однажды Белла гуляла со своей лучшей подругой в парке. У подруги зазво перевод - однажды Белла гуляла со своей лучшей подругой в парке. У подруги зазво английский как сказать

однажды Белла гуляла со своей лучше

однажды Белла гуляла со своей лучшей подругой в парке. У подруги зазвонил телефон и она отошла ответить на звонок. Через 20 минут Белла начала беспокоится и отправилась её искать . Подходя к "Комнате Смеха" она услышила от туда крик , она вбежала туда и увидела тёмную комнату , везде был туман. Через толщу тумана удалось разглядеть петлю на которой висела окровавленная и почти живая подруга ,Белла бросилась спасать её . Вынимая её голову из петли , девочка заметила в далеке ещё ряд трупов подвешенных на крюки . Положив подругу на пол , Белла увидела на стене полку , на которой стояли банки , а внутри них лежали человеческие органы .Не было только сердца и печени. Белла поняла что может стать следующей и быстро побежала выходу.Как вдруг кто-то резко схватил её за шею, стрельнул ей в висок и вспорол ножом живот, сломал рёбра и достал сердце . Через дыру в голове убийца продел верёвку и повесил её на крюк. Окровавленное тело Беллы из которого вываливались внутренности чуть - чуть покачиваясь висело на крюке. Убийца положил её сердце в банку и поставил на полку рядом с другими. Злобно посмеиваясь он ушёл в темноту выжидать следующую жертву.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Once Bella was strolling with her best friend in the Park. Girlfriend had the phone rang and she went to answer the call. Through 20 minutes of Bella began to worry and went to look for her. Approaching the "Room of laughter," she uslyshila from back Creek, she ran there and saw a darkroom fog was everywhere. Through the thick fog, unable to see the loop on which hung a bloodstained and almost live girlfriend, Bella rushed to rescue her. Taking out her head out of the loop, the girl noticed far away some dead bodies suspended on hooks. Putting a girlfriend on the floor, Bella saw on a wall shelf, on which stood the banks, and inside them lay human organs. Not only had the heart and the liver. Bella realized what could become the next and quickly ran to the exit As suddenly someone abruptly grabbed her by the neck, bummed her temple and vsporol the belly knife, broke ribs and pulled out the heart. Through a hole in the head assassin through the rope and hung it on a hook. Bloodied up Bella's body from which the vyvalivalis' insides slightly swaying hung on the hook. Killer put her heart in a jar and put it on the shelf next to the other. Viciously chuckling he retired into the darkness to wait for the next victim.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Once Bella was walking with her best friend in the park. At the girlfriend the phone rang and she went to answer the call. After 20 minutes, Bella started to get worried and went to look for her. Approaching the "Room of Laughter," she hears a cry from the back, she ran there and saw a dark room, all was mist. Through the thick fog could see the loop on which hung bloody and almost live girlfriend, Bella rushed to save her. Taking out her head out of the loop, the girl saw in the distance a number of more corpses hanging on hooks. Putting girlfriend on the floor, Bella saw on the wall of the shelf on which stood the banks, but inside they were human bodies .Not only was the heart and liver. Bella realized that could become the next, and quickly ran vyhodu.Kak when someone abruptly grabbed her by the neck, shot her in the head and stomach ripped open with a knife, broken ribs and took heart. Through a hole in the head assassin slipped a rope and hung it on the hook. Bella's bloody body from which the entrails fell out a little - a little swaying hanging on the hook. Killer put her heart in a jar and put it on the shelf next to the other. Laughing angrily he went out into the darkness to wait for the next victim.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
one day, walking with my best friend in the park. with a friend, the phone rang and she went to answer the phone. 20 minutes later, bella was worried and went looking for her. approaching the "funhouse" she услышила out screaming, she ran in and saw the dark room, there was a fog. through the mist have seen loop which was bloodied and almost a friend, bella jumped to save her. twenty of her head of the loop, the girl noticed far away several dead bodies hung on the hooks. his friend, on the floor, bell saw on the wall of the shelf, on which stood the banks, and within them were the human bodies. it was only the heart and liver. bella knew what could be the next and quickly ran выходу.как suddenly someone suddenly grabbed her by the neck, shoot her in the head and abdomen cut open with a knife, broken ribs, and got the heart. through a hole in the head of the продел rope and hung it on the hook. bella's bloody body from which the entrails spilling out a little bit right hanging on the hook. killer put her heart in a jar and put on the shelf next to the other. he went into the dark evil was waiting for his next victim.
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