Я слышал, что ваш ответ доставил большое удовольствие экзаменаторам. 2 перевод - Я слышал, что ваш ответ доставил большое удовольствие экзаменаторам. 2 английский как сказать

Я слышал, что ваш ответ доставил бо

Я слышал, что ваш ответ доставил большое удовольствие экзаменаторам. 2. Ребенок был очень доволен подарком ко дню рождения. 3. Мне отправить это письмо? — Нет, спасибо. Брат сказал, что он сделает это сам.

4. Может быть, мне удастся позвонить вам в обеденный перерыв. 5. Посылку отправили вчера, думаю, что ее получат через два-три дня. 6. Мы всегда получаем много почты в понедельник. 7. Я никогда не видел такой марки. Это очень старинная (старая) марка, не правда ли? 8. У вас есть с собой немного мелочи, да? Дайте мне, по жалуйста, три копейки, у меня нет с собой мелочи, а я хотел бы купить свежую газету. 9. С вашим сыном ничего не случилось. Я видел, как он выходил из почты со своим товарищем. Я думаю, что они забегали туда за новыми марками. 10. Ему не нужно торопиться. Мне бы хотелось, чтобы он прочитал эту статью два-трн раза, прежде чем начнет переводить ее. Боюсь, что ему будет трудно ее понять, если он этого не сделает. 11. Вы бы лучше заставили ребенка самого поднять свою игрушку. 12. Мы ви дели эту пьесу дважды, и каждый раз она производила на нас обоих большое впечатление. 13. К сожалению, мне придется побеспокоить вас еще раз, мне бы хотелось, чтобы вы прочитали эту статью. 14. Вчера я забежал в кассу Большого театра, чтобы купить билеты на новый спектакль, мне нужны были два билета, но мне сказали, что все билеты уже давно проданы. 15. Скажите, пожа луйста, где принимают посылки? 16. Мне нужна марка. Я должен отправить это письмо немедленно, а мне не удалось зайтн на почту сегодня. Не могли бы вы мне дать марку? 17. Мне бы лучше отнести посылку на почту се годня. 18. Ннкто не мог идти так быстро, как Петр, и вскоре он оказался впереди всех студентов. 19. Он по лучит дополнительную плату за свою работу.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I heard that your response brought great pleasure to examiners. 2. a child was very happy birthday present. 3. Send me this email? "No, thank you. The brother said that he would do so himself.4. Maybe I can call you at lunch time. 5. A parcel sent today, I think that it will get through two or three days. 6. We always get a lot of mail in Monday. 7. I have never seen such a brand. This is a very ancient (old) stamp, isn't it? 8. you have with a bit of trivia, Yes? Let me, please, three pennies, I do not have with a trivia, and I would like to buy a fresh newspaper. 9. With your son, nothing happened. I saw how he was leaving mail with fellow. I think they ran there for new brands. 10. Don't need to hurry. I would like to have it read this article two-tube times before it will begin. I am afraid that it will be difficult to understand, if he does not do so. 11. you'd better have forced the child to raise her toy. 12. We wee Delhi this play twice, and each time it made on both of us. 13. Unfortunately, I have to bother you again, I would like you to read this article. 14. Today I ran to the cashier of the Bolshoi Theater to buy tickets for the new show, I needed two tickets, but I was told that all tickets have long been sold out. 15. Tell me please ring, where the parcel? 16. I need a stamp. Should I send this email immediately, and I could not zajtn to the post office today. Could you give me the brand? 17. I'd better include a parcel by mail CE today. 18. Nnkto couldn't go as fast as Peter, and he soon found himself ahead of all students. 19. He lučit an additional fee for their work.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I heard that your answer is a great pleasure for examiners. 2. The child was very pleased with the birthday present. 3. I send this letter? - No thanks. The brother said that he would do it himself.

4. Maybe I could call you at lunchtime. 5. The parcel was sent yesterday, I think that it will get through two or three days. 6. We always get a lot of mail on Monday. 7. I have never seen such a brand. This is a very old (old) brand, is not it? 8. Do you have some change with you, huh? Give me at zhaluysta, a penny, I do not have with me the little things, and I would like to buy a fresh newspaper. 9. Nothing will happen to your son. I saw him coming out of the mail from his friend. I think they ran there for new brands. 10. He did not need to hurry. I'd like him to read this article, two-TPH times before it starts to translate. I am afraid that it will be difficult to understand it, if he does not. 11. You'd better get the child to pick up his toys himself. 12. We ve Delhi this play twice, and each time she made ​​a great impression on both of us. 13. Unfortunately, I have to trouble you again, I would like you to read this article. 14. Yesterday, I ran to the cashier of the Bolshoi Theater, to buy tickets to the next show, I needed two tickets, but I was told that all the tickets have long been sold. 15. Tell me, shook luysta that accept parcels? 16. I need a stamp. I have to send this message immediately, but I could not zaytn mail today. Could you give me a mark? 17. I would be better to carry the parcel to the post office has heretofore. 18. Nnkto could not go as fast as Peter, and soon he found himself in front of all the students. 19. He luchit an additional fee for their work.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i heard that your answer brought much pleasure to examiners. 2. the child was very pleased with the gift for my birthday. 3. i send this letter? - no, thank you. my brother said that he will do it himself.4. maybe i can call you at lunchtime. 5. the package was sent yesterday, i think it will be in two to three days. 6. we always get a lot of mail on monday. 7. i"ve never seen such stamps. this is a very old (old) mark, isn"t it? 8. you have a little bit of change, right? let me, on жалуйста, 3 cents, i do not have a change, i would like to buy fresh paper. 9. your son hasn"t happened. i saw him get out of the mail from my friend. i think they were there for the new stamps. 10. he didn"t need to hurry. i would like to read the story twice трн times before you start to move it. i"m afraid that it will be difficult to understand if he didn"t do it. 11. you"d better make the child the raise your toy. 12. we ve put the play twice, and every time she made both of us a great impression. 13. unfortunately, i have to bother you again, i"d like you to read this article. 14. yesterday i went to the theatre to buy tickets for a new show, i want two tickets, but i was told that all the tickets had already been sold. 15. tell me, please луйста where take the package? 16. i need a stamp. i need to send this letter immediately, and i was not able зайтн in the mail today. could you give me a stamp? 17. i"d better take the package to the post office to годня. 18. ннкто couldn"t walk as fast as peter, and he soon ended up in front of all the students. 19. he лучит a fee for their work.
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