1. Уже пять часов. Собрание могло уже кончиться; подождем немножко, он может скоро прийти. 2. Петя, должно быть, заболел, иначе он был бы уже в театре, он никогда не приходит в последний момент. 3. Не может быть, чтобы она забыла о концерте, это совсем на нее не похоже. 4. Я его сегодня не жду; но, кто знает, может быть, он и придет. 5. «Хотела бы я знать, где она достала „Три товарища" Ремарка?». — «Она могла взять ее в нашей библиотеке». — «Не может быть, чтобы она взяла ее в нашей библиотеке: Семенова вчера взяла последний экземпляр». — «Ну, должно быть, она взяла ее в другой библиотеке». 6. «Где Павел?» — «Не знаю, он, возможно, пошел в филармонию”. — «Ну, это не очень-то любезно с его стороны; он мог бы взять билет и для меня». — «Посмотрите-ка, на столе что-то лежит, он, должно быть, оставил вам билет и записку». 7. Не может быть, чтобы она здесь была вчера. Если бы она была здесь, она оставила бы мне записку. 8. Не возвращайте пока книгу в библиотеку; она может вам понадобиться для доклада. 9. Может мне взять вашу книгу? 10. Можно употребить здесь настоящее продолженное время? 11. Он сказал, что доклад у него уже готот и он может прочесть его завтра на собрании. 12. «Он, должно быть, уже ушел». — «Не может быть, чтобы он ушел, не повидав меня». 13. «Где Мария?» — «Она, должно быть, еще спит». 14. Вы, должно быть, ошибаетесь, на двадцать пятой странице нет таких слов.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
1. For five hours. Meeting could already end; Let's wait a little, he may soon come. 2. Peter must be ill, otherwise he would have been in the theater, he never comes at the last moment. 3. May not be that she forgot about the concert, it's not like. 4. I don't expect it today; but, who knows, maybe he will come. 5. "I would like to know where she got the" three comrades "Remark? — She could take her in our library. — "May not be, so she took it in our library: Semenova yesterday took the last instance". — Well, she must have took it to another library. 6. "where's Paul?" — I don't know, he may have gone to Philharmonic ". -"Well, it's not very kindly with his hand; He could take a ticket and for me. " — Look at the table, something he must have left you a ticket and a note. 7. May not be that it was here yesterday. If she were here, she would leave me a note. 8. Do not return until the book in the library; it you may need to report. 9. Can I borrow your book? 10. you can use here present continuous? 11. He said that the report he has and he can read gotot it tomorrow at the meeting. 12. "he must have already gone." — "May not be that he left, not having seen me. 13. "where's Maria?" — "she must be still asleep. 14. you must be mistaken, at the twenty-fifth page there is no such word.
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Результаты (
английский) 2:
1. For five hours. The meeting could have come to an end; wait a little, it may soon come. 2. Peter must have been ill, otherwise he would have been in the theater, he never comes at the last moment. 3. It can not be that she forgot about the concert, it's not like her. 4. I do not expect it today; but who knows, maybe he will come. 5. "I wonder where she got" Three Comrades "Remarque?" - "She could take her in our library" - "It can not be that she took it in our library: Semenova yesterday took the last instance.". . - "Well, she must have taken it to another library" 6. "Where's Paul?" -. "I do not know, he might have gone to the Philharmonic." - "Well, it's not very nice of him ; he could buy a ticket for me? "-" Look on the table that is lying, he must have left you a ticket and a note "7. it can not be that she was here yesterday If... she was here, she would have left me a note 8. Do not return until the book in the library;. it may need to report 9. can I take your book to use 10. you can here present continuous 11. He said the report.? . he already gotot and he can read it tomorrow at a meeting of 12. "he must have already left." - "it can not be that he left without seeing me!" 13 "Where is Mary?" -. "She must be still asleep. "14 you must be mistaken, on the twenty-fifth page, there are no words.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
1. for five hours. the meeting was already over. wait a bit, he may soon come. 2. peter must be sick, or else he would have been in the theatre, he never comes at the last moment. 3. can not be that she forgot about the concert, it's not like her at all. 4. i didn't expect it, but who knows, maybe he will come. 5. "i'd like to know where she got it „три comrade" note? ". "she could have her in our библиотеке». "can it be that she took her in our library, semenov yesterday took the last экземпляр». "well, she must have got her in the other библиотеке». 6. "where's paul? "-" i don't know, maybe he went in the philharmonie. "well, that doesn't really kind of him; he could get a ticket for me. - "look at the table, that is, he must have left you a ticket and записку». 7. can it be that she was here yesterday. if she were here, she would have left me a note. 8. don't return until the book in the library, you may need to report. 9. may i borrow your book? 10. can i use here is продолженное time? 11. he said that the report had already готот so he can read it tomorrow at the meeting. 12. "he must have this. "and he would not leave without seeing me. 13. "where's maria? "she must be a спит». 14. you must be mistaken, on the twenty fifth page no words.
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