Бауманская преступная группировка была организована в 1988 году в Москве криминальным авторитетом Владиславом Ваннером, по кличке Бобон. Занимались тем же, чем и все появившиеся в то время бригады — рэкетом. Но на фоне других сразу отличались тем, что действовали жестоко, сразу получив славу беспредельщиков. Причем несмотря на то, что у ОПГ были кураторы от воров в законе, это никак не повлияло на их методы. Скорее наоборот, воровские авторитеты, связанные с бауманскими бандитами, были сами не чужды таких приемов ведения дел, когда коммерсантов похищали, пытали и запугивали целыми семьями.
Поддержки запуганные жертвы пытались получить у других бригад, соседствующих с Бауманской ОПГ. Но каждый раз авторитеты группировок отказывались решить проблемы с Бауманцами. Они были бескомпромиссны, а войны с ними никто не хотел из-за чужих проблем.
Основными лидерами в Бауманской группировке, помимо Бобона были вор в законе Валерий Длугач по кличке Глобус, Виктор Коган по кличке Жид и Анатолий Семёнов по кличке Рэмбо. Каждый из них возглавлял свои бригады в Баманском районе Москвы, и в случае проблем, лидеры этих бригад объединялись, образуя единую Бауманскую преступную группировку.
Результаты (
английский) 1:
Baumanskaya criminal group was organized in 1988 year in Moscow criminal authority Vladislav Vannerom, nicknamed Bobon. Engaged in the same, and all were introduced at that time, the Brigade is a racket. But against the backdrop of other immediately differed that acted violently, immediately after receiving the glory of the Act. Despite the fact that OPG had curators from thieves in law, it had no impact on their methods. On the contrary, arrange the authorities associated with baumanskimi bandits, were themselves no strangers to these techniques, when businessmen were kidnapped, tortured and intimidated by whole families.Intimidated victim trying to get support from other brigades of the neighbouring Baumanskoj OPG. But each time authorities groups refused to solve the problems with Baumancami. They were uncompromising, and war with them no one wanted because of someone else's problems.The main leaders in the Baumanskoj group, in addition to the Bobona were in Valery Draughtsman named Globus, Victor Kogan nicknamed Gide and Anatoli Semenov nicknamed Rambo. Each of them led their Brigade in Bamanskom district of Moscow, and in case of problems, the leaders of these brigades were grouped together, forming a single Baumanskuju criminal grouping.
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Результаты (
английский) 3:
baumanskaya criminal group was founded in 1988 in moscow ваннером vladislav mob boss named бобон. doing the same thing all appeared at the time the brigade rackets. but against the background of other immediately was that acted violently, immediately after the glory of outrageous. and despite the fact that the unit had been curators from thieves in law, it has nothing to do with their methods. on the contrary, воровские influences associated with бауманскими bandits were not alien to such techniques, the cases when the shopkeepers were abducted, tortured and terrorized the entire families.frightened people trying to get the other victim support brigades, closest to the бауманской crime family. but every time the authorities to solve problems with бауманцами groups. they were uncompromising and war with them nobody wanted in somebody else's problem.the principal leaders of the бауманской group, in addition to бобона were once a thief named valery длугач globe, victor kogan called a jew, and anatoly semenov named rambo. each of them led their brigade баманском area of moscow, and in case of problems, the leaders of the brigades joined, forming a single бауманскую criminal organization.
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