Ты уже связала свитер? - Нет еще. Я собираюсь кончить его завтра. 24.  перевод - Ты уже связала свитер? - Нет еще. Я собираюсь кончить его завтра. 24.  английский как сказать

Ты уже связала свитер? - Нет еще. Я

Ты уже связала свитер? - Нет еще. Я собираюсь кончить его завтра. 24. Скорее, а то мы опоздаем на первый урок. 25. Где твоя сеста? - Она моет посуду на кухне. 26. Мальчик попросил мать пришить ему на пальто пуговицу. 27. Давай включим магнитофон послушаем музыку. 28. Что ты делаешь? - Я готовлюсь уроку английского языка. - Что ты собираешься делать? - Я собираюсь поиграть на рояле. 29. Ты слышала последнее известия? - Да. 30. Что ты делаешь? - Я постирала белье, а сейчас глажу. его. 31. Давай соберемся после занятий и прогуляемся вместе. 32. Мне нравится платье, которое было на тебе вчера. 33. Почему в комнате темно? - Что-то случилось с лампой. 34. Ты уверена в том, что выключила свет. В. 1. Сейчас в деревне почти каждая семья имеет радиоприемник или телевизор. Поэтому люди могут посмотреть телевизор или послушать радио дома. Некоторые из них идут в читальню, чтобы почитать книгу, газету или журнал. Другие идут в клуб если там концерт или идут новые фильмы. 2. Хорошо ли для ребенка просиживать целый вечер перед телевизором? - Конечно, нет. Дети должны проводить больше времени на воздухе. 3. Что вы обычно делаете по вечерам? - Обычно бываем дома. Раз или два в неделю мы ходим на каток, в театр или кино. Моя сестра очень любит музыка и часто бывает на концертах. И иногда мы смотрим телевизор, если в программе есть что-то интересное. - Вы идете куда-нибудь сегодня вечером? - Не думаю. - Тогда пойдемте со мной в наш университетский клуб. Там будет концерт. Вам он наверное понравится. - Спасибо, с удовольствием. 4. Что-то случилось с приемником. Он не работает. - Дай мне посмотреть. - Ты думаешь, что ты можешь его починить? - Конечно. - Сколько тебе на это потребуется времени? - Совсем не много. Готово. Пожалуйста. - Какой ты молодец! Большое спасибо! - Не стоит.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
You have already linked the sweater? -Not yet. I'm going to finish it tomorrow. 24. Rather, we'll miss the first lesson. 25. Where is your sister? -She is washing dishes in the kitchen. 26. Boy asked his mother to sew it on a coat button. 27. Let's include a tape recorder to listen to music. 28. What do you do? -I'm preparing lesson in English. -What are you going to do? -I'm going to play on the piano. 29. Have you heard the latest news? -Yes. 30. What are you doing? -I washed clothes underwear, and now the crease. his. 31. Let's get together after school and walk together. 32. I like the dress that was on you today. 33. Why the room is dark? -Something wrong with the lamp. 34. Are you confident that turned out the lights. B. 1. Now almost every family in the village has the radio or tv. So people can watch tv or listen to radio at home. Some of them go to the reading room to read a book, newspaper or magazine. Others go to the Club if there's a concert or go new movies. 2. Good for the child to sit the whole evening in front of the tv? -Of course not. Children should spend more time outdoors. 3. What do you usually do in the evening? Usually we don't go home. Once or twice a week we go to the skating rink, theater or cinema. My sister loves music and is often at concerts. And sometimes we watch tv if there is something interesting. -You go someplace tonight? -I don't think so. Then come with me to our University Club. There will be a concert. You'll probably enjoy it. -Thank you with pleasure. 4. Something happened with the receiver. It does not work. -Let me see. -Do you think that you can do to fix it? -Of course. -How much time it will take you? Is not much. Finish. You are welcome. -What have you done! Thank you very much! -Not worth it.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]

Have you knit a sweater? - Not yet. I'm going to finish it tomorrow. 24. Rather, as we'll be late for the first lesson. 25. Where is your get in? - She is washing dishes in the kitchen. 26. The boy asked his mother to sew a button on his coat. 27. Let's turn on the tape recorder listen to music. 28. What are you doing? - I am preparing lessons in English. - What are you going to do? - I'm going to play the piano. 29. Have you heard the latest news? - Yes. 30. What are you doing? - I washed clothes, and now stroked. him. 31. Let's get together after school and walk together. 32. I like to dress that was on you yesterday. 33. Why in a dark room? - Something happened to the lamp. 34. Are you sure that the light is turned off. V. 1. Who is in the village, almost every family has a radio or television. Therefore, people can watch TV or listen to the radio at home. Some of them go to the reading room to read a book, newspaper or magazine. Others go to the club if there is a concert or go to a new movie. 2. Is it good for the child to sit the whole evening in front of TV? - Of course not. Children should spend more time in the air. 3. What do you do in the evenings? - Usually at home. Once or twice a week we go to the skating rink, the theater or the cinema. My sister is very fond of music and often live. And sometimes we watch TV, if the program has something interesting. - Are you going somewhere tonight? - I do not think. - Then come with me to our university club. There will be a concert. You will probably enjoy it. - Thanks, with pleasure. 4. What's wrong with the receiver. He does not work. - Let me see. - You think you can fix it? - Of course. - How much do you need this time? - Very little. Done. You are welcome. - What you're done! Many thanks! - Do not be.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
you"ve knit a sweater? - no, not yet. i"m going to finish it tomorrow. 24. hurry up, or we"ll be late for the first class. 25. where"s your sister? she washes the dishes in the kitchen. 26. the boy asked mother to sew his coat button. 27. let"s turn on the tape recorder to listen to some music. 28. what are you doing? i"m preparing lesson in english. - what are you gonna do? - i"m going to play the piano. 29. you heard the latest news? - yeah. 30. what are you doing? - i washed laundry and ironing. his. 31. let"s meet after class and take a walk together. 32. i like the dress you were wearing yesterday. 33. why in the dark room? - something wrong with the lamp. 34. are you sure that turned off the lights. in the. 1. now, in the village, almost every family has a radio or tv. therefore, people can watch tv or listen to the radio at home. some of them are in читальню to read a book, newspaper or magazine. some people walk in the club if there"s a concert or go to new movies. 2. good for the baby sit all night in front of the tv? - no, of course not. children should spend more time in the air. 3. what do you usually do in the evening? usually stay at home. once or twice a week we go skating in the theatre or the cinema. my sister likes music and often goes to concerts. and sometimes we watch tv, if the program is something interesting. - are you going out tonight? - i don"t think so. - then come with me at the university club. there will be a concert. you must like it. - thank you, with pleasure. 4. what happened to the receiver. he"s not working. - let me see. - you think you can fix it? - of course. - how old are you, it will take time. - not a lot. ready. please. - good for you! thank you very much! - not worth it.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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