Roberto lay awake, listening to the rain outside the tent and the soft перевод - Roberto lay awake, listening to the rain outside the tent and the soft английский как сказать

Roberto lay awake, listening to the

Roberto lay awake, listening to the rain outside the tent and the soft sound of snoring coming from Mario beside him. As usual, Mario had no trouble sleeping through the roaring storm, Roberto thought as pulled his sleeping bag tighter around himself. Roberto had known him to snore happily in a train station with trains coming and going. He would have thought, though, that even Mario might have had problems with the freezing wind coming through the door of the tent. No amount of clothes piled on top of each other could stop the cold air getting in and Roberto was beginning to get annoyed at the sight of his sleeping companion.
The trip had been Mario’s idea and Roberto had agreed despite his lack of enthusiasm for the outdoor life and its physical demands. As far as he was concerned, the countryside was a place filled with insects and inconvenience, but Mario had convinced him that they would enjoy it. Roberto had managed to maintain a smile for the first few days of hard work and badly-cooked food, but his patience was coming to an end. He wasn’t sure why Mario usually succeeded in persuading him to do things that were against his better judgement, but he thought it was probably due to Mario’s ability to focus on the positive. He seemed not to hear Roberto’s arguments against the idea until it just became easier for Roberto to agree than to try to make him listen. Roberto wished he could be more like Mario. His own ideas usually never got very far. He was too aware of the opposite point of view and often argued himself out of his own suggestions. It made him seem indecisive and weak, while Mario came across to everyone as very confident.
The wind seemed to get a little stronger and Mario rolled over and opened his eyes sleepily.
“What time is it?” he asked and Roberto peered at his watch.
“Four,” he replied and yawned. Suddenly there was a noise outside the tent.
“What was that?” asked Mario. They both listened. It had sounded like the grunt of an animal of some kind, a large animal by the sound of it. Neither of them moved. After a moment Roberto offered to check what was outside and Mario nodded his head, nervously. Not that Roberto wasn’t afraid – the sweat on his hands and forehead proved that – but he knew that unless he acted Mario would beat him into it and would come out of it looking like a hero. Roberto was determined that when they got back home he was going to have stories to tell, just like Mario normally did.
He moved to the entrance of the tent and unzipped the door slowly. The wind blew rain in. He glanced back at Mario before stepping outside and closing the door behind him.
Mario blinked in the darkness and listened carefully. He heard the animal noise again, closer this time and then a strange human noise. He felt very alone and insecure. All kinds of images flashed through his mind quickly. What if Roberto didn’t come back? He thought of going back to town and having to break the sad news to Roberto’s family. That would be bad enough, but the real concern was that he would look like a coward. He quickly pulled his boots on and rushed outside the tent.
It was then that he realized what the strange human noise had been. Laughter. Roberto was laughing, even though he was dripping wet from the rain. Mario looked where he was pointing. There was a cow standing by the tent, lazily chewing on some grass.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Roberto lay awake, listening to the rain outside the tent and the soft sound of snoring coming from Mario beside him. As usual, Mario had no trouble sleeping through the roaring storm, Roberto thought of as pulled his sleeping bag tighter around himself. Roberto had known him to snore happily in a train station with trains coming and going. He would have thought, though, that even Mario might have had problems with the freezing wind coming through the door of the tent. No amount of clothes piled on top of each other could stop the cold air getting in and Roberto was beginning to get annoyed at the sight of his sleeping companion. The trip had been Mario's idea and Roberto had agreed despite his lack of enthusiasm for the outdoor life and its physical demands. As far as he was concerned, the countryside was a place filled with insects and inconvenience, but Mario had convinced him that they would enjoy it. Roberto had managed to maintain a smile for the first few days of hard work and out badly-cooked food, but his "patience" was coming to an end. He wasn't sure why Mario usually succeeded in persuading him to do things that were against his better judgement, but he thought it was probably due to Mario's ability to focus on the positive. He seemed not to hear Roberto's arguments against the idea until it just became easier for Roberto to agree than to try to make him listen. Roberto wished he could be more like Mario. His own ideas usually never got very far. He was too aware of the opposite point of view and often argued himself out of his own suggestions. It made him seem indecisive and weak, while Mario came across to everyone as very confident. The wind seemed to get a little stronger and Mario rolled over and opened his eyes sleepily. "What time is it?" he asked and Roberto peered at his watch. "Four," he replied and yawned. Suddenly there was a noise outside the tent."What was that?" asked Mario. They both listened. It had sounded like the grunt of an animal of some kind, a large animal by the sound of it. Neither of them moved. After a moment He offered to check what was outside and Mario nodded his head nervously. Not that He wasn't afraid-the sweat on his hands and fore-proposed that-but he knew that unless he acted Mario would beat him into it and would come out of it looking like a hero. Roberto was determined that when they got back home he was going to have stories to tell, just like Mario normally did. He moved to the entrance of the tent and unzipped the door slowly. The wind blew rain in. He glanced back at Mario before stepping outside and closing the door behind him. Mario blinked in the darkness and listened carefully. He heard the animal noise again, closer this time and then a strange human noise. He felt very alone and insecure. All kinds of images flashed through his mind quickly. What if He didn't come back? He thought of going back to town and having to break the sad news to Roberto's family. That would be bad enough, but the real concern was that he would look like a coward. He quickly pulled his boots on and rushed outside the tent. It was then that he realized what the strange human noise had been. Laughter. Roberto was laughing, even though he was dripping wet from the rain. Mario looked where he was pointing. There was a cow, standing by the tent, lazily chewing on some grass.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Roberto lay awake, listening to the rain outside the tent and the soft sound of snoring coming from Mario beside him. As usual, Mario had no trouble sleeping through the roaring storm, Roberto thought as pulled his sleeping bag tighter around himself. Roberto had known him to snore happily in a train station with trains coming and going. He would have thought, though, that even Mario might have had problems with the freezing wind coming through the door of the tent. No amount of clothes piled on top of each OTHER Could the stop the cold air getting in and of Roberto WAS Beginning to the get annoyed AT the sight of a His was sleeping Companion.
Of The of trip HAD Been by Mario's: idea and of Roberto HAD Agreed is despite a His LACK of Enthusiasm for the of outdoor life and its physical demands. As far as he was concerned, the countryside was a place filled with insects and inconvenience, but Mario had convinced him that they would enjoy it. Roberto had managed to maintain a smile for the first few days of hard work and badly-cooked food, but his patience was coming to an end. He was not sure why Mario usually succeeded in persuading him to do things that were against his better judgement, but he thought it was probably due to Mario's ability to focus on the positive. He seemed not to hear Roberto's arguments against the idea until it just became easier for Roberto to agree than to try to make him listen. Roberto wished he could be more like Mario . His own ideas usually never got very far . He was too aware of the opposite point of view and often argued himself out of his own suggestions. It made HIM SEEM indecisive and weak, 'while' by Mario CAME across the to everyone as with very confident.
Of The wind seemed to the get a little stronger and by Mario rolled over and Opened a His eyes sleepily.
"For What time is IT?" He Asked and of Roberto peered AT a His the watch.
"the Four," he replied and yawned. There WAS a Suddenly noise outside the tent.
"That WAS for What?" Asked by Mario. They both listened. It had sounded like the grunt of an animal of some kind, a large animal by the sound of it. Neither of them moved. After a moment Roberto offered to check what was outside and Mario nodded his head, nervously. Not that Roberto was not afraid - the sweat on his hands and forehead proved that - but he knew that unless he acted Mario would beat him into it and would come out of it looking like a hero. That WAS a determined of Roberto the when for They's got back home he WAS going to have stories to tell's, just like by Mario Normally DID.
The He Moved to the entrance of the tent and the unzipped the door Slowly. The wind blew rain in. AT glanced back the He by Mario the before stepping outside and a closing the door behind HIM.
By Mario blinked in the darkness and the Listened Carefully. He heard the animal noise again, closer this time and then a strange human noise. He felt very alone and insecure. All kinds of images flashed through his mind quickly. What if Roberto did not come back? He thought of going back to town and having to break the sad news to Roberto's family. That would be bad enough, but the real concern was that he would look like a coward. Quickly pulled a His the He boots on and rushed outside the tent.
It WAS the then That he Realized what the strange noise HAD Been human. Laughter. Roberto was laughing, even though he was dripping wet from the rain. Mario looked where he was pointing. There was a cow standing by the tent , lazily chewing on some grass.
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