Быть счастливым и быть успешным это одно и тоже? на мой взгляд разница перевод - Быть счастливым и быть успешным это одно и тоже? на мой взгляд разница английский как сказать

Быть счастливым и быть успешным это

Быть счастливым и быть успешным это одно и тоже? на мой взгляд разница между ними все-таки есть. У этих двух понятий есть свои критерии. успешность это то что есть у человека то есть то что выставляется на всеобщее обозрение: машина , дорогая одежда , образование. А счастье это твое внутреннее состояние. для того чтобы быть счастливым человеку совершенно необязательно обладать какими-то материальными ценностями. если человек в чем-то успешен Он обязательно постараются это показать всем похвастаться. Бывает так что люди получают успех и думают что стали счастливыми. они ошибаются не каждый успешный человек считается счастливым.

если ты преуспел в каком-то деле это не значит что ты достиг Счастье. когда люди стремятся быть успешным они беспокоятся только о том что подумают окружающие. забывают о том что и кто делает их счастливыми. в поддержку своих высказываний можно взять рассказ Мэри Шелли "Франкенштейн". главный герои этого рассказа Виктор Франкенштейн с самого детства имел счастливую жизнь. он имел свою лучшую семью. его родители любили его больше своей жизни и старались дать ему все что у них есть. они старались чтобы он ни в чем не нуждался. дали ему возможность получить наилучшее образование Чтобы в дальнейшем он стал самым влиятельным человеком. одним словом у него были все принципы счастья; он имел хорошее образование , здоровье любимую семью . Но со временем он начал осознавать что ему чего-то не хватает в своей жизни что-то он должен сделать что-то грандиозное. И вот он начал свой неверный путь. он хотел быть успешным в своем деле которое очень долго планировалось. уже во время своей деятельности он постепенно начал терять всех близких людей. и вот когда Наконец он достиг успеха, когда создал монстра, он окончательно потерял Все. потерял счастье. этот пример дает возможность понять человеку что после достижения успеха не всегда наступает счастье успешным можно быть только среди людей в то время как счастливым.

В заключении Я хочу сказать у каждого человека свои приоритеты. для одного важно быть успешным и чтобы это все все знали. а для другого это быть счастливым иметь семью, иметь близких друзей, быть нужным. закончить хотелось бы высказыванием Джона Леннона. Он говорит "Когда мне было 5 лет, мама сказала мне, что самое важное в жизни - быть счастливым. Когда я пошел в школу, меня спросили, кем я хочу стать, когда вырасту. Я написал "Счастливым". Мне сказали: "Ты не понимаешь задание!". Я ответил: "Вы не понимаете жизнь!"."
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Be happy and be successful is one and the same? in my opinion the difference between them still is. These two concepts have their own criteria. success is something that a man can have that is something that is put on public display: car, expensive clothes, education. And happiness is your internal state. in order to be happy a person don't have any assets. If a person is successful in something He necessarily will it show all boast. It happens that people get success and think that they are happy. they are wrong not every successful person is considered lucky. If you succeed in any case, this does not mean that you have reached Happiness. When people strive to be successful they worry only about what will others. forget about what and who makes them happy. in support of his statements, you can take the story of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein". the main heroes of the story of Victor Frankenstein from childhood had a happy life. He had his best seven. his parents loved him more than my life and tried to give it everything they have. they tried to make it not needed. gave him the opportunity to get the best education That he became the most powerful man. In short, he had all the principles of happiness; He had a good education, health of the beloved family. But over time, he began to realize that he has something missing in your life something he must have done something great. And so he began his wrong path. He wanted to be successful in my business that planned for a very long time. already during his activity he gradually began to lose all. and that's when he finally achieved success when he created a monster finally lost it all. lost happiness. This example gives the opportunity to understand the person that after success not always comes happiness can only be successful among people while happy. In conclusion, I want to tell everyone their priorities. for one, it is important to be successful, and that is all everyone knew. and another is to be happy to have a family, to have close friends, to be fit. I would like to finish saying John Lennon. He said "when I was 5 years old, my mother told me that the most important thing in life is to be happy. When I went to school, they asked me who I want to be when they grow up. I wrote "happy." I was told: ' you don't understand job! ". I replied, "you don't understand!". "18:59:06
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Be happy and be successful are the same? I think the difference between them is still there. These two concepts have their own criteria. success is that there is a person that is something that is exposed for all to see: the car, expensive clothes, and education. Happiness is your internal state. to be a happy person is not necessarily possess some material goods. if a person is in something successful he is sure to try to show everyone boast. It so happens that people get success and think that they became happy. they are wrong, not every successful man is considered lucky. If you succeed in any case it does not mean that you have achieved happiness. when people tend to be successful, they only worried about what will think around. forget who and what makes them happy. in support of their statements can take the story of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein." The main characters of this story Victor Frankenstein from childhood had a happy life. He had his best seven. His parents loved him more than life, and tried to give it everything they have. they tried that it in no way needed. It gave him the opportunity to get the best education to further it became the most powerful man. in short, he had all the principles of happiness; He had a good education, health, family favorite. But over time, he became aware that he was something lacking in your life is something he has to do something big. So he began his wrong path. he wanted to be successful in the business is very long planned. already during his career, he gradually began to lose all the loved ones. And when he finally achieved success when he created a monster, he finally lost everything. I lost happiness. This example makes it possible to understand a person that after achieving success is not always a success comes happiness can only be among people as happy. Finally I want to tell everyone their priorities. it is important for one to be successful and that's all everyone knew. and for another it is to be happy to have a family, to have close friends, to be needed. I would like to finish saying John Lennon. He says, "When I was 5 years old, my mother told me that the most important thing in life - to be happy. When I went to school, they asked me who I want to be when I grew up. I wrote" Happy. "I said," You do not understand the job! ". I said, 'You do not understand life!". "18:59:06

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
be happy and be successful are the same? in my opinion, the difference between them is still there. these two concepts have their own criteria.the success is that there is something there for everyone to see: car, expensive clothes, education. and happiness is your internal state.to be a happy person is not necessarily possess any material things. if a person is successful, he will try to show it to everyone.sometimes people get success and think they are happy. they are wrong, not every successful man is very happy.

if you are good at something, it doesn't mean that you have happiness.when people want to be successful, they worry about what other people think. forget about what and who makes them happy. in support of his statements can take the story of mary shelley's "frankenstein".the main characters of the story of victor frankenstein from childhood had a happy life. he had a better family. his parents loved him more of my life and tried to give him everything they have.they tried that he wasn't needed. gave him a chance to get a good education so that he became the most powerful man in the future. in one word, he had all the principles of happiness;
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