- Привет, откуда ты?- Привет, я из России, а ты?- Я из Америки. Я любл перевод - - Привет, откуда ты?- Привет, я из России, а ты?- Я из Америки. Я любл английский как сказать

- Привет, откуда ты?- Привет, я из

- Привет, откуда ты?
- Привет, я из России, а ты?
- Я из Америки. Я люблю вашу страну, но США намного лучше!
- Не могу с тобой согласиться. Почему ты так считаешь?
- Во-первых, США одна из самых большин стран. Её общая площадь 9 млн. кв. км.
- Она занимает четвертое место в мире по территории. А Россия самая большая страна в мире с площадью 17 млн. кв. км.
- Америка граничит с Канадой на севере и с Мексикой на юге.
- А Россия граничит с восемнадцатью странами. Это самый большой показатель в мире.
- Наша страна омывается тремя океанами: Северным Ледовитым, атлантическим и Тихим океанами.
- У нас точно также. Моря трёх океанов: Тихого, Северного Ледовитого и Атлантического омывают Россию, всего наша страна имеет выход к 12 морям.
- А что ты можешь сказать о сотаве Российской Федерации.
- В составе Российской Федерации находятся 85 субъектов, 46 из которых именуются областями, 22 — республиками, 9 — краями, 3 — городами федерального значения, 4 — автономными округами и 1 — автономной областью.
- А наша страна официально состоит из 50 штатов и 1 округа Колумбия.
- А какие достижения есть у Америки?
- В настоящее время США является одной из ведущих держав мира из-за ее экономического, политического и военного влияния.
- А Россия одна из ведущих космических держав мира, обладает ядерным оружием, постоянный член Совета безопасности ООН.
- Можно долго спорить об этих странах. Ведь каждая по своему хороша.
- Согласна.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
-Hi, where are you?-Hi, I'm from Russia, and you?-I am from America. I love your country, but the United States is much better!-I can't agree with you. Why are you so think?-Firstly, the United States one of the most countries. Its total area 9 mln. kV. km. She ranks fourth in the world. While Russia is the largest country in the world with an area of 17 million. kV. km.America is bordered by Canada to the North and Mexico to the South.-Russia and bordered by 18 countries. This is the highest in the world.-Our country is bordered by three oceans: the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific oceans.We have likewise. The sea three oceans: the Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic washed by Russia, my country has access to 12 seas.-What can you say about composed of Russian Federation.-As a part of the Russian Federation are 85 subjects, 46 of which are called regions, republics, 9-22-3 edge-cities of Federal significance, autonomous districts and 4-1 is an autonomous region. -And our country officially consists of 50 States and 1 district of Colombia. -And what are the achievements of America have?-In the United States currently is one of the leading powers of the world because of its economic, political and military influence.-And Russia is one of the leading space-faring nations of the world, possesses nuclear weapons, a permanent member of the UN Security Council.-You can argue about these countries. After all, each according to its good.-Agreed.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
- Hey, where are you?
- Hi, I'm from Russia, do not you?
- I'm from America. I love your country, but the US is much better!
- I can not agree with you. Why do you think so?
- First, the US is one of the majority of countries. Its total area of 9 million sq. M. km.
- It is ranked fourth in the world in terms of territory. And Russia is the largest country in the world with an area of 17 million sq. M. km.
- America is bordered by Canada to the north and Mexico to the south.
- A Russian borders with eighteen countries. This is the largest number in the world.
- Our country is bordered by three oceans: the Arctic, Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
- We have the same thing. Sea of three oceans: the Pacific, Arctic and Atlantic washed by Russia, all our country has access to 12 seas.
- What can you say about sotave Russian Federation.
- In the Russian Federation there are 85 subjects, 46 of which are referred to as regions 22 - republics, 9 - edges, 3 - federal cities, 4 - autonomous districts and 1 - Autonomous Region.
- And our country officially consists of 50 states and 1 DC.
- And what achievements have America?
- Currently, the US is one of the leading powers of the world due to its economic, political and military influence.
- A Russian is one of the leading space powers in the world, possesses nuclear weapons, a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
- One can argue about these countries. After all, each in its own good.
- I agree.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
- Hello, where are you?
- Hi, I'm from Russia, and I?
- I am from America. I love your country, but the US is much better!
- I cannot agree with you. Why are you so interview?
- in the first place, the US one of the most most countries.Its total area 9 million square kilometers.
- It is the fourth largest in the world in the territory. And we are the greatest country in the world with over 17 million square kilometers.
- America borders with Canada in the north and Mexico to the south.
- And Russia borders with the eighteen countries. This is the highest in the world.
- Our country borders three oceans: Bering Sea, Atlantic and Pacific oceans.
- we have exactly the same. Sea three oceans:The Pacific, the Arctic and the Atlantic rushing past Russia, our country has an output to the 12 seas.
- and what can you tell me about the Russian Federation сотаве.
- the composition of the Russian Federation are 85 actors,46 of which are referred to as areas, 22 - republics, 9 edges, 3 - cities federal values, 4 - autonomous counties and 1 - autonomous area.
- AND our country officially consists of 50 States and the district of Columbia 1.
- And what are the achievements of America?
- currently, the U.S. is one of the leading Powers of the world because of its economic, political and military influence.
- Russia and this is one of the leading space powers of the world,Nuclear-weapon States, a permanent member of the UN Security Council.
- you can quibble about on these countries. But each to their own is good.
- agreed.
переводится, пожалуйста, подождите..
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