II ЭТАП. ОбручениеЖених и невеста произносят клятвы и жрец признает их перевод - II ЭТАП. ОбручениеЖених и невеста произносят клятвы и жрец признает их английский как сказать

II ЭТАП. ОбручениеЖених и невеста п

II ЭТАП. Обручение
Жених и невеста произносят клятвы и жрец признает их брак законным перед богами. После клятвы молодожены пьют жертвенное вино. Затем жрец еловой веткой выплескивает остатки вина в костер со словами "Благословение всем богам и всем богиням, а также всему народу, который с нами."

Потом жрец поворачивается на восток и произносит
Благодарность Одину, Тиу, Бальдру, Фригг, Идунне, Тору, Фрейе и Фрейpу, а также всем богам и богиням нашего народа: да будет этот брак благословенен вашей волей. Слава и честь землям моих Богов, древним и благим,
И силе, что в них,
Слава и честь ветрам моих Богов, всегда свежим и новым,
И силе, что в них,
Слава жаркому солнцу Моих Богов, всегда дающему новую жизнь,
И Силе, что в нем,
Слава и честь морям, рекам и озерам моих Богов,
И силе, что в них –
О Великие Высокой Вальхаллы, я славлю вас,
За присутствие с нами в Мидгарде,
Пусть некое священное присутствие останется с нами,
Когда мы распрощаемся,
И пусть всегда с нами будет, так и с теми,
Кто един с нами по Крови.
Все это мы славим!!

Боги Асгарда, мы благодарим вас за ваше присутствие здесь, в этом круге. Мы просим вашего благословения, и до вашего удаления в ваше благородное и божественное царство мы посылаем вам славу и почет! Свершен блот сей".

Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
(II) PHASE. Engagement partyThe bride and groom are pronounced by the priest vows and recognizes their marriage legal before the gods. After the vows the couple drinking sacrificial wine. The priest then pours the remnants of wine branch of spruce in fire with the words "Blessings to all the gods and goddesses, as well as to all the people who are with us."Then the priest turns to the East and utteringThank Odin, Tiu, Baldr, Frigg, Thor, Freje, Idunne and Frejpu, as well as to all the gods and goddesses of our people: Yes will this marriage blessed in your will. Glory and honor to the lands of my Gods, ancient and good, And the power that they, Glory and honor to the winds of my gods, always fresh and new, And the power that they, The glory of My hot sun gods always gives new life, And the power that it Glory and honor to the seas, rivers and Lakes of my Gods, And the power that they are The Great High of Valhalla, I praise you, For his presence with us in Midgard, Let a sacred presence will remain with us, When we bid farewell, And let us always will be, and those Who are United with us in blood. All this we praise!!The gods of Asgard, we thank you for your presence here in this circle. We ask for your blessings, and to your disposal in your noble and divine realm we send you the glory and honor! Finalized this blot ".
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
STAGE II. Betrothal
bride and groom recite vows and the priest recognizes their legitimate marriage of the gods. After the oath couple drinking sacrificial wine. Then the priest throws spruce branch of the wine into the fire, saying, "The blessing of all the gods and goddesses of all, and to all the people who contact us." Then the priest turns to the east and says Thanks to Odin, Tiu, Balder, Frigga, Idun, Thor, Freya and Freypu, as well as to all the gods and goddesses of our people, let this marriage blessed your will. Glory and honor to the land of my gods, ancient and good, and the power that is in them, glory and honor to the winds of my gods, always fresh and new, and the power that is in them, Thank hot sun of my gods, always the giver a new life and strength that it, glory and honor of the seas, rivers and lakes of my gods, and the power that is in them - about the Great High Valhalla, I praise you, for your presence with us in Midgard, Let some sacred presence will remain with us, when we parted , And let us always will, and those who are one with us by blood. All this we praise !! Gods of Asgard, we thank you for your presence here in this circle. We ask for your blessing, and before your disposal in your noble and divine realm, we send you the glory and honor! This blot is finished. "

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
II stage. The betrothal
bride and groom moved oaths and Barnabas recognizes their marriage legitimate before the gods. After Abraham hath oppressed groom drink wine.Then Barnabas tyrants strand lyricism leftover wine in Brome with the words "blessing all the gods and all the laurel wreaths were sacrificed, as well as to all the people, who with us. "The Lord then babbling turns to the east and announces
Thanks to Heimdallr taught, Tiu, Бальдру, Фригг, Идунне, synagogues, despair and Фреиpу, as well as to all the gods and laurel wreaths were sacrificed our people: yes will this marriage благословенен your will. Glory and honor lands my gods, ancient and good governance,
and forceThat, in them,
glory and honor winds my gods, is always fresh and new,
and the Force that, in them,
i welcome the sun my gods, always dying a new life,
and the Force that, in it,
glory and honor seas, rivers and lakes my gods,
and forceThat in them -
the great high Вальхаллы, i heard about you,
the presence with us in Мидгарде,
Let something sacred presence will remain with us,
when we stalemate,
and let always with us will be, and with
Anyone who listens to us by blood.
All of this we also marvelous!!lord Асгарда gods, we thank you for your presence here, in this circle. We ask your blessing,And to your delete in your noble and divine God we send you glory and honor! This puts you Свершен" .

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