13. Отклонение от цен возможно только при получении письменного соглас перевод - 13. Отклонение от цен возможно только при получении письменного соглас английский как сказать

13. Отклонение от цен возможно толь

13. Отклонение от цен возможно только при получении письменного согласия принципала.

14. Агент не может требовать комиссию по поставкам, за которые клиент не сможет осуществить оплату.

15. Соглашение регулируется законодательством страны пребывания агента.

16. Соглашение может быть прекращено любой из сторон посредством уведомления за 3 месяца заказным письмом.

17. Принципал должен предоставлять агенту информацию в случае, если агент имеет право акцептовать заказы в ограниченном объеме.

18. Сумма комиссии составляет 10% от суммы всех заказов.

19. Агентское соглашение подписано представителями обеих сторон: принципала и агента.

20. Все изменения данного соглашения должны быть сделаны в письменной форме.

21. Наши агенты делают все возможное, чтобы обеспечивать принципала всей необходимой информацией, способствующей развитию бизнеса принципала.

22. Все предоставленные образцы остаются в собственности принципала.

23. Полученная комиссия должна быть выплачена в полном объеме.

24. Принципал снабжает агента всеми необходимыми образцами товаров и рекламными материалами.

25. Агенту будут предоставлены копии писем, полученных от других фирм на вверенной агенту территории.

26. Принципал снабжает агента информацией по комиссии, причитающейся за все поставки товаров, осуществленные агентом в течение квартала.

27. Агент должен немедленно сообщать принципалу о каждом полученном заказе.

28. Агент обязан вернуть все образцы по требованию принципала и за его счет.

29. Сумма комиссии, которую должен получить агент, подлежит выплате в день, когда принципал направляет агенту уведомление о комиссии.

30. Агент уполномочен взимать деньги с клиентов при получении специального разрешения.
Источник: -
Цель: -
Результаты (английский) 1: [копия]
13. price deviation is possible only upon receipt of a written consent of the principal.14. the agent may not require the Commission to supply, for which the client will not be able to pay.15. the agreement is governed by the laws of the host country of the agent.16. the agreement may be terminated by either party by 3 months ' notice by registered letter.17. The principal must provide information to the agent if the agent has the right to accept limited orders.18. The amount of the Commission is 10% of the sum of all orders.19. The agency agreement signed by representatives of both parties: the principal and the agent.20. all modifications to this agreement must be made in writing.21. Our agents do their best to provide the principal all the necessary information to promote the business of the principal.22. All samples remain the property of the principal.23. the information received by the Commission must be paid in full.24. The principal agent provides all the necessary samples of products and promotional materials.25. The agent shall be provided with copies of the letters received from other firms entrusted agent territory.26. The principal provides information on agent commissions due for all supplies of goods carried out by the agent during the quarter.27. the agent shall notify the principal of each order received.28. the agent shall return all samples on demand principal and for his account.29. The Commission amount that should get an agent, shall be payable on the day when the principal sends notification of agent Commission.30. the agent is authorized to collect money from clients in obtaining special permission.
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Результаты (английский) 2:[копия]
13. The deviation from the price only possible when receiving the written consent of the principal.

14. The agent can not claim commission on the supplies for which the client is unable to make payments.

15. The agreement is governed by the laws of the host country's agent.

16. The agreement may be terminated by either party by notice of 3 months by registered letter.

17. The Principal shall provide the information to the agent if the agent has the right to accept orders to a limited extent.

18. The amount of commission is 10% of total orders.

19. Agency Agreement signed by representatives of both sides of the principal and the agent.

20. All changes to this Agreement must be made in writing.

21. Our agents are doing everything possible to provide the principal with all necessary information, contributing to the development of the principal business.

22. All submitted samples remain the property of the principal.

23. The premium received must be paid in full.

24. Principal agent provides all the necessary samples of goods and advertising materials.

25. Agent copies of letters will be provided obtained from other companies in the area entrusted to the agent.

26. Principal is the information agent for the Commission, all due for the supply of goods, carried out by the agent during the quarter.

27. Agent shall immediately inform the principal about each order received.

28. The agent is obliged to return all the samples at the request of the principal and at his expense.

29. The amount of commission to be received by the agent, to be paid on the day when the principal agent sends notification of the Commission.

30. The Agent is authorized to collect money from customers in obtaining a special permit.
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Результаты (английский) 3:[копия]
13. the deviation of prices is possible only upon the written consent of the principal.14. the agent may not require the delivery for which the client will not be able to pay.15. the agreement is governed by the law of the host country of the agent.16. the agreement may be terminated by either party by three months notice by registered letter.17. principal shall provide information to the agent if the agent has the right to accept orders in limited.18. the commission is 10% of the sum of all orders.19. an agency agreement signed by representatives of both parties, the principal and agent.20. all modifications of this agreement must be made in writing.21. our agents are doing their utmost to ensure that the principal of all the necessary information for the development of business of the principal.22. all the samples remain the property of the principal.23. the commission must be paid in full.24. principal agent supplying all necessary samples of products and advertising materials.25. the agent will be provided with copies of the letters received from other firms in agent area.26. principal agent provides information on the commission owed for delivery of the goods by the agent during the quarter.27. agent shall immediately report to the принципалу on each received order.28. an agent is obliged to return all the samples at the request of the principal, and at his expense.29. the commission, which should be the agent shall be paid on the day when the principal sends the agent a notice of the commission.30. the agent is authorized to collect money from customers in obtaining special permission.
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