14. Это означает верное понимание проблемы. Курс предназначен специаль перевод - 14. Это означает верное понимание проблемы. Курс предназначен специаль английский как сказать

14. Это означает верное понимание п

14. Это означает верное понимание проблемы. Курс предназначен специально для экономистов. Это значит что вы будете развивать эти навыки (skills) постепенно. Под этим мы имеем виду, что нашей основной задачей является добиться преимущества экспорта над импортом. Эти колоссальные усилия привели к росту оптимальных средств накопления. Путем экономии мы добьемся преимущества над другими компаниями. Ни в коем случае вы должны распространять эту информацию. Это непременно будет иметь Непосредственное влияние на вашу карьеру.
15. Московский университет дает лучшее образование в нашей стране. Этот программный продукт обеспечивает ученого необходимыми статистическими данными. Такая работа не может обеспечить вас необходимыми средствами уществования. Информация будет полезной при условии, что она современная.
16. Мы не можем эффективно использовать этот метод, если не имеем всей необходимой информации. Эти средства связи должны широко использоваться в нашей работе. Эта информация была неверно использована. Широкое применение этих веществ (substances) делает нацию здоровее. Такие идиомы широко используются в деловом английском. А эти слова уже вышли из употребления в повседневном общении. Вы должны пользоваться навыками, полученными в первом семестре.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
14. This means a true understanding of the problem. The course is designed specifically for economists. This means that you will develop these skills (skills) gradually. By this we mean that our main objective is to achieve the benefits of exports over imports. These tremendous efforts led to an increase in optimal funds accumulation. Through the savings we will achieve an advantage over other companies. In any case you should disseminate this information. This will have a direct impact on your career. 15. Moscow State University provides the best education in our country. This product provides the scientist with the necessary statistical data. This work may not provide you with the necessary tools uŝestvovaniâ. Information would be useful, provided that it is modern. 16. We cannot effectively use this method when you do not have all the necessary information. These means of communication should be used extensively in our work. This information was improperly used. Widespread use of these substances (substances) makes the nation healthier. Such idioms are widely used in business English. And these words are already out of use in everyday communication. You must use the skills acquired in the first semester.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

14. This is the correct understanding of the problem. The course is designed specifically for economists. This means that you will develop these skills (skills) gradually. By this we mean that our main task is to achieve the benefits of exports over imports. These efforts have led to the enormous growth of the best means of accumulation. By saving, we will achieve an advantage over other companies. Under no circumstances should you have to distribute the information. It will certainly have a direct impact on your career.
15. Moscow University provides the best education in our country. This software provides the necessary statistical data scientist. Such work can not provide you with the necessary means uschestvovaniya. The information will be useful, provided that it is modern.
16. We can not effectively use this method if you do not have all the necessary information. These means of communication should be widely used in our work. This information has been misused. Widespread use of these substances (substances) make the nation healthier. Such idioms commonly used in business English. But these words have fallen out of use in everyday communication. You must use the skills learned in the first semester.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
14. this means the understanding of the problem. the course is designed specifically for economists. this means that you will develop these skills (skills) gradually. by this we mean that our primary objective is to achieve the advantages of exports over imports. these enormous efforts have led to the growth of the best means of accumulation. through the savings we will have advantages over other companies. in any case, you must distribute this information. it will have a direct impact on your career.15. the university provides the best education in our country. this product provides a necessary statistical data. this work can provide you with the necessary means уществования. information would be useful, provided that it is.16. we can not effectively use this method if you don"t have all the necessary information. these means of communication should be widely used in our work. this information was not used. the widespread use of these substances (substances) makes people healthier. such idioms are widely used in business english. and these words are out of use in everyday communication. you must use the skills acquired in the first semester.
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