Ещё в детстве он снялся в рекламе детских товаров[3]. Актёрская карьер перевод - Ещё в детстве он снялся в рекламе детских товаров[3]. Актёрская карьер английский как сказать

Ещё в детстве он снялся в рекламе д

Ещё в детстве он снялся в рекламе детских товаров[3]. Актёрская карьера Дженсена Эклса началась в 1996 году, когда он появился в эпизодических ролях в таких телесериалах, как «Мистер Роудс», «Школа в Ласковой долине», и «Сибилл». В 1997 году он получил роль Эрика Брэйди в сериале телеканала, NBC «Дни нашей жизни». В 2000 году Эклс ушёл из сериала «Дни нашей жизни», чтобы сняться в мини-сериале «Блондинка», повествующем о жизни Мэрилин Монро, он также проходил прослушивание на роль Кларка Кента в сериале «Тайны Смолвилля», но эта роль досталась Тому Уэллингу[5]. В 2001 году Дженсен снялся в телесериале Джеймса Кэмерона «Тёмный ангел» (телеканал Fox) в эпизодической роли Бена/Х5-493, психопата и серийного убийцы, «брата» главной героини Макс/Х5-452 (в исполнении Джессики Альбы). Его персонаж погибает, но Дженсен возвращается во втором сезоне в роли близнеца Бена — Алека/Х5-494 и остаётся в сериале до его отмены в 2002 году.

2003 год стал для Эклса плодотворным, он присоединился к актёрскому составу популярного сериала телеканала WB «Бухта Доусона», где сыграл роль Си Джея, возлюбленного Джен Линдли. После этого Дженсен снялся в нескольких эпизодах так и не вышедшего в эфир телесериала «Спокойная жизнь» телеканала Fox перед тем, как его съёмки неожиданно прекратили.

В 2004 году снялся в небольшой роли в короткометражном фильме «The Plight of Clownana». Эклсу предлагали роль возлюбленного Элайзы Душку во втором сезоне сериала «Вернуть из мёртвых»[6], но в 2004 году он вернулся в Ванкувер (где проходили съёмки «Тёмного ангела»), чтобы сыграть роль Джейсона Тига, возлюбленного Ланы Лэнг (в исполнении Кристин Кройк) в телесериале «Тайны Смолвилля». В 2005 году Дженсен сыграл главную роль в фильме «Пожиратель душ» вместе со своим отцом.

В 2005 году Дженсен Эклс получил главную роль Дина Винчестера в мистическом сериале «Сверхъестественное» производства компании Warner Brothers, в котором также в главной роли снялся Джаред Падалеки. В 2007 году Дженсен был утверждён на роль Пристли в фильме «Десятидюймовый герой». В июне 2007 года Дженсен выступил на сцене театра Casa Mañana (Техас) вместе с Лу Даймондом Филлипсом в спектакле «Несколько хороших парней», где он сыграл роль лейтенанта Дэниэла Кэффи, которого исполнил Том Круз в киноверсии этой постановки в 1992 году. Это был первый опыт Эклса на театральной сцене.

В 2010 году состоялся режиссёрский дебют Дженсена - он снял 4 эпизод 6 сезона сериала «Сверхъестественное» — «Выходные у Бобби» (англ. Weekend at Bobby). В 2011 году Эклс срежиссировал 3 эпизод 7 сезона этого же сериала — «Соседка» (англ. The Girl Next Door), также он был режиссёром 3 эпизода 8 сезона и 3 эпизода 10 сезона в 2014 году.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Even in childhood, he starred in advertising of children's products [3]. Career Èklsa Jensen started in 1996, the year when he appeared in episodic roles in such television series as "Mr. Rhodes", "school in Affectionate Valley" and "Cybill". In 1997, he won the role of Eric Brady in the tv channel, NBC's days of our lives ". In 2000 year Eccles retired from the series "days of our lives" to star in the mini-series "Blonde", a movie about the life of Marilyn Monroe, he also auditioned for the role of Clark Kent in the television series Smallville, but the role went to Volume Uèllingu [5]. In 2001 year, Jensen starred in the television series James Cameron's Dark Angel (Fox) in a cameo Ben/X 5-493, psychopath and serial killer, "the brother of the main character Max/X 5-452 (played by Jessica Alba). His character dies, but Jensen returns in the second season in the role of twins Ben — Alec/X 5-494 and remains in the series until its cancellation in 2002 year.the year 2003 was Èklsa fruitful, he joined the cast of the popular tv channel WB Series composition "Dawson's Creek", where he played the role of Si DJ beloved Jen Lindley. Then Jensen starred in several episodes and not released broadcast television series "Quiet life" tv channel Fox before his shooting suddenly stopped.In the year 2004 had a small role in The short independent film The Plight of Clownana. Èklsu offered the role of beloved Eliza Dushku in the second season of the television series "Tru calling" [6], but in 2004 he returned to Vancouver (where filming "Dark Angel") to play the role of Jason Teague, lover of Lana Lang (Kristin Kreuk) in the television series Smallville. In 2005 year, Jensen played a starring role in the film "Devourer of souls" along with his father.In 2005 year, Jensen Ackles got the lead role as Dean Winchester in the series supernatural mystery production company Warner Brothers, which also starred starring Jared Padalecki. In 2007 year, Jensen was appointed to the role in the film "Priestley ten inch hero". In June 2007 the year Jensen spoke on the stage of the theatre Casa Mañana (Texas) along with Lou Dymond Phillips in the play "a few good men," where he played the role of Lieutenant Daniel Kèffi, which was performed by Tom Cruise in the film version of this performance in 1992 year. It was the first experience Èklsa on the theatrical stage.In 2010 year was the directorial debut of Jensen-he removed 4 episode 6 season series "Supernatural" — "weekend at Bobby" (Engl. Weekend at Bobby). In the year 2011 Eccles directed 3 episode 7 season of the same series — "Neighbor" (Engl. The Girl Next Door), he was also the Director episode 8 season 3 and episode 10 season 3 in year 2014.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Even as a child, he starred in advertising children's products. [3] Jensen Ackles acting career began in 1996 when he appeared in small roles in such television series as "Mr. Rhodes", "School in Sweet Valley" and "Cybill." In 1997 he landed the role of Eric Brady in the television series, NBC «Days of Our Lives." In 2000 Eccles left the series "Days of Our Lives" to star in the miniseries "Blonde", which tells about the life of Marilyn Monroe, he also auditioned for the role of Clark Kent in the TV series "Secrets of Smallville," but the role went to Tom Welling [5]. In 2001, Jensen starred in the TV series by James Cameron's "Dark Angel" (TV channel Fox) in a cameo in Ben / H5-493, psychopath and serial killer "brother" of the main character Max / H5-452 (played by Jessica Alba). His character dies, but Jensen returns in the second season as Ben's twin - Alec / H5-494 and remains in the series until its cancellation in 2002. The year 2003 was fruitful for Eccles, he joined the cast of the popular television series WB «Dawson's Creek "where he played the role of CJ, Jen Lindley's lover. Then Jensen starred in several episodes have not aired on the television series "Still Life" on Fox before his shooting suddenly stopped. In 2004, appeared in a small role in the short film «The Plight of Clownana». Eccles was offered the role of lover Eliza Dushku in the second season of the series "Tru Calling" [6], but in 2004 he returned to Vancouver (where were the shooting "Dark Angel") to play the role of Jason Teague, sweetheart Lana Lang (played by Kristin Kreuk) in the television series "Secrets of Smallville." In 2005, Jensen played a major role in the film "Devourer of Souls" with his father. In 2005, Jensen Ackles got the lead role of Dean Winchester in the mystical series "Supernatural" produced by Warner Brothers, which also starring Jared Padalecki. In 2007, Jensen was approved for the role of Priestly in the movie "Ten Inch Hero." In June 2007, Jensen made ​​the theater Casa Mañana (Texas) with Lou Diamond Phillips in the play "A Few Good Men," where he played the role of Lieutenant Daniel Keff, who played Tom Cruise in the film version of this production in 1992. It was the first experience of Eccles on the stage. In 2010, Jensen held directorial debut - he took 4 episode 6 season of "Supernatural" - "Weekend at Bobby's" (eng. Weekend at Bobby). In 2011, Ackles directed the episode 3 season 7 of the series - "neighbor" (eng. The Girl Next Door), he was also the director of the episode 3 season 8 episode 3 and 10 season in 2014.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
even when he was in the advertising of goods [3]. эклса jensen's acting career began in 1996 when he appeared in occasional roles in such tv series as "mr. роудс»," school sweet долине»,and "сибилл». in 1997, he received the role of eric brady on the television channel nbc "days of our lives." in 2000, eccles resigned from the series "days of our lives" to act in the mini series "блондинка», повествующем about the life of marilyn monroehe also auditioned for the role of clark kent on the mysteries of смолвилля», but this role was that уэллингу [5].in 2001, jensen has appeared in the tv series "dark angel" james cameron (the fox) in episodic roles of ben / x5 - 493, psychopathic serial killer, "" the main character max / x5 - 452 (by jessica alba).his character is killed, but jensen returns in season two as twin ben - alec / x5 - 494 and remain in the series until its cancellation in 2002.

2003 became эклса fruitfulhe joined the popular wb series by acting, not as "bay доусона» where played the role of cj, beloved, jen lindley.after that, jensen has appeared in several episodes, and aired the episodes out of the quiet life of fox before his shooting suddenly stopped.

in 2004, appeared in a small role in the movie "the короткометражном Plight of Clownana». эклсу offered the role in the second season of the show. eliza душку "back from the dead people" thing [6].but in 2004, he returned to vancouver (where was filming "dark angel"), to play the role of jason teague, sweetheart lana lang (kristin kreuk performance) in the tv series "secret смолвилля».in 2005, jensen played a major role in the movie "the eater of souls with his father.

in 2005, jensen ackles was the primary role of dean winchester on supernatural mystery series "production company warner brothers, which also starred starring jared padalecki.in 2007, jensen was approved for the role of priestley in the film "ten inch герой». in june 2007, jensen made the theater casa Mañana (texas) with lou даймондом phillips in the play "a few good boys.where he played the role of lieutenant daniel caffey, who performed the tom cruise in киноверсии this production in 1992. this was the first time эклса on a stage.

in 2010 was held режиссёрский debut jensen - he took 4 episode 6 season series "supernatural" weekend at bobby "(). weekend at bobby). in 2011, eccles срежиссировал 3 episode 7 season of this series, "соседка» ().the girl next door), he was also the director 3 episode 8 of season 3 episode 10 of season in 2014.
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