом участке стены.
Высочайшее качество изображения создает японское оборудование, специальные чернила и руки наших мастеров. Венчает общий вид шикарный темный багет из натурального дерева. То есть, по сути, это картина с багетом оснащенная качественным оборудованием и подсветкой.

Функциональность этих картин, такая же, как и у картины с подсветкой, а вот подход к их подсвечиванию совершенно разный. Картина класса LED оснащена светодиодами, за счет чего обходится LED - картина недорого, если считать количество потребляемой электроэнергии. У этой технологии есть еще одно неоспоримое преимущество – качество освещения. Подсветка из светодиодов способна достигнуть каждого уголка холста, освещая всю картину целиком, а не только ее определенную часть. Кроме того, исходящий свет ложится равномерно, а это важный критерий для изделий таких размеров. Картина с подсветкой будет выглядеть очень эффектно не только благодаря освещению, но и благодаря своему оформлению. Ведь натуральное дерево, из которого сделаны багеты, всегда считалось символом богатства. В конечном итоге, благодаря количеству и качеству используемых материалов получается очень интересный и красивый элемент интерьера и в последнее время его все чаще можно заметить в различных заведениях, домах, да и в принципе всех помещениях, где красивый интерьер имеет немаловажное значение. Вопрос благополучия тут отыгрывает далеко не последнюю роль. Подобный элемент в дизайне помещения всегда обращает на себя массу внимания. Чем красивее и качественнее он сделан - тем лучше это скажется на репутации владельца, ведь настоящий ценитель красивых вещей не сможет не заметить такую красивую и необычную вещь, тем более, если она выполнена качественно.

Сегодня можно купить LED – картину, полностью отвечающую всем вашим запросам. Вы можете подобрать картину индивидуально или попросить, чтобы для вас сделали макет, принести фотографию или собственный эскиз, все что пожелаете. Это тоже одна из причин их популярности. По-сути, вы можете заказать все, что угодно и рядом всегда будут люди, которые с удовольствием подскажут и расскажут, как лучше реализовать вашу идею. Это очень удобно, ведь только вы знаете, что подойдет лично вам. Каждый человек индивидуален, поэтому с самого начала мы предоставляем огромный выбор, чтобы вам было из чего выбирать, если нет желания что-то придумывать. Благодаря удобной форме онлайн заказа и широкому спектру представленных картин на сайте, вам даже не нужно покидать уютную обстановку для того чтобы подобрать именно то, что вам нужно.
Цена LED – картин может быть разной и будет варьироваться в зависимости от ваших пожеланий.
Существует два основных размера:
- 33х73 см
- 33х49 см

Покупка LED – картины - чудесный метод украсить любое помещение, будь-то ресторан, жилое помещение или офис. Это маленькое чудо в вашем доме, создающее приятную романтическую атмосферу и кусочек сказки для ваших детей, которые больше не будут бояться темноты.

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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
LED-painting is the personification of the boundless imagination of designers MSG Collection. It combines excellent aesthetics and excellent functionality. They were created on the basis of technologies of light-scattering plastic and led backlighting. The frame is made entirely of wood. Powered by 220V. Cable length 2.5 meter that allows a masterpiece by any stretch of the wall.Image quality will create the Japanese equipment, special inks and hands of our masters. The overall look is crowned with a chic dark natural wood frames. That is, in fact, this picture with baguette equipped quality equipment and lighting. The functionality of these paintings, the same as your picture with lighting, but the approach to their podsvečivaniû totally different. Painting class LED is equipped with LEDs, thereby costing the LED pattern, if you count the number of consumed energy. This technology has another distinct advantage-quality lighting. Illumination from LEDs can reach every corner of the canvas, highlighting the whole picture as a whole, and not only the specific part. In addition, the outgoing light falls evenly, and this is an important criterion for articles of such sizes. Picture with lighting will look very impressive not only because of the lighting, but also thanks to its design. After all, natural wood from which made baguettes, has always been considered a symbol of wealth. Eventually, thanks to the quantity and quality of the materials used is very interesting and beautiful element of Interior and lately his increasingly can be seen in various institutions, homes, and, in principle, all premises where the beautiful interior is essential. The question of well-being here plays a significant role. A similar element in the design of premises always attracts a lot of attention. What more beautiful and better it is, the better effect it will have on the reputation of the owner, because a real connoisseur of beautiful things cannot fail to notice such a beautiful and unusual thing, especially if it is done properly. Today you can buy LED picture, fully meets all your needs. You can pick up a picture individually or ask to have done for you layout, bring a photo or sketch of your own, all that you want. It is also one of the reasons for their popularity. In fact, you can order anything and always will be people who will gladly tell you and tell you how to best implement your idea. It is very convenient, because only you know what will suit you personally. Every person is different, therefore, from the outset, we provide a huge selection to choose from, if you do not want to think of something. Thanks to convenient online order form and a wide range of paintings presented on the site, you don't even need to leave your cozy surroundings in order to find exactly what you need. Price LED-pictures can be different and will vary depending on your wishes.There are two main sizes:-33h73 cm-33h49 cm Purchase LED-paintings-a wonderful method to decorate any room, be it a restaurant, living room or Office. It is a small miracle in your home, creating a romantic atmosphere and pleasant piece of tales for your children that will no longer be afraid of the dark.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
LED - the picture - is the embodiment of boundless imagination of designers MSG Collection. It combined superb aesthetics and excellent functionality. They are created on the basis of the light-scattering plastic technology and LED backlight. The subframe is made ​​exclusively from natural wood. Powered by 220V. Cable length of 2.5 meters, which allows to arrange a masterpiece by any stretch of the wall.
Superior image quality makes Japanese equipment, special inks and the hands of our masters. Crowned with a general view of a baguette chic dark wood. That is, in fact, is equipped with a baguette picture quality equipment and lighting. The functionality of these pictures is the same as in the picture with backlight, but their approach to highlight very different. Painting Class is equipped with LED light-emitting diodes, thereby costing LED - a picture cheaply, if you count the amount of electricity consumed. This technology has another distinct advantage - the quality of lighting. Illumination of the LEDs is able to reach every corner of the canvas, covering the whole picture, not just a certain part of it. In addition, the outgoing light falls evenly, and this is an important criterion for the product of this size. Picture backlit will look very impressive not only because of the coverage, but also because of its design. After all, natural wood, from which made ​​baguettes, has always been considered a symbol of wealth. In the end, thanks to the quantity and quality of materials used gives a very interesting and beautiful element of the interior and recently it increasingly can be seen in various institutions, homes, and, in principle, all the rooms where beautiful interior is of great importance. Welfare immediately regains a significant role. This element in the design of the room and drew the attention of the mass. The beautiful and quality made ​​it - the better it will affect the reputation of the owner, as a true lover of beautiful things can not fail to notice such a beautiful and unusual thing, especially if it is made ​​with high quality. Today you can buy LED - now fully meets all your requirements . You can choose a picture individually and ask them to do the layout for you, bring your own photograph or sketch, all you want. This is also one of the reasons for their popularity. In fact, you can order anything you want and there is always going to be people who are willing and prompt tell you how best to implement your idea. This is great, because once you know which one is right for you personally. Each person is different, so from the beginning we offer an extensive choice to make you to choose from if there is no desire to think of something. With the convenient form of online ordering, and a wide range of paintings presented on the website, you do not even need to leave the cozy environment to find exactly what you need. The price LED - the pictures can be different and will vary depending on your wishes. There are two main Size: - cm 33h73 - 33h49 cm Purchase LED - paintings - a wonderful method to decorate any room, whether it's a restaurant, living room or office. It is a small miracle in your home, create a pleasant romantic atmosphere and a piece of a fairy tale for your children, who will no longer be afraid of the dark.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
LED - the picture is big unlimited fantasy designers MSG collection. The combined excellent aesthetics and excellent functionality.They have been established on the basis technology светорассеивающего plastic and led backlight. The sub-frame is made exclusively from natural wood. Power from the network 220A. Cable length 2.5 meters,That allows you to place a masterpiece in any location on a wall.
top image quality creates a Japanese equipment, special ink and hands our masters.Crowns overall view with its chic dark framed in natural wood. That is, in fact, this is the picture with багетом equipped with high quality equipment and backlit display.

functionality of these paintings, the sameAs the paintings with backlight, but it is an approach to their подсвечиванию is quite different. The picture class LED is equipped with leds, which can cost LED - picture is inexpensive,If that amount of power. The technology there is yet another advantage - light quality. The backlighting of the leds is able to reach every corner Holst,Highlighting the whole picture, and not only its a certain part. In addition, the outgoing light falls evenly, and this is an important criterion for the products of the size.The picture with the backlight will look very attractively not only thanks to media coverage, but also because of its decor. It is natural wood, from which made baguettes, has always been regarded as a symbol wealth.In the final analysis, the quantity and quality of materials is very interesting and a nice piece of furniture and, more recently, its increasingly can be seen in the various institutions, homes,Yes and in principle all premises, where the decor is important. The question well-being here отыгрывает is far from being the last role.Such an element in the design space is always draws attention to the ground. More than one piece and responsibly he made - the better it will affect the reputation, ownerBut the present cuirass beautiful things will not be able to not notice such a beautiful and unusual thing, all the more so if it is qualitatively.

today you can buy LED - picture, fully meets all your needs.You can find your picture of individually or ask that you have done the layout, bring a photo or your own thumbnail, and all that you want. This is also one of the reasons for their popularity. In fact,You can order all that you want and next to always be a number of people, who would be happy to apologizing and tell, what is the best way to realize your idea. This is a very convenient, because only you know, that is right for you personally.Every person lung, from the very outset, therefore we provide a huge selection, so that you were from which to choose, if there is no desire, I think.With a convenient online order form and a broad range submitted by art on the web site, you don't even have to leave a cozy atmosphere in order to find the fact that you need to.
The price LED - paintings may be different and will vary depending on your wishes.
there are two basic size:
- 33x73 cm
- 33x49 cm

Buy LED - picture - a fantastic method decorate any room,Whether a restaurant, residential premises or office. It is a small miracle in your house, which creates a pleasant romantic atmosphere and a piece fairy tales for your children, who will no longer be afraid darkness.

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