У меня есть идея создания программного комплекса, предназначенного для перевод - У меня есть идея создания программного комплекса, предназначенного для английский как сказать

У меня есть идея создания программн

У меня есть идея создания программного комплекса, предназначенного для автоматизации начальных стадий проектирования технических объектов например (Техническое задание, Техническое предложение, Эскизный проект и т.п.). В основе комплекса лежит использование различных методик проектирования, как эвристических, так и поискового конструирования (морфологический анализ, функционально-физический анализ, функционально-стоимостный анализ и другие) и использование Баз данных, в которых находится информация по техническим объектам. Как известно, успешное решение задач, входящих в начальные стадии проектирования, дает больший экономический эффект и вызывает более заметный технический прогресс в выбранной области техники, чем задачи, относящиеся к последующим стадиям проектирования, таким как Рабочий проект.
Common Stages of the Engineering Design Process
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I have an idea of creating a software system designed to automate the initial stages of design of technical objects such as (technical specification, technical proposal, conceptual design, etc.). At the heart of the complex is the use of various techniques of design as heuristic search and construction (morphological analysis, functional and physical analysis, functional-cost analysis and others) and the use of databases containing information on the technical installations. As you know, the successful solution of the tasks included in the initial stages of design, gives a greater economic effect and causes more remarkable technical progress in selected areas of technology than the tasks related to the subsequent stages of the design, such as a working draft.Common Stages of the Engineering Design Process
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I have an idea of creating a software package designed to automate the initial stages of the design of technical objects such as (Terms of Reference, Technical Proposal, Draft project, etc.). At the heart of the complex is the use of a variety of design techniques as heuristic and exploratory design (morphological analysis, functional and physical analysis, functional and cost analysis, etc.) and the use of databases, which contain information on the technical facilities. As you know, the successful solution of the tasks included in the initial design stage, gives greater economic effect and causes a noticeable technological progress in the chosen art than tasks related to the subsequent stages of the design, such as a working draft.
Common Stages of the Engineering Design Process
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
I have the idea of a software package, designed to automate initial design stage technical facilities for example (the technical job, technical proposal,Conceptual design, etc. ). On the basis of a set of is based on the use of various design techniques, as well as heuristic device, and search engine design (morphology analysis, functionally-physical analysis,Setting technical assignments and other) and the use of databases, which is information on the technical facilities. As is well known, the successful decision tasks, are members of the initial design phase,Provides greater economic effect and is more noticeable technical progress in the selected area of the technology, rather than tasks that are relevant to the subsequent design stages, such as working draft.
Common stages of the Engineering Design Process
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