Время для историй, которые не имеют смысла! Сейчас 11:30 ночи, но вместо того, чтобы спать, я смотрю телевизор и не могу уснуть! Господи, утром я буду ненавидеть себя очень сильно
Time for stories that have no meaning! Now 11:30 night, but instead of sleeping, I watch tv and I can not sleep! Lord, in the morning I will hate myself very strongly
Time for stories that do not make sense! Today 11:30 am, but instead of sleeping, I watch TV and I can not sleep! Lord, in the morning I'll hate myself very much
the time for stories that don"t make sense.now, 11: 30 at night, but instead of sleeping, i am watching tv and i can"t sleep! god, i hate myself very much.