До конца учёбы осталась неделя.Скоро лето. В июне можно поехать в город, гулять с друзьями,поехать куда нибудь. Например, в Крым или Сочи, или в Булгар.
Until the end of the study week. Soon the summer.In June you can go to the city, hanging out with friends, go where. For example, in Crimea or Sochi, or Bulgars.
Nedelya.Skoro summer to stay until the end of the study. In June you can go into town, hanging out with friends, go somewhere else. For example, in the Crimea or Sochi, or the Bulgar.
before the end of the study was неделя.скоро summer.in june, you can go to the city, walk with friends, go out. for example, in the crimea, or boston, or in bulgaria.