Климат — многолетний режим погоды, типичный для данного района Земли, как бы средняя погода за много лет. Термин «климат» был введен в научный оборот 2200 лет назад древнегреческим астрономом Гиппархом и означает по-гречески «наклон» («klimatos»). Ученый имел в виду наклон земной поверхности к солнечным лучам, различие которого от экватора к полюсу уже тогда считалось главной причиной различий погоды в низких и высоких широтах. Позднее климатом назвали среднее состояние атмосферы в определенном районе Земли, которое характеризуется чертами, практически неизменными на протяжении одного поколения, то есть порядка 30-40 лет. К таким чертам относятся амплитуда колебания температур, атмосферное давление, атмосферная циркуляция.
Различают макроклимат и микроклимат:
Макроклимат (греч makros — большой) — климат крупнейших территорий, это климат Земли в целом, климатических поясов, а также крупных регионов суши и акваторий океанов или морей. В макроклимате определяется уровень солнечной радиации и закономерности атмосферной циркуляции;
Микроклимат (греч. mikros — маленький) — часть местного климата. Микроклимат в основном зависит от рельефа, лесных насаждений, различий в увлажнении почв, грунтов, весенне-осенних заморозков, сроков таяния снега и льда на водоемах. Учет микроклимата имеет существенное значение для размещения сельскохозяйственных культур, для строительства городов, прокладки дорог, для любой хозяйственной деятельности человека, а также для его здоровья.
Описание климата составляется по наблюдениям о погоде за много лет. Оно включает средние многолетние показатели температуры и количество осадков по месяцам, сведения о ветрах, облачности, повторяемости различных типов погоды. Но описание климата будет неполным, если в нем не даны отклонения от средних показателей. Обычно в описание включают сведения о самых высоких и самых низких температурах, о самом большом и малом количестве осадков за все время наблюдений.
Климат Земли изменяется не только в пространстве, но и во времени. Огромное количество фактов по данной проблеме дает палеоклиматология — наука о древних климатах. Исследования показали, что геологическое прошлое Земли — чередование эпох морей и эпох суши. Это чередование связано с медленными колебаниями земной коры, во время которых площадь океана то сокращалась, то увеличивалась. В эпоху увеличения площади Мирового океана солнечные лучи поглощаются водой и нагревают Землю, от которой нагревается и атмосфера. Общее потепление неизбежно вызовет распространение теплолюбивых растений и животных. Распространение теплого климата «вечной весны» в эпоху моря объясняется также и повышением концентрации С02, что вызывает явление парникового эффекта. Благодаря нему усиливается потепление.
При наступлении эпохи суши картина меняется. Это связано с тем, что суша, в отличие от воды, больше отражает солнечные лучи, а значит, слабее нагревается. Это приводит к меньшему прогреву атмосферы, и неизбежно климат станет холоднее.
Многие ученые считают космос одной из важных причин колебания климата Земли. Приводятся, например, достаточно веские доказательства солнечно-земных связей. С увеличением активности Солнца связаны изменения солнечной радиации, возрастает повторяемость циклонов. Уменьшение солнечной активности может привести к засухам.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
ClimateThe climate is a long-term weather mode, typical for this region of the Earth, how would the average weather for many years. The term "climate" was introduced into scientific circulation 2200 years ago, the ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus and means in Greek "tilt" ("klimatos"). The scientist was referring to the tilt of the Earth's surface to the Sun's rays, whose difference from Equator to pole already then was considered the main reason for the differences in weather low and high latitudes. Later climate called the average state of the atmosphere in a particular region of the Earth, which features virtually unchanged for one generation, i.e. the order of 30-40 years. Such features include the amplitude of fluctuations in temperature, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric circulation.Distinguish between makroklimat and microclimate:Makroklimat (Greek product macros — large) — the largest territories, climate is the climate of the Earth as a whole, climatic zones, as well as large parts of land and water areas of oceans or seas. In makroklimate is determined by the level of solar radiation and atmospheric circulation patterns;Microclimate (Greek mikros is small) is part of the local climate. Microclimate depends mainly on the topography, forest plantations, differences in soil moisture, soil, spring and autumn frosts, the timing of snowmelt and ice on ponds. Accounting microclimate is essential to accommodate crops, cities, roads, for any commercial activity, as well as for his health.Is climate description of weather observations for many years. It includes the average multi-annual values of the temperatures and precipitation by month, information about winds, clouds, the repeatability of various types of weather. But climate description would be incomplete if it is not given to the deviations from the average. Usually the description includes information about the highest and lowest temperatures, the large and small rainfall for all time.The Earth's climate is changing, not only in space but also in time. A great number of facts on this issue gives the Paleoclimatology-the study of ancient climates. Studies have shown that the geological past of the Earth — the alternation of eras and epochs of the seas. This alternation is associated with slow variations of the Earth's crust, during which surface ocean then declined, increased. In an era of increasing Ocean rays are absorbed by water and heat up the Earth, which heats the atmosphere. General warming would inevitably cause the spread of warmth-loving plants and animals. Spread warm climate "eternal spring" in the era of the sea is also and increased concentration of C02 is what causes the phenomenon of the greenhouse effect. It amplifies warming.Upon occurrence of an era sushi picture changes. This is due to the fact that the land, unlike water, more reflects sunlight, which means weaker heats up. This leads to less heating of the atmosphere, and inevitably the climate becomes colder.Many scientists consider space an important reason for the fluctuations in the Earth's climate. For example, are fairly strong evidence of solar-terrestrial interaction. With the increasing solar activity associated changes in solar radiation, increasing the frequency of occurrence of cyclones. Decrease of solar activity can lead to droughts.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
Climate - a long-term weather patterns typical for the area of the Earth, like the average weather over the years. The term "climate" was introduced into scientific circulation 2,200 years ago, the ancient Greek astronomer Hipparchus, and in Greek means "the inclination» («klimatos»). The scientist was referring to the slope surface of the earth to the sun, which is the difference from the equator to the pole had already considered the main reason for the differences in weather low and high latitudes. Later the climate was named the average state of the atmosphere in a particular area of the Earth, which is characterized by traits, virtually unchanged for one generation, that is about 30-40 years. These features include the amplitude of the fluctuations in temperature, atmospheric pressure, atmospheric circulation.
There are macroclimate and microclimate:
macroclimate (Greek makros - large) - Climate large areas, it is the Earth's climate as a whole, climatic zones as well as large areas of land and water areas of the oceans and seas . The macro environment is determined by the level of solar radiation and atmospheric circulation patterns;
microclimate (Gr. Mikros - small) - part of the local climate. The microclimate is largely dependent on topography, forest plantations, differences in soil moisture, soil, spring and autumn frosts, periods of snow and ice on the ponds. Accounting for climate is essential for cropping, for the construction of cities, roads, and for all human activities, as well as his health. Description Climate is compiled from observations of weather over the years. This includes long-term average temperature and precipitation for the month, data on winds, cloudy, frequency of different types of weather. But the description of climate would be incomplete if it is not given to deviations from the average. Typically, the description includes details about the highest and lowest temperatures, for the big and small amount of precipitation on record. The Earth's climate varies not only in space but also in time. A huge number of facts on this issue gives paleoclimatology - the study of ancient climates. Studies have shown that the geological past of the Earth - the alternation of periods of the seas and epochs land. This alternation is due to the slow variations of the crust, during which the area of the ocean is reduced, then increased. In an era of increasing the area of the oceans the sun's rays are absorbed by water and heated the earth, from which hot and the atmosphere. Total warming will inevitably lead to the spread of heat-loving plants and animals. Spread the warm climate of "eternal spring" in the era of the sea, and also due to an increase in the concentration of C02, which causes the phenomenon of the greenhouse effect. Through it amplifies warming. When the era of sushi picture changes. This is due to the fact that the land, unlike water, tended to reflect the sun's rays, and hence weaker heated. This results in less heating of the atmosphere, and inevitably becomes colder climate. Many scientists believe space one of the most important reasons for fluctuations in the Earth's climate. Leading, for example, enough strong evidence of solar-terrestrial relationships. With increased solar activity associated changes in solar radiation increases repeatability cyclones. The decrease in solar activity could lead to drought.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
weather the weather climate
regime, typical for the area of land, how would the average weather for many years.the term "климат» was introduced in the scientific circulation 2200 years ago by the ancient greek astronomer гиппархом and means in greek" наклон» ("klimatos»). a mean inclination of the earth's surface by the sun rays.the difference is from the equator to the north pole is then considered the main reason for the differences of weather in low and high latitudes. later, climate, called secondary air in a certain region of the earth.which is characterized by features of almost constant during one generation, there are about 30 to 40 years. such features include the amplitude fluctuations of temperature, atmospheric pressureatmospheric circulation.
the макроклимат and microclimate:
макроклимат is makros big) - the largest territories, that the earth's climate in general, climatic belts
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