1. Взаимоотношения Заказчика и Исполнителя основываются на положениях  перевод - 1. Взаимоотношения Заказчика и Исполнителя основываются на положениях  английский как сказать

1. Взаимоотношения Заказчика и Испо

1. Взаимоотношения Заказчика и Исполнителя основываются на положениях конвенции о договоре международной дорожной перевозки грузов (КДПГ), таможенной конвенции о международной перевозке грузов с применением книжки МДП (Конвенция МДП, действующего законодательства РФ.
2. Исполнитель обязуется перевезти груз, переданный Заказчиком, грузовым автотранспортом
на условиях настоящего Договора-заявки.
3. Подтверждением факта оказания услуги является оригинал товарно-транспортной накладной установленного образца CMR.
4. Заказчик обязан сообщить в настоящем Договоре-заявке всю необходимую информацию о перевозке и гарантировать полноту и достоверность переданной информации.
5. Исполнитель обязан контролировать крепление груза гарантирующие сохранность груза и соблюдение требований безопасности при транспортировке автомобильным транспортом.
6. Исполнитель обязуется информировать Заказчика обо всех и любых обстоятельствах, негативно влияющих или способных повлиять на сохранность груза, своевременную доставку груза и/или надлежащее исполнение Исполнителем своих обязательств по Договору-заявке.
7. Основанием для оплаты за автоперевозку является оригинал счета, оригинал CMR (ТТН) c отметками пограничных таможенных органов и грузополучателя о получении товара в одном экземпляре, а также оригинал подписанного Сторонами Акта оказанных услуг. Счета выставляется Исполнителем в иностранной валюте (EВРО/ доллары США) и оплачиваются Заказчиком в рублях по курсу ЦБ РФ на день (дату) оплаты счета.
Заказчик вправе руководствоваться также следующим положением: В случае, если курс валюты, указанной в счете на дату оплаты счета превышает более чем на 10% курс валюты, указанной в счете на дату выставления счета, то оплата производится по курсу на дату выставления счета.
8. Заказчик оплачивает счета Исполнителя в течение 30 (тридцати) рабочих дней после получения документов, указанных в п. 7 настоящего Договора-Заявки. Обязательства по расчетам считаются исполненными со дня (даты) зачисления денежных средств на счет банка Исполнителя.
9. Все банковские расходы и комиссии по переводу за исключением комиссий банка Получателя денежных средств - за счет Плательщика.
10.По мере выполнения поручений Исполнитель обязуется предоставлять Заказчику оригиналы счета, счета-фактуры и акт выполненных работ, оформленных надлежащим образом.
11. Электронные копии всех документов имеют юридическую силу до момента получения Сторонами оригиналов.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
1. the relationship between the customer and the contractor based on the provisions of the Convention on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road (CMR), of the Customs Convention on the international transport of goods under cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, legislation of the Russian Federation.2. the Contractor undertakes to carry the goods passed to the customer by truckunder the conditions of the present contract. 3. Proof of the fact of providing services is the original invoice of the established sample CMR.4. The customer is obliged to inform in this agreement-application with all the necessary information about the transport and guarantee the completeness and correctness of transmitted information.5. the contractor must control the fastening guaranteeing the safety of the cargo and the requirement for safety during transportation by road.6. the Contractor undertakes to inform the customer about all and any circumstances affecting or likely to affect the safety of the cargo, the timely delivery of the goods and/or the proper performance of their obligations under the Treaty Executive-application.7. the basis for payment for road transportation is the original invoice, the original CMR (CMR) marks the border of the Customs authorities and the consignee about receipt of the goods in the same instance, as well as original signed by the Parties Act rendered services. Account Executive in foreign currency vystavlyaetsya (euro/United States dollar) and are paid by the customer in rubles ACC. to RF CB exchange rate for the date (date) payment. Customer may also be guided by the following provision: If the exchange rate is specified in the invoice on the date of payment of the invoice exceeds by more than 10% exchange rate that is specified in the invoice on the date of the invoice, payment is made at the exchange rate on the date of the invoice.8. The customer pays the account Executive within 30 (thirty) working days after receipt of the documents specified in clause 7 of the present contract. Obligations on settlements are considered to be executed from the date (date) the funds in the bank account of the executor. 9. All bank charges and commissions to translate except commissions of the Bank of the beneficiary of funds at the expense of the payer.10. As the Executive orders shall provide originals of Customer bills, invoices and acceptance certificate issued properly.11. electronic copies of all documents have legal force until the Sides of the originals.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
1. Relations between the Customer and the Contractor based on the provisions of the Convention on the Contract for the International Carriage of Goods by Road (CMR), Customs Convention on the International Transport of Goods under Cover of TIR Carnets (TIR Convention, the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
2. The Contractor undertakes to carry the goods, transferred to the customer, truck
the terms of this Agreement, the application.
3. Confirmation of the provision of services is the original bill of lading established sample CMR.
4. The customer is obliged to inform in this Agreement, request all necessary information on transport and ensure the completeness and reliability of the transmitted information.
5. The perpetrator shall monitor the securing of cargo to ensure the safety of cargo and observance of safety requirements for transport by road.
6. The Contractor undertakes to inform the customer about any and all circumstances adversely affecting or likely to affect the safety of the cargo, timely delivery of goods and / or the proper performance of its obligations under the Contractor Dogovoru- application.
7. The basis for payment for auto transportation is an original invoice, original CMR (TTN) c marks the border customs authorities and the consignee of the receipt of goods in a single copy, and the original signed by the Parties of the services rendered. Billed by the Contractor in foreign currency (euro / dollar) is paid for in rubles at the exchange rate ruling at the day (date) payment of the invoice.
The customer has the right to be guided also by the following provision: If the rate specified in the account on the date of payment of the invoice exceed by more than 10% of the rate specified in the account on the date of the invoice, the payment is made ​​at the date of the invoice.
8. The customer pays the invoice the Contractor within thirty (30) days after receipt of the documents referred to in para. 7 of the present Contract-Application. Settlement obligations are considered fulfilled from the day of (date), the funds are credited to the bank account of the Contractor.
9. All bank charges and commissions on transfer fees except for the payee bank - by the Payer.
10.When least fulfill orders the Contractor undertakes to provide the Customer with the original invoice, the invoice and acceptance certificate, duly registered.
11. Electronic copies of all documents are valid until receipt by the Parties of the originals.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
1. the relationship of customer and performer based on the provisions of the convention on the contract for the international carriage of goods by road (cmr)customs convention on the international transport of goods under cover of tir carnets (tir convention, the legislation of the russian federation.
2. contractor shall carry the goods, provided by the customerfreight truck
under the terms of this contract application.
3. confirmation of the service is the original or the prescribed cmr consignment note.
4.the customer is obliged to inform the present treaty - the application of all necessary information about transportation and guarantee the completeness and authenticity of the communicated information.
5.executive director is required to control the goods, ensure security and compliance with the requirements of security in the transport of goods by road transport.
6.contractor shall inform the customer of any and all circumstances, adversely impact or that may affect the safety of the goodsthe prompt delivery of the goods and / or the proper fulfilment of their obligations under the treaty, the executive director nomination.
7. the basis for payment for the автоперевозку is the original invoice.the cmr (ттн) c marks the border customs and the consignee of the receipt of goods, in a single copy and the original signed by the parties to the act of service.an account is denominated in foreign currency (Eвро / us dollars) and paid by the customer in service at the rate of the central bank of russia day (date) billing.
the customer may also be resolved as follows:in the case of the currency, the account on the date of payment account exceeds by more than 10% of the currency, the account on the date of the invoice, the payment is made at the rate on the date of the invoice.
8.the customer pays the artist account within 30 (thirty) days after the receipt of the documents mentioned in the paragraph. 7 of the present contract application.obligations that are considered by the day (date) to transfer funds to the account of the bank's executive director.
9.all banking charges and commission on transfer, excluding commissions the payee's bank funds by the payer.
10.as the implementation of the orders, contractor shall provide the customer the original invoices, invoices and act of acceptance issued properly.
11.electronic copies of all documents have legal force until receipt of the parties to the original.
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