Если мы посмотрим на структуру экспорта России в Китай, то та ситуация перевод - Если мы посмотрим на структуру экспорта России в Китай, то та ситуация английский как сказать

Если мы посмотрим на структуру эксп

Если мы посмотрим на структуру экспорта России в Китай, то та ситуация, которая была раньше, когда торговля была достаточно сбалансированной и значительную долю занимали промышленные товары, в том числе с высокой добавленной стоимостью, уходит в прошлое. Сейчас происходит замена промышленных товаров на энергоресурсы. В том числе, в связи с повышением стоимости на них на мировых рынках. Таким образом, с одной стороны, можно охарактеризовать российский экспорт в Китай как более диверсифицированный по сравнению с экспортом в другие страны, что обусловлено исторически сложившейся конъюнктурой. Но, с другой стороны, диверсификация снижается, происходит замещение машиностроительной продукции товарами низкой обработки.

Типичный портрет российского экспортера в Китай (рисунок 5):

• Сфера деятельности: добыча и переработка природных ресурсов

• Происхождение: государственное предприятие или частная компания, созданная на основе государственного предприятия, с численностью занятых более 500 чел.

• Внешнеэкономическая деятельность (ВЭД) предприятия велась еще при СССР.
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Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
If we look at the structure of exports of Russia in China, the situation which was earlier, when trade was quite balanced and a significant proportion of occupied industrial products, including value-added products, is a thing of the past. Now comes the replacement of industrial products for energy resources. Including in connection with the increase in the cost to them on world markets. Thus, on the one hand, it is possible to characterize the Russian exports to China as a more diversified compared to exports to other countries, due to the historical conjuncture. But, on the other hand, diversification is reduced, displacing engineering products goods low processing.A typical portrait of a Russian exporter in China (Figure 5):• Activity: production and processing of natural resources• Origin: State enterprise or private company, established on the basis of the State enterprise employees more than 500 attendees.• Foreign economic activity (FEA) was fought during the USSR.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
If we look at the structure of Russia's exports to China, the situation that was before, when the trade was quite balanced and significant share of manufactured goods, including high-value-added thing of the past. Now there is a replacement energy industrial goods. In particular, due to the increase in the cost to them on world markets. Thus, on the one hand, it is possible to characterize the Russian exports to China as a more diversified than exports to other countries, due to historical market conditions. But, on the other hand, diversification is reduced, there is a replacement of engineering products defective goods processing. The typical portrait of the Russian exporter to China (Figure 5): • Field of activity: mining and processing of natural resources • Origin: state-owned enterprise or a private company, established by the state enterprises with number of employees more than 500 people. • Foreign economic activity (FEA) of the enterprise was carried out even during the Soviet Union.

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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
if we look at the structure of russia's exports to china, a situation that was before, when trade is balanced, and a substantial share of occupied industrial productsincluding the high added value, is a thing of the past. now is the replacement of industrial products for energy. including the increase in value on world markets. thus, theon the one hand, we can characterize the russian exports to china as more diversified compared to export to other countries due to historical conditions. but, on the other hand,diversification is going on for engineering products goods low processing.

the typical portrait of russian exporter in china (figure 5):

- scope of activities:production and processing of natural resources

- origin: a state enterprise or private company, established on the basis of the state enterprise, employees more than 500 people.

- international business (foreign) business was conducted in the ussr.
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