Мне позвонить тебе завтра? Завтра воскресенье. Я буду спать до 12 часо перевод - Мне позвонить тебе завтра? Завтра воскресенье. Я буду спать до 12 часо английский как сказать

Мне позвонить тебе завтра? Завтра в

Мне позвонить тебе завтра? Завтра воскресенье. Я буду спать до 12 часов дня. Позвони мне после 12 часов, хорошо?
Где состоится фестиваль? Он будет, как обычно, в Венеции. Поедем туда?
Что у нас сегодня будет на ужин? Давай закажем пиццу, хорошо?
На этом концерте будет много народу? Ну что же, попытаемся достать билеты?
Сколько лет будет вашему сыну в этом году? Ему будет шесть лет. Он пойдет в школу осенью? Да, пойдет.
Возможно ли будет получить эти сведения? Мы сделаем все возможное.
Где ты будешь встречать Новый Год? Как всегда, я буду дома со своей семьёй.
Прости меня, хорошо?
Он надеется, что она согласиться стать его женой.
Не говори им ничего. Это будет сюрприз.
Через год мой сын закончит университе, а дочь закончит школу.
Я никогда не обману тебя. А я никогда больше тебе не поверю.
Будь осторожен. Не гони машину. Не волнуйся, я буду осторожен.
Мне приготовить тебе чашечку чая? Ты будешь зеленый или чёрный чай?
Ну и что ты на это скажешь? Ничего не скажу. Я промолчу.
Давай встретимся на днях в центре. Хорошо, я приду. Где мне ждать тебя?
В ближайшем будущем никаких перемен не ожидается.
Мне подождать тебя? Да, я буду готов через минуту.
Когда мы вновь увидим вас? Мы дадим вам знать.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
I call you tomorrow? Tomorrow is Sunday. I will sleep till 12:00 days. Call me after 12:00, okay?Where will be held the Festival? He will, as usual, in Venice. Shall we go there?That we have today will be for dinner? Let's order pizza, okay?This concert will be a lot of people? Well, try to get tickets?How old is your son? It would be six years. He goes to school in the fall? Yes, go.Would it be possible to get this information? We will do our best.Where are you going to celebrate the new year? As always, I'll be home with his family.Forgive me, OK? He hoped that she agree to be his wife.Don't tell them anything. It will be a surprise.A year later my son finished University, and his daughter finishes school.I never cheat you. And I never again you won't believe it.Be careful. Not a race car. Don't worry, I'll be careful.I cook you a cup of tea? Thou shalt be green or black tea? So what do you say to this? Nothing to say. I keep my mouth shut.Let's meet in the middle. Well, I'll come. Where shall I wait for you? In the near future, no change is expected.I wait for you? Yes, I'll be ready in a minute.When we see you again? We'll let you know.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
I call you tomorrow? Tomorrow is Sunday. I will sleep up to 12 hours of the day. Call me after 12 o'clock, right?
Where is a festival? He will, as usual, in Venice. Let's go there?
What do we have today will be for dinner? Let's order a pizza, right?
At this concert will be a lot of people? Well, let's try to get tickets?
How old is your son in this year? He is six years old. He goes to school in the fall? Yes, go.
Whether it will be possible to get this information? We will do everything possible.
Where will you celebrate New Year? As always, I'll be home with my family.
I'm sorry, okay?
He hoped that she would agree to marry him.
Do not tell them anything. It will be a surprise.
After a year, my son finished a supermarket, and a daughter to finish school.
I have never deceived you. And I will never again do not you believe it.
Be careful. Do not drive a car. Do not worry, I'll be careful.
I cook you a cup of tea? You will be green or black tea?
Well, what do you say? Nothing to say. I do not say anything.
Let's meet a few days ago in the center. OK, I'll come. Where can I meet you?
In the near future, no change is expected.
I wait for you? Yes, I'll be ready in a minute.
When we see you again? We'll let you know.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
i call you tomorrow? tomorrow is sunday. i will sleep up to 12 hours a day. call me after 12 o'clock, okay?where there will be a festival? he will, as usual, in venice. shall we go there?we're having for dinner? let's order a pizza, okay?this concert will be a lot of people? well, try to get the tickets?how old is your son in this year? he will be six years. he goes to school in the fall? oh, yeah, that's fine.whether it would be possible to obtain this information? we will do everything we can.where are you going to celebrate the new year? as always, i'll be at home with his family.i'm sorry, okay?he hoped that it would agree to be his wife.don't tell them anything. it's a surprise.a year later, my son finishes университе and daughter finished high school.i never cheat you. i don't believe you.be careful. don't drive the car. don't worry, i'll be careful.i make you a cup of tea? you'll be green or black tea?so what do you say to that? don't say anything. i won't say anything.let's meet at the other day in the center. okay, i'm coming. where do i wait for you?in the near future, no changes are expected.i wait for you? yeah, i'll be ready in a minute.when we see you again? we'll let you know.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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