Площадь Лестер-Сквер уже свыше ста лет - центр лондонского шоу-бизнеса перевод - Площадь Лестер-Сквер уже свыше ста лет - центр лондонского шоу-бизнеса английский как сказать

Площадь Лестер-Сквер уже свыше ста

Площадь Лестер-Сквер уже свыше ста лет - центр лондонского шоу-бизнеса, самая оживленная в вечернее время площадь британской столицы. Она же главное место «тусовки» модной лондонской молодежи. В окрестностях Лестер-Сквер расположено множество ночных клубов и дискотек, в том числе самая популярная Лондоне «Хипподром». На площадь выходит пять многозальных кинотеатров первого проката, среди них и «Эмпайр», в который на премьеры самых нашумевших фильмов приезжают среди прочих знаменитостей и члены королевской семьи. Кстати, само здание кинотеатра «Эмпайр», как и здания большинства других кинотеатров, окружающих площадь, было построено как мюзик-холл, но позднее этот жанр утратил свою популярность, и ему на смену в 30-е годы пришло кино. В самом центре сквера, в середине площади, установлен памятник главному барду Британских островов Уильяму Шекспиру. Памятник этот - копия стоящего в Вестминстерском аббатстве, в Уголке поэта. В двух шагах от памятника Шекспиру стоит, опираясь на изогнутую чугунную тросточку, черный чугунный человек. Это чуть ли не единственный монумент на родине другому знаменитому британцу, большую часть жизни проведшему за пределами своей страны. Поехав в гости с труппой варьете на гастроли в Америку, он отсался в Голливуде и сделал там головокружительную карьеру. Да-да, конечно, это Чарли Чаплин. Голливуде и сделал там головокружительную карьеру. Да-да конечно, ча это Чаплин
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
Leicester Square for over a hundred years-a London show-business center, the busiest area in the evening of the British capital. It is also the main place "hangouts" of fashionable London youth. Around Leicester Square is full of nightclubs and discos, including the most popular London "Hippodrom". The square is five multiplex first rolled, among them "the Empire", in which the most acclaimed premieres of films are among other celebrities and members of the Royal family. By the way, the building of the cinema "Empire building", as well as most other theaters surrounding the square, was built as a music hall, but the genre has lost its popularity, and he was replaced in the 30-ies it was movies. In the Centre of the square in the middle of the square, a monument to the Chief Bard of the British Isles to William Shakespeare. This monument-copy standing in Westminster Abbey, in the poet's Corner. A stone's throw from the monument to Shakespeare stands, leaning on a walking stick, black cast iron curved cast iron man. This is almost the only monument to the birthplace of another famous British, who have spent most of his life outside their country. After going to visit with the troupe of variety show on tour in America, it otsalsâ to Hollywood and made a distinguished career there. Yes, of course, this is Charlie Chaplin. Hollywood and made there a dizzying career. Yes of course, Cha is a Chaplin
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
Leicester Square for over a century - the center of London's show business, the most lively in the evening, the area of ​​the British capital. It is the main place of "party" youth fashion in London. In the vicinity of Leicester Square are many night clubs and discotheques, including the most popular London "Hippodrom". The square comes five multiplexes the first rental, among them "Empire", which premieres on most acclaimed films come among other celebrities and royals. By the way, the building of the cinema "Empire", as most of the other buildings and theaters surrounding the square, was built as a music hall, but later this genre has lost its popularity, and he was replaced in the 30s it was a movie. In the heart of the park, in the middle of the square, a monument to the chief bard of the British Isles, William Shakespeare. This monument - a copy standing in Westminster Abbey, in the Poets' Corner. A stone's throw from Shakespeare Monument stands, leaning on a cane curved cast iron, cast iron black people. This is almost the only monument in the homeland of another famous Briton, who spent most of his life outside of their country. Went to visit a variety troupe on tour in America, he Oates in Hollywood and made it a fantastic career. Yes, of course, is Charlie Chaplin. Hollywood and made it a fantastic career. Yes of course, it is cha Chaplin
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
The square Leicester Square has already more than one hundred years - the center London show business, the most lively in the evening time square British capital. The same place the "foreigner" fashionable London youth.In the vicinity Leicester Square is located many night clubs and discos, including the most popular London "Хипподром". The square is five многозальных cinema the first hire, among them and the "Empire",In which to launch the most notorious movies come among other celebrities and members of the royal family. In fact, the very building theater "Empire", as well as the buildings and most of the other theaters, the surrounding area,It was built as a music hall, but later this genre has lost its popularity, and he was replaced by the 30-s, the time has come cinema. In the center square, in the middle of the square,The monument is the main Vikings British islands William Shakespeare. The monument - a copy of a usual practice in Westminster Abbey, the poet's corner. The two steps of monument Shakespeare is,With the curved cast center тросточку, black cast iron. This is the only monument in the home country to another famous parents can, a large part of life "Belorusskie Novosti" offers outside the country.By the guests with the Kirov Opera museums theater company in America, he отсался in Hollywood and made there unpleasant career. Yes, of course, this is Charlie Chaplin. Hollywood and made there unpleasant career. Yes, yes of course,This is Chaplin Cha Cha
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