Уважаемый коллега. Я хочу сделать подарок сыну. Хочу уточнить. Часы реально водонепроницаемые? Часы противоударные? Это важно. Надеюсь на ответ. Thanks.
Dear colleague. I want to make a gift to his son. I want to clarify. Watch really waterproof? Shockproof watches? This is important. I hope to answer. Thanks.
Dear colleague. I want to make a gift to his son. I want to clarify. Watch really waterproof? Opening shock? It is important. I hope for an answer. Thanks.
esteemed colleague. i want to get a present. want to clarify. the watch is waterproof. the clock"s unbreakable? it"s important. hope to answer. thanks.